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Beloved, if you are in Christ Jesus, then you are anointed with an everlasting spiritual oil. You have the mandate to carry God around and reflect Him because Christ has reconciled you to God when He sent us the Holy Spirit. As you reflect Him, you keep His precepts and defend His Word. So whenever you hear “Touch not my anointed know ye that you are the anointed of God,” and you are chosen for a specific purpose. Find your purpose in the Lord and fulfill it without fear or favor. God does not show favoritism; He has called you to His amazing love through the power of salvation in His dear son, Jesus Christ, the Anointed One. You are anointed, so let no one manipulate you or deceive you. Stand with the truth in the word of God always, and remember, unto freedom you are called!
The Esther Anointing gives you the keys to Esther's success, including the qualities that make women great, the power of influence, and the key to finding God's favor for your assignment.
Running, jumping, lifting, pushing, stretching — our bodies are naturally built to move and work, strengthen and adapt. Yet the gym is a 20th century phenomenon and 'working out'a concept that has produced one of the world's biggest industries: fitness. An industry whose changing ideals reflect society's cultural shifts on what it means to be fit, and how to have the perfect physique. Why the Pain? What's the Gain? takes you on a guided tour of humankind's 3000-year wayward search for the perfect workout; from the dirt courtyards of the ancient Greek gymnasium to the birth of the modern gym in 19th-century Paris; to the weekend, beachside Olympic-caliber gymnasts of Santa Monica and Sydney. Daniel Kunitz seeks the answer to a simple yet profound question: Why do we work out? We will listen in on the innovators and charlatans who lifted the multibillion-dollar business of gym-fitness into being. We will learn how the women's movement sparked an enormous exercise boom and tell the story not only of how we arrived at the big-box gym era but also of the last decade's acceleration into a new fitness frontier. Daniel Kunitz puts himself through the grit and pain of the cross fit, parkour and tough mudder regimes, searching not just for new-found physique, but on a quest to understand the pain and more precisely the gain of working out.
"Greater love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13)""that is exactly what Jesus done for us. Jesus gave his life to pay the debt that we owed and could not pay, and he paid the debt that he did not owe, which was our debt to sin. Now that is costly. One Sunday while preaching, I heard God say, "Look to your left." I did, and there was some writing on the wall that said, "Your debt to sin has been paid in full: it was written in blood." I stopped, and I screamed. I read to the congregation what was written on the wall. Some tried seeing it, but they couldn't""they had to receive the vision that God had given unto me. The blood of Jesus paying our debt to sin is the costly anointing. Jesus made himself a curse to redeem us from the curse of the law. Jesus bore our sins in his body as he hanged on the cross; he bore our griefs and carried our sorrows. The writer of Hebrews said, "For we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities." That is costly. After writing my book, I Overcame by the Blood of the Lamb, I heard God say, "You obtained my anointing by the things that I suffered you to go through. I want you to title this book The Costly Anointing." There is nothing that can compensate for the shedding of Jesus's blood.
"The Pain I've Suffered Was Worth The Gain I've Accomplished," will enlighten the eyes of all who have suffered or are suffering hardships in life. Oftentimes, we tend to place our overall focus on the circumstances or situations that have come to try us in life, therefore, forgetting that nothing just happens and everything that we go through can be taken as an opportunity to grow more in wisdom andknowledge of our purpose and destiny in the earth.This book has beenwrittento helpindividuals understand that God has a perfect will and divine plan for our lives and we can either choose to let life shape and make us for His divine purpose or we can live a life of defeat. This book will certainly empower you to be able to take your focus off of your suffering and push you to allow God's will to be perfected in you that you may walk in and live a victorious life daily. This book, filled with several ofProphetess Manigo'sown testimonies of pain, will empower you and change your life forever.
Finally, a book that gives you step-by step effective TOOLS you can apply daily to “Transform” your life and create the World you choose to live in. Author Harriet P. Harrison’s book Call to Victory “Living in the Anointing” will inspire you to a new spiritual insight about your life and God’s original plan for YOU. Working through this spiritual enrichment book gives you simple step-by step solutions to accept “Transformation” in your life: • Create positive, life-changing experiences, one step at a time. • Evaluate your own personal walk with God. • Establish your own personal power and freedom. • Be willing to face your fears, break old habits and move forward. • End self-limitations and embrace life challenges with greater spiritual alignment with the purpose and plan of God. • Empower you in the word of God to discover your own personal “Greatness” within.
"The Anointing of the Sick is possibly the most underappreciated and understudied sacrament. In To Die Is Gain, Roger Nutt seeks to bring greater attention to and appreciation for the Anointing of the Sick. Beginning with an examination of cultural perceptions of dying, death, and burial, To Die Is Gain exposes the ways in which contemporary atheism and physicalism mark a clear divergence from ancient attitudes. In contrast to contemporary hopelessness, the Anointing of the Sick is a powerful counter witness that highlights the great dignity of the human person and the depth of Christian hope. Unlike the cures to particular ailments facilitated by modern medical science, in Holy Anointing Jesus gives his dying followers the healing graces that they need to pass from this life to the next in loving union with Him. As Nutt exposes the biblical and traditional foundations of this sacrament, he corrects common misconceptions and malpractice of this sacrament, especially the ways in which Vatican II is often misleadingly enlisted to support a broadening of the sacrament from end-of-life situations to non-life threatening illnesses. Finally, Nutt carefully describes the graces and effects of the Anointing of the Sick and richly expounds the theological depth of the rite of the Anointing of the Sick. The result is that readers can confidently say with St. Paul that "To die is gain" (Philippians 1:21)"--
The Christian life is not easy, it is a warfare, but we have something that gives us the edge. It is the anointing. The anointing is the power of the Holy Spirit that is divine supernatural equipment qualifying us for the battle. In this book, you will gain a greater understanding of the anointing, and how to be anointed for the battle.