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One of the clearest presentations of India's Advaita Vedanta, the doctrine of Oneness. Adams, an American student of the great master, Ramana Maharshi, discourses with wisdom and delightful humor as he clarifies for Westerners India's teaching of Ultimate Reality.
Written by a young human rights worker, "Silence on the Mountain" is a virtuoso work of reporting and a masterfully plotted narrative tracing the history of Guatemala's 36-year internal war, a conflict that claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people.
The millions of recovering addicts who attend Twelve Step programs around the world each dayfor issues ranging from alcoholism to overeating, codependence, gambling, and even chronic latenessquickly learn that sobriety and abstinence hinge on a decision to turn over their will and life to a Power greater than themselves. They also learn, through the program's 11th Step, that prayer and meditation are vital tools for making this conscious contact with a Higher Power of their understanding.
Listening from the Heart of Silence: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy, Volume 2 is a companion volume to The Sacred Mirror. It expands and deepens the groundbreaking dialogue begun in The Sacred Mirror. The title Listening from the Heart of Silence refers to a quality of listening that originates prior to the duality of the one who listens and the one who is heard. It is a listening that is global, spacious, and paradoxically (to the mind at least), extremely intimate. It comes from and points to our homeground in silent, lucid openness - what some have called the Heart. When we listen from this heart of silence, we invite healing on the deepest level, welcoming everything just as it is. This is as true in our ordinary relationships as it is in the specialized relationship between therapist and client. Once the heart of silence is fully recognized, our lives begin to move from the inside out with greater honesty, love, spontaneity and power, radiating out like concentric circles on the surface of a pond. Our lives increasingly embody our deepest truth. All psychological suffering is ultimately rooted in the misunderstanding of who we really are. The vital current of nondual wisdom implicit in the world's great spiritual traditions directly addresses the origins of the profound sense of lack and separation that are the basis of human suffering.
Thunderous Silence throws light on the Heart Sutra--a pithy encapsulation of the essence of Perfection of Wisdom literature--using stop-by-step analysis and an easy, conversational voice. Dosung Yoo examines the sutra phrase by phrase, using rich explanations and metaphors drawn from Korean folklore, quantum physics, Charles Dickens, and everything in between to clarify subtle concepts for the reader. This book invites us to examine the fundamentals of Buddhism--the Four Noble Truths, emptiness, enlightenment--through the prism of the Heart Sutra. Both those new to Buddhism and longtime practitioners looking to revisit a core text from a fresh perspective will find this work appealing.
John Cage is the outstanding composer of avant-garde music today. The Saturday Review said of him: “Cage possesses one of the rarest qualities of the true creator- that of an original mind- and whether that originality pleases, irritates, amuses or outrages is irrelevant.” “He refuses to sermonize or pontificate. What John Cage offers is more refreshing, more spirited, much more fun-a kind of carefree skinny-dipping in the infinite. It’s what’s happening now.” –The American Record Guide “There is no such thing as an empty space or an empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear. In fact, try as we may to make a silence, we cannot. Sounds occur whether intended or not; the psychological turning in direction of those not intended seems at first to be a giving up of everything that belongs to humanity. But one must see that humanity and nature, not separate, are in this world together, that nothing was lost when everything was given away.”
As numerous hearing parents with deaf children have already learned, Jack and Margaret Cline come to realize that something is seriously wrong with their only son, Christopher. Story describes a deaf man's journey through two worlds.
More than ten million readers have enjoyed Robert Boyd Munger's spiritually challenging meditation on Christian discipleship. Now revised and expanded, My Heart--Christ's Home leads you to examine for yourself all the aspects of your life--considering what Christ most desires for you.