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The main source of archaeological evidence for Late Roman Republican camps is a complex of installations around the Iberian city of Numantia in Spain, excavated by Adolf Schulten in the early 1900s. This book reassesses Schulten and concludes that much of his interpretation is questionable. Radically different alternative reconstructions making use of recent fieldwork are presented for several of the sites. A discussion of dating evidence leads to alternative dates being offered for some of the camps. To aid interpreting the sites, army organisation and art of encampment for the period of the Numantine Wars is discussed. This study gives added importance to the sites at Numantia, for they not only form the main source of archaeological evidence for Late Republican camps, but provide evidence for the form of camp for both the late manipular army and the early cohort one.
This Church’s Bible volume on the Gospel of John contains carefully selected and translated homilies and commentaries from such church fathers as Cyril of Alexandria, Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory the Great, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Augustine, Athanasius, and the Venerable Bede. Ranging chronologically from the second century to the ninth, these substantial patristic selections provide an illuminating window into the breadth of the church’s interpretive tradition on John’s Gospel. Authors of Works Excerpted Ambrose of Milan Ammonius of Alexandria Aphrahat Apostolic Constitutions Athanasius of Alexandria Augustine of Hippo Basil of Caesarea Bede Caesarius of Arles Clement of Alexandria Cyprian of Carthage Cyril of Alexandria Cyril of Jerusalem Didymus the Blind Ephrem the Syrian Gregory of Nazianzus Gregory of Nyssa Gregory the Great Hilary of Poitiers Hippolytus of Rome Irenaeus of Lyons Jerome John Cassian John Chrysostom John of Damascus John Scotus Eriugena Justin Martyr Leo the Great Maximus of Turin Novatian Origen of Alexandria Peter Chrysologus Romanos the Melodist Rufinus of Aquileia Severian of Gabala Sophronius of Jerusalem Tertullian of Carthage Theodore of Mopsuestia Theodoret of Cyrus Theophilus of Alexandria
This deluxe volume on Caesarea, climaxing new excavations in 1992-95, discusses comprehensively a famous ancient city's archaeology, history and culture. New discoveries include the amphitheater and royal palace, temple dedicated to Roma and Augustus, and the spectacular artificial harbor explored under water.
Herzog has written an introduction for seminary and college students to the discussion about the historical Jesus. He reports on the findings of the Jesus Seminar and also traces other scholarly work in Jesus studies, but with an eye to the theological.