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Can there only be one Rapture? The Rapture Code—Part One of an—Eight-Book Coded Series! This is the first book of an Eight-Book Coded Series, concerning Christian living. I’ve been a Christian for 34 yrs., and for over 30 of those years, I have tried to augment the Rapture of the Church; with additional biblical evidence. I started out all those years ago; to accomplish this one task. Well, God has greatly blessed me, in that I found not—one code—concerning the Rapture, but a coded series of eight codes total. Thus, each one relating to the Christians walking out their salvation, in one aspect or another. (Doctrinally, this first book pertains to the Rapture of the Church in a Pre-Millennial position, that promotes as true; The Seven-year Tribulation, the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ; here on earth, the “little season” of Satan, and then the New Heavens and Earth.) What I have uncovered is a deeper answer that gives good reasons for all three rapture positions, which are: Pre-, Mid-, and Post-Tribulation—being three different raptures all taking place during this 7 year time period. Thus, there being three separate raptures instead of just one. I see there are—three raptures of—three different groups of peoples in the Tribulation Period. Instead of the one group—of the one—Rapture of the Church—in only one—of the three rapture positions offered us. Namely, the rapture positions of: Pre-, or Mid-, or Post-Tribulation. Thus again, I see three different raptures taking place as follows: Rapture of the Church—Rapture of the Two Witnessess—Rapture of the Elect of Israel (Pre-Tribulation) (Mid-Tribulation) (Post-Tribulation) Israel is always the key to proper biblical prophecy. Without Israel in existence today as a nation; there would be no final: End Times. Israel and the Church are separate in the Scriptures, and so it only makes sense (especially after seeing the evidence that I have accumulated in this book) that Israel would have it’s “OWN” rapture. Further, Christians, are making the same error of judgment pertaining to Christ’s Rapture of the Church (seeing only one rapture); that Israel made concerning Christ’s First Coming. Israel, perceived wrongly that there was only one Coming of Christ, which they were sorely mistaken, and we now know that there are two Comings of the LORD, one 2,000 yrs. ago and one in the near future. But Christians are making the same error in thinking that there is only one rapture of one major group of people: The Rapture of the Church. When in fact, there are—two raptures of—two major groups of peoples, as noted above. (Note: The Two Witnesses are not a group, though, I feel, with some Scriptural evidence; that the 144,000 may go up with the Witnesses.) In which the “Left Behind” notion will be proved wrong. Also, I have found a “word pattern order” exclusive to the KJB, that shows forth this order in many OT verses as well as the NT. I have found the threefold pattern of these three raptures in the “Breastplate of the High Priest,” in the “Seven Feasts of Israel,” in the books of “Daniel and Revelation,” in the books of “Matthew, Mark, and Luke,” and in many other places! In addition, these truths will strengthen the “Eternal Security” of any Believer. Finally, I have discovered many new “study aids” for advance studies that only appear in the KJB, which will strengthen the Christian for the ongoing battle for the Bible—The King James Bible, in which these study aids can and will be demonstrated throughout this Eight-Book Coded Series, by which these eight codes are based in Acts 3. The codes are there in this chapter; four times—in a four times over—repeating order—perfectly. This co
The bestselling authors of "Beyond the Millennium" and "The Fourth Millennium" bring readers this prophetic thriller based on the idea that there is a secret code in the Bible that pinpoints crucial dates and events.
What does the Bible really predict will happen and when? But how much of what we read in today's headlines and best-selling books is true? Why are there so many different viewpoints among Christians, and are any of them right?
