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“Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” What does it mean to be perfect? Is entire sanctification possible in this life? Such words evoke worry and wonder in this time. In this introductory resource, pastor Nick Quient carefully explores the relevant questions surrounding Pauline theology and the journey toward perfect holiness in Christ. Addressing topics like sin, heaven, marriage, and the work of Jesus Christ in relation to sanctification, this book is a helpful resource for the church and for pastor-theologians who are seeking to live out the life of the Spirit.
"Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." What does it mean to be perfect? Is entire sanctification possible in this life? Such words evoke worry and wonder in this time. In this introductory resource, pastor Nick Quient carefully explores the relevant questions surrounding Pauline theology and the journey toward perfect holiness in Christ. Addressing topics like sin, heaven, marriage, and the work of Jesus Christ in relation to sanctification, this book is a helpful resource for the church and for pastor-theologians who are seeking to live out the life of the Spirit.
All our perfection consists in the love of our infinitely amiable God. But the perfection of charity consists in the conformity of our will with the will of God. For as St. Dionysius the Areopagite teaches, the principal effect of love consists therein that, it unites the hearts of the lovers most intimately, to the extent that they have but one will. Thus the more we are one with the will of God, the greater is our love of God. As hatred holds apart the will among enemies, love unites the will among lovers. Thus St. Jerome writes, "Two persons will love one another truly, when one desires but what the other wills." For this reason the Book of Wisdom says, "They that are faithful in love shall rest in Him." (Wis. 3:9) Souls that are attached to God in true love concur in everything He arranges. Accordingly, St. Francis de Sales was right in maintaining that piety consists in the firm will to do everything one knows to be pleasing to God. St. Thomas maintains the same, saying, "Piety consists in the readiness to do all that God demands."
THIS volume contains the quintessence of the science of the saints. It gives a correct idea of the spirit, of the heart, and of the talent of Saint Alphonsus: one might say that in it his whole soul is poured out. The entire work is divided into three parts. In the first, we resume, under another form, the considerations on the eternal truths or the Last Things, treated at greater length in the preceding volume. The second part traces and paves the way that leads to divine love, or to sanctity and true happiness, and inspires us at the same time with the desire, the zeal, and the courage to undertake everything to reach this end. The third part transports us to the summit of the holy mountain, or Christian perfection, shows us in detail the mysteries of the interior life, and enables us to breathe its sweetest perfume.
This first of two volumes comprises Thomas F. Torrance's lectures delivered to students in Christian Dogmatics on Christology at New College, Edinburgh, from 1952 to 1978. In eight chapters these expertly edited lectures focus on the meaning and significance of the incarnation and the person of Christ.
A Plain Account of Christian Perfection by John Wesley is about the theory of perfection according to Christian theology. Excerpt: "1. WHAT I purpose in the following pages is, to give a plain and distinct account of the steps by which I was led, during the course of many years, to embrace the doctrine of Christian Perfection. This I owe to the serious part of mankind; those who desire to know all the truth as it is in Jesus. And these only are concerned with questions of this kind. To these I would nakedly declare the thing as it is, endeavoring all along to show, from one period to another, both what I thought, and why I thought so."
The promise of Eternal life has been a clarion call to the Saints for centuries, rousing them to action and heroic virtue. Some have retreated into the deserts to undergo every sort of torment so that they would be more sure of reaching Heaven. The knew that, compared with Eternity, this life is but a shadow. St Alphonsus Liguori's Attaining Salvation is a timeless, priceless compass for that journey. Written when the great Doctor of the Church was 77 years old, this treasury of reflections shines with the mature learning of a brilliant mind and a life filled with the study and service of God. With 45 short chapters filled with provocative Scripture quotes, this book is at once challenging and easy to understand. It can be read a little at a time or all at once with equal benefit. The chapters cover a wide range of topics, including: The Thought of Eternity, We Are Pilgrims on Earth, I Must One Day Die, Necessity of Mental Prayer, The Mercy of God, Detachment from Creatures, Lukewarmness, and Purity of Intention. Attaining Salvation is a beautiful gem that will instruct and inspire every reader because it is written with the commanding insight of one of the Church's great saints. Its words do not just feed the intellect; they nurture the soul. It is St Alphonsus Liguori at his best.
Translator's Note 4 PART I. 5 Containing the Rule of Perfection, and the mode of knowing and Exercising Its degrees. Chapter I. 5 Proposing and Explaining of this Rule. Chapter II. 18 Of the mode whereby this Will of God is known and brought into practice. Chapter III. 23 Of the peculiar mode of entering into the practice of this exercise, of persisting in it with fruit, and of making advance in it. PART II. Of the twofold state of this exercise. Chapter I. 38 Of the outward Will. Chapter II. 41 Of the inner Will of God. Conclusion. 54 The Holy Ghost is the Uncreated Will of God. His devout servants cannot honour Him better than by making their wills uniform with this Divine Will. This Will of God was our Lord's normal rule of conduct when on earth. He says: "I do always those things that please Him;" and again: "Not My Will but Thine be done." By willing what God wills we come to have "the mind of Christ," and being joined to the Lord, have one Spirit with Him. THE TRANSLATOR.