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A flock of Pinyon Jays arrive in a flash of blue, and leave again just as suddenly. This once mysterious bird is now the subject of over 20 years of intensive research involving over one thousand colour-marked jays by Russell Balda, John Marzluff and their colleagues and helpers. This plain blue bird has turned out to be anything but plain in its biology and behaviour. Uniquely dependent on the seeds of the Pinyon Pine for food, they have developed a number of behavioural and morphological adaptations to best utilise this resource, above all caching enough seeds each autumn to supply their needs throughout the winter and fuel their unusual habit of nesting in late winter. Fluctuations in pine-seed supply, both by season and between years, poses special problems for these birds and has led to their extremely flexible and complex social system in which learning and memory play an unusually large part. They store pine seeds and retrieve them with uncanny accuracy; they form lifelong pair bonds and nest colonially, occasionally involving younger birds to help established pairs rear the young; and they use their large vocabulary to coordinate activities within one of the largest known avian societies. This intriguing story will fascinate both the enthusiastic amateur birder and the professional alike. Packed with information, it presents Pinyon Jay biology in a readable form and places them into the wider context of studies on bird ecology and evolution. Fine illustrations by Tony Angell, with additional pictures by Caroline Bauder, complete this attractive addition to any birder's bookshelf.
The Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) is an obligate bird of piñon-juniper and other pine-juniper woodlands that has experienced significant population declines and is of increasing conservation concern. The purpose of this strategy is to summarize current knowledge about Pinyon Jays and identify research, monitoring, and conservation actions required to improve their population status. Pinyon Jays are highly social and maintain year-round flocks that occupy large home ranges and use a variety of woodland habitats for foraging, caching piñon nuts, nesting, and roosting. The Partners in Flight North American Landbird Conservation Plan estimates a current global population of 770,000 Pinyon Jays. Over the period from 1967–2015, populations declined by 3.69% annually for an estimated total loss of 83.5%. The causes of these declines are unclear, largely because Pinyon Jays remain understudied. Most earlier research has occurred in New Mexico and Arizona and has focused on behavior or on habitat associations at nest colonies. More recent and ongoing research efforts are focused on understanding habitat requirements, resource needs, and movement patterns throughout the entire annual cycle in different regions of the species’ range. Future research needs include: identifying home ranges and nesting colony sites, habitat use and requirements, nesting biology and survival, assessing causes of local and regional declines, and assessing effects of management. As Pinyon Jay populations have declined, the piñon-juniper woodlands that provide most of their habitat also face potential threats, including removal of trees to accomplish other management priorities, long-term fire suppression, changes in woodland age and tree density, and changing climatic conditions that cause reduced piñon nut production and increased piñon pine mortality. Effective management and conservation of the Pinyon Jay depends on a better understanding of the species’ habitat requirements, identification of the factors that limit population size, and a clearer understanding of woodland dynamics and health. The information provided in this strategy to inform management is based on the best available science and is intended to help minimize unintended negative impacts to Pinyon Jays associated with current vegetation management activities. Collaboration between land managers and Pinyon Jay researchers provides a compelling approach to increase our knowledge of the species, better understand management trade-offs, and identify positive actions that could improve habitat for the species and reverse negative long-term population trends.
"In this elegant narrative, celebrated naturalist Ted Floyd guides you through a year of becoming a better birder. Choosing 200 top avian species to teach key lessons, Floyd introduces a new, holistic approach to bird watching and shows how to use the tools of the 21st century to appreciate the natural world we inhabit together whether city, country or suburbs." -- From book jacket.
Florida Scrub Jays are an excellent example of a cooperative-breeding species, in which adult birds often help raise offspring not their own. For more than a decade Glen E. Woolfenden and John W. Fitzpatrick studied a marked population of these birds in an attempt to establish a demographic base for understanding the phenomenon of "helping at the nest." By studying both population biology and behavior, the authors found that habitat restraints, rather than kin selection, are the main source of the behavior of Florida Scrub Jays: the goal of increasing the number of close relatives other than descendants in future generations is of relatively minor importance in their cooperative-breeding behavior. The Florida Scrub Jay lives only in the Florida oak scrub. All acceptable habitat is constantly filled with breeders. Each year about half of the pairs are assisted by one to several nonbreeding helpers. This book provides extensive data on fecundity, survivorship, relatedness, and dispersal to establish the demographic milieu and to address questions arising out of observed helping behavior--whom, how, when, and why the helpers help.
The status of the rich avifauna of western North America is ever changing in response to human influences, geomorphic processes, and natural climatic variation. Documenting and synthesizing the patterns, rate, and causes of these changes is crucial for the conservation of birds in this region, particularly in a time of rapid climate change, expanding human population, and accelerated resource extraction. To that end, a symposium on avifaunal change was held at Western Field Ornithologists' annual conference in San Diego, California, in October 2014, which formed the basis for the current volume. The papers herein emphasize the overarching themes of the effects of extensive habitat loss and degradation on the avifauna of the West in the 19th and 20th centuries and the responses of birds to environmental change and variation. Several papers portray rays of hope, documenting reversals of trends in the loss of some important habitats, the recovery of some avian populations in response to management, and resiliency in other species as they adapt to novel habitats. Others express increasing concern for the potential future effects of a rapidly changing climate. Most emphasize the importance of long-term monitoring of the population trends, distribution, and ecological attributes of the region's birdlife. The geographical representation and bird species or groups covered varies widely. Collectively these papers should aid in the long-term conservation of the region's birdlife.--
Public Waters shows how, as popular hopes and dreams meet tough terrain, a central idea that has historically structured water management can guide water policy for Western states today.
Songbirds, waterfowl, owls, shorebirds, warblers, woodpeckers, nightjars, birds of prey. Dozens of feather groups photographed in color.