“A highly personal, richly informed and culturally wide-ranging meditation on the loss of meaning in our times and on pathways to rediscovering it.” —Gabor Maté, MD, author of In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction A neuroanthropologist maps out a revolutionary new practice—Hedonic Engineering—that combines the best of neuroscience and optimal psychology. It’s an intensive program of breathing, movement, and sexuality that mends trauma, heightens inspiration and tightens connections—helping us wake up, grow up, and show up for a world that needs us all. This is a book about a big idea. And the idea is this: Slowly over the past few decades, and now suddenly, all at once, we’re suffering from a collapse in Meaning. Fundamentalism and nihilism are filling that vacuum, with consequences that affect us all. In a world that needs us at our best, diseases of despair, tribalism, and disaster fatigue are leaving us at our worst. It’s vital that we regain control of the stories we’re telling because they are shaping the future we’re creating. To do that, we have to remember our deepest inspiration, heal our pain and apathy, and connect to each other like never before. If we can do that, we’ve got a shot at solving the big problems we face. And if we can’t? Well, the dustbin of history has swallowed civilizations older and fancier than ours. This book is divided into three parts. The first, Choose Your Own Apocalypse, takes a look at our current Meaning Crisis--where we are today, why it’s so hard to make sense of the world, what might be coming next, and what to do about it. It also makes a case that many of our efforts to cope, whether anxiety and denial, or tribalism and identity politics, are likely making things worse. The middle section, The Alchemist Cookbook, applies the creative firm IDEO’s design thinking to the Meaning Crisis. This is where the book gets hands on--taking a look at the strongest evolutionary drivers that can bring about inspiration, healing, and connection. From breathing, to movement, sexuality, music, and substances--these are the everyday tools to help us wake up, grow up, and show up. AKA--how to blow yourself sky high with household materials. And the best part? They’re accessible, by anyone anywhere, no middleman required. Transcendence democratized. The final third of the book, Ethical Cult Building, focuses on the tricky nature of putting these kinds of experiences into gear and into culture—because, anytime in the past when we’ve figured out combinations of peak states and deep healing, we’ve almost always ended up with problematic culty communities. Playing with fire has left a lot of people burned. This section lays out a roadmap for sparking a thousand fires around the world--each one unique and tailored to the needs and values of its participants. Think of it as an open-source toolkit for building ethical culture. In Recapture the Rapture, we’re taking radical research out of the extremes and applying it to the mainstream--to the broader social problem of healing, believing, and belonging. It’s providing answers to the questions we face: how to replace blind faith with direct experience, how to move from broken to whole, and how to cure isolation with connection. Said even more plainly, it shows us how to revitalize our bodies, boost our creativity, rekindle our relationships, and answer once and for all the questions of why we are here and what do we do now? In a world that needs the best of us from the rest of us, this is a book that shows us how to get it done.
What if God embedded a code in the Bible that could only be cracked in the end times--a prophetic cypher that reveals how the four blood moons and the biblical Shemitah are just signs of the beginning of end-time events? Unlocking a great mystery that has puzzled scholars for nearly two thousand years, THE BABYLON CODE reveals how powerful forces are now at work to create a global government, cashless society, and universal religion as predicted by the prophets. The result of a five-year journalistic investigation, THE BABYLON CODE takes readers on a spellbinding journey to explore the link between the world's most secret organizations, the Bible's greatest prophetic riddle, and what world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham describes as a convergence in end-time signs for the first time in history. This prophetic mystery book pieces together the apocalyptic puzzle--uncovering what may be not only the biggest story and political scandal in modern history, but also the secret to both our survival and our salvation.
The idea of "The Rapture" -- the return of Christ to rescue and deliver Christians off the earth -- is an extremely popular interpretation of the Bible's Book of Revelation and a jumping-off point for the best-selling "Left Behind" series of books. This interpretation, based on a psychology of fear and destruction, guides the daily acts of thousands if not millions of people worldwide. In The Rapture Exposed, Barbara Rossing argues that this script for the world's future is nothing more than a disingenuous distortion of the Bible. The truth, Rossing argues, is that Revelation offers a vision of God's healing love for the world. The Rapture Exposed reclaims Christianity from fundamentalists' destructive reading of the biblical story and back into God's beloved community.
CRACKING THE TWIN GLOBAL RESET CODE This book reveals how the process of Cracking the Twin Global Reset Code Led to discovering several other SECRET CODES. Those codes reveal Hidden aspects of The end times. These codes were THE PANDEMIC CODE, THE ANGEL OF DEATH CODE, THE GREAT FAMILY REUNION CODE. WILL THESE CODES TIE COMING END TIMES TO OUR GENERATION
Why is there so much confusion about how and when the rapture will take place? What does the Bible say for certain about this event? When will the Tribulation occur, and who will face it? There is a lot of discussion among Christians about the rapture and the last days. Why all the different views? And how do those perspectives line up with Scripture? Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice have assembled a team of longtime Bible prophecy experts who look carefully to God's Word for the answers. In this book, readers will discover what they can know for certain. And as they consider the things that still remain uncertain, they will gain a renewed trust that God knows what He is doing. His plan is perfect, and it will unfold in His timing. An easy-to-understand resource that provides much-needed clarification about the end times.