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In January 2000, two Ambassador taxis twisted their way up the narrow road leading towards Dharamsala in the Himalayan foothills of northern India - the home-in-exile of the Dalai Lama. In one taxi was a fourteen-year-old boy, the 17th Karmapa, one of the most important figures in Tibetan Buddhism. The boy's arrival in Dharamsala was the culmination of an extraordinary escape which had brought him 900 miles across the Himalayas, in conditions of high danger, from the monastery in Tibet where he had lived since he was seven years old. Fascinated by this charismatic young figure, Mick Brown travelled to Dharamsala to meet him, and found himself drawn into the labyrinthine - not to say surreal - web of intrigue surrounding the 17th Karmapa's recognition and young life.
Legends of Pro Wrestling offers the first comprehensive look at the entire world of wrestling. With detailed biographies and neverbefore- seen statistics of some of the greatest athletes in the sport, you will be able to read about hundreds of wrestlers, dating back to the mid-1800s. As the first of its kind, this centralized reference allows wrestling enthusiasts a range of information at their fingertips and stands alone as the “ultimate wrestling resource.” This book offers readers a link between what happened a century ago to what is currently happening today. A fan of Bruno Sammartino or “Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers can enjoy this book as much as someone who follows John Cena or The Undertaker today. This collection is a never-ending source of facts, figures, and other entertaining data. Professional wrestling is a world of accomplishment and legacy. Through injuries, sickness, and family tribulations, many wrestlers have given everything there is to give in the ring and true fans of the sport love every second of it. No matter your age, if you’re a fan of professional wrestling, Legends of Pro Wrestling is the book for you to own and cherish.
Before it became part of the vast Beaubien-Miranda Land Grant (later the Maxwell Land Grant) of more than 1.7 million acres in the New Mexico territory, the Moreno Valley was the summer hunting grounds of Apache and Ute native tribes. Later this was the scene of a gold rush, the center of the Colfax County War, a passageway to the Santa Fe Trail, and on the regular route of American frontiersman Kit Carson. Visionaries, explorers, ranchers, scallywags, and murderers called the location home. At one time the population of this obscure place was larger than that of Santa Fe, and the now-ghost town of Elizabethtown was proposed to become the state capitol. Little had been written about the history of northern New Mexico’s Moreno Valley until the 1990s, when a group of business people called upon local writers to research and document the fascinating history of the area and the towns that still exist here today. Speaking with members of the pioneer families who came West with nothing much more than grit and determination, the resulting oral history grew to encompass the work of historians and, with the blessing of the History Department at University of New Mexico, the resulting book brought to life the legends of the Moreno Valley’s tumultuous past. Now in its 3rd Revised and Expanded edition Lure, Lore, and Legends is a must-read for anyone who has ever visited or dreams of visiting northern New Mexico. Praise for Lure, Lore, and Legends of the Moreno Valley: “It was an honor to play even a minor role in introducing these hardy souls to the arduous but fulfilling work of incorporating oral testimony into historical research. They applied their writer’s sensibility and its attendant demand for perfection to a task few have attempted before. Their product speaks for itself … a gift given back to a region which has brought them so much joy and pleasure … an acknowledgement of a debt owed those who came before and who might have been relegated to oblivion by the oversight of professional historians had they not taken pen and microphone in hand?” –Carlos Vasquez, The University of New Mexico [from the Foreword] Reviews from the 1st edition: “Fun read, especially if you are new to the area.” – Bob Hurt, 5 stars, online review “This book was of especial interest since we now have a cabin in this region. A must for locals.” – Suzanne M. Schneider, 5 stars “Full of stories about the history of Northern New Mexico, well written by a selection of published and new authors.” – rsafford, 5 stars “The Moreno Writer's Guild have put together a wonderful book about the history of Moreno Valley (For Vietnam Veterans that includes Angel Fire Vietnam Memorial.) Great book to read while visiting that part of New Mexico. I visit Angel Fire often and found the book to be entertaining and enlightening about why the area is like it is today - like the unfinished tunnel on the north side of Eagle Nest lake, and of course, the building of the Vietnam Memorial. This area is so rich with treasured old stories and tales that the authors share with us. I would recommend a copy of this book to any visitors to the area or for those who just like reading local history books. it is most enjoyable to read.” – Rev. Bill McDonald Jr., 4 stars, online
The 2018 Edition of the Complete & Independent Guide to the Eurovision Song Contest is the 11th edition of this book and as usual it's packed with statistical details of every Contest since 1956 along with plenty of new analysis, over 337 pages, our biggest edition ever. The book looks at the national qualification competitions for 2018 and has an in-depth section on the entire voting history of each country, along with dozens of facts and statistics on this year's Contest and historical trends, including jury/public differences, bloc voting and analysis of where best to perform in the running order.
Вперше у практиці видання подібних підручників його зміст та структура відповідають рекомендаціям Ради Європи та орієнтовані на Кембріджські тести. Автори прагнули врахувати новітні досягнення філології та методики навчання іноземних мов. Зокрема, у підручнику застосовуються автентичні тексти з американських та британських ЗМІ, комбінаторні таблиці для засвоєння сполучуваності лексики, систематичне введення та опрацювання компонентів повної системи англійських прийменників, елементи проблемного навчання, англо-українські та українсько-англійські словники до кожного уроку, великий обсяг соціокультурної інформації, що стосується особливостей життя у Великобританії та США, сучасні фото та малюнки. До відмінностей підручника слід також додати урахування вікових особливостей студентів та афективних чинників навчання, дозоване застосування гумору, фабульну презентацію матеріалу, Сучасна система вправ передбачає паралельний розвиток усіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності (аудіювання, говоріння, читання, письма). Спеціальні вправи для розвитку перекладацьких навичок та умінь (способи передачі власних імен та назв, на розвиток умінь роботи зі словниками, на забезпечення комунікації в туристичній, готельній індустріях, а також у галузі повітряних перевезень) сприяють формуванню фахової компетенції. Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів, що спеціалізуються у галузі іноземної філології, студентів перекладацьких відділень (факультетів) університетів, фахівців, які прагнуть вдосконалити власні навички та уміння практичного володіння англійською мовою та перекладу.
Lionel Messi is one of the most celebrated football players in history. He was born on June 24, 1987, in Rosario, Argentina. His love for football started at a very young age, and he would play with his brothers in the streets of his hometown. He was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency at the age of 11, which led him to join the Barcelona Football Academy where he received treatment. His remarkable talent soon became apparent, and he quickly became a vital player for the team, scoring numerous goals and breaking records. Messi has since won numerous awards like the Ballon D'Or and Golden Foot titles, and he continues to amaze fans with his incredible skills. Messi has not only made a name for himself as a football player, but he is also well known for his humanitarian efforts. Through his Leo Messi Foundation, he supports numerous charitable causes aimed at improving the lives of children in need. He is also an ambassador for UNICEF, a global organization that works to improve the lives of children in over 190 countries worldwide. Messi's humble nature and dedication to his craft have made him an inspiration to millions of football fans worldwide, and he continues to lead by example on and off the pitch.
Scenes from the plays and portraits of leading actors accompany a statistical record of the current season
More than half a century after the birth of rock, the musical genre that began as a rebellious underground phenomenon is now acknowledged as America's-and the world's-most popular and influential musical medium, as well as the soundtrack to several generations' worth of history. From Ray Charles to Joni Mitchell to Nirvana, rock music has been an undeniable force in both reflecting and shaping our cultural landscape. Icons of Rock offers a vivid overview of rock's pervasive role in contemporary society by profiling the lives and work of the music's most legendary artists. Most rock histories, by virtue of their all-encompassing scope, are unable to cover the lives and work of individual artists in depth, or to place those artists in a broader context. This two-volume set, by contrast, provides extensive biographies of the 24 greatest rock n' rollers of all time, examining their influences, innovations, and impact in a critical and historical perspective. Entries inside this unique reference explore the issues, trends, and movements that defined the cultural and social climate of the artists' music. Sidebars spotlight the many iconic elements associated with rock, such as rock festivals, protest songs, and the British Invasion. Providing a wealth of information on the icons, culture, and mythology of America's most beloved music, this biographical encyclopedia will serve as an invaluable resource for students and music fans alike.
A vivid and energetic history of Van Halen's legendary early years After years of playing gigs everywhere from suburban backyards to dive bars, Van Halen — led by frontman extraordinaire David Lee Roth and guitar virtuoso Edward Van Halen — had the songs, the swagger, and the talent to turn the rock world on its ear. The quartet's classic 1978 debut, Van Halen, sold more than a million copies within months of release and rocketed the band to the stratosphere of rock success. On tour, Van Halen's high-energy show wowed audiences and prompted headlining acts like Black Sabbath to concede that they'd been blown off the stage. By the year's end, Van Halen had established themselves as superstars and reinvigorated heavy metal in the process. Based on more than 230 original interviews — including with former Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony and power players like Pete Angelus, Marshall Berle, Donn Landee, Ted Templeman, and Neil Zlozower — Van Halen Rising reveals the untold story of how these rock legends made the unlikely journey from Pasadena, California, to the worldwide stage.