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Third Edition of this award-winning book! Looking for a deep understanding of the history and nature of the Akashic Records? Ever wonder why the Akashic Records is associated with the Book of Life? The New Akashic Records is an advanced and complex investigation of the nature and history of the Akashic Records. Think graduate-level text. On one hand, is an in-depth, mystical explanation of the energy dynamics of the Akashic Records as understood from the soul's perspective. On the other is a thorough investigation of the metaphors associated with the Akashic Records including the Book of Life and an information storehouse of all past, present, and future. From the Greeks to quantum physics, from ancient Sumeria to the modern day pioneers of the Akashic Records, from Akasha to Aether, every stone has been considered to give you a modern interpretation of this ancient spiritual practice. Most importantly, The New Akashic Records transcends the limits of outdated beliefs about what the Akashic Records can do, expanding perspective from only being a source of information of past lives to a powerfully transcendent and dynamic process of healing and spiritual practice. This is a book for the serious spiritual seeker. This is not a how-to book nor is it an easy read. Based on over two decades of research and experience, Cheryl Marlene, master teacher and the world's expert on the Akashic Records, provides an incredible scope to view the Akashic Records within the lens of history and the heart of a mystic. This is the third edition and is closely based on the 2010 edition which won the Montaigne Medal as a book which illuminates and progresses new thought. As a part of the series The Akashic Records Library Collection, The New Akashic Records is a perfect companion to Cheryl's signature classic The Akashic Records Masterclass.
The Akashic Records--or Book of Life--is the storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth, containing every word, deed, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred. This major work is about how each of us is very much in charge of shaping our own destiny. ... [P]rovides examples of how each of us can tap into our own past lives, our present experiences, and our unfolding futures to shape our own destiny.--Publisher's description.
A bridge to the tools, practices and ideas which fuel powerful and personal spiritual journey: Your spiritual journey is an exploration, an adventure into the best of who you are and can become. As you let go of your out-dated beliefs, habits, fears, expectations, blame and judgment, life as spiritual journey helps uncover your wholeness and balance, your truth, trust and love. When you approach the Akashic Records as spiritual practice, you join as a traveller willingly engaging with your life within the great unknown of the boundlessness. Spiritual journey embraces your heart, integrates your soul, and brings mind and body together all as one. Not one path, many. Not many mountains, one. Whether you open the Akashic Records or not, this book is a guide for your spiritual journey and practice. Many Paths, One Mountain contains a rich and varied toolbox for the serious spiritual seeker including: The Five Steps of Your Spiritual Journey with insights into each step’s challenges and opportunities. Twenty-seven Spiritual Practices to help you examine your personal opportunities for spiritual growth and understanding with applications within your own Akashic Records. Personalized Paths for three different readers: Those new to the spiritual journey, those new to the Akashic Records, and those several steps down their paths. Questions for Reflection about your journey to use as personal inquiry or within your own Akashic Records. Affirmations of support for each step of your journey.
Trine presents an in-depth, yet easily understood history of the Akashic Records and uncovers the ancient connection to divine memory, judgment, and destiny as the Book of Life. She reaches into Hinduism, Buddhism, and Tibetan Bn to understand the Akasha.
A clear and simple guide to the incredible philosophy of the Akashic Records and the ways in which they can improve and transform our lives. The Akashic Records are a spiritual library full of information about the world and everything in it - every person and event, past and present. Accessing the Records can help us to heal the past, get through present life challenges, release blocks and answer questions about our future. Internationally renowned spiritual teacher Sandra Anne Taylor brings an introductory guide to this fascinating philosophy and teaches the reader: - what the Akashic Records contain and how to access them - how to travel the eternal timeline to investigate the past, present and potential future - how past lives are influencing us today and what we can do to rewrite those records - how we can use the Akashic Records to find our purpose, expand our talents and find greater success and joy in this life - how to programme future events within the records of this life and in lifetimes to come This book was previously published as The Akashic Records (Hay House Basics series).
Get the Akashic Records Masterclass - the world's most comprehensive guide to learning about the Akashic Records, with over 800 pages, 155,000 words, and six completed books - in a single volume. Learn how the Akashic Records can help you overcome fear, find resilience, and discover your path forward in today's world. How can you thrive during extraordinary global shifts? If you're struggling to find your way, you're not alone. Everywhere, fear pushes at you, demanding you give up the best of who you are, limiting your ability to thrive. Fear appears everyday and within responses to today's big trends of pandemic, economic shift, and social polarization. Your ability to thrive depends on shifting away from fear towards a deep inner sense of personal connection. Emerging from ancient, mystic connections, the Akashic Records help create a path of personal growth and connection to the deepest of universal mysteries. Leaning to work with the Akashic Records, ignites your ability to release the reaction of fear toward the support of connection. Trust, truth, and self-worth are the inner processes most battered by the winds of fear -- and paradoxically the exact tools to counter fear and move to connection. In this comprehensive guide, world expert and master teacher Cheryl Marlene shows exactly how to open your Records, begin a journey of connection, and establish a clear sense of trust, truth, and worth with these paths of learning focused on personal growth: . Introduction to the Akashic Records: Busting open stereotypes, learn Cheryl's unique, easy-to-understand perspective of the Akashic Records as a flow of divine energy from the soul's origin -- preparation to open the Akashic Records at the deepest levels possible. Open Your Akashic Records: In the first seven lessons is everything needed to open your Akashic Records including the ethical agreements, opening process, and foundational blessing plus explicit instructions for your first opening. The remaining fifty lessons provide guidance for personal transformation, establishing a firm foundation within your Akashic Records. For the serious student ready to step into a place of deep self-trust and connection to personal truth. Open the Akashic Record for Other: Explicit instructions cover the ethical agreements, blessing and opening process. Extensive practice for opening the Akashic Records for Other, including other people and "other" beings like mountains, businesses, animals, and more! Learning to connect with the flow of soul energy in this way creates an powerful connection to the universal mysteries contained within the dynamics of the Akashic Records. How to Navigate the Five Steps of Your Spiritual Journey: Opening the Akashic Records is a personal, spiritual journey. Explore each step of your journey through lessons and questions to explore your Akashic Records and release limiting self-beliefs. Tools to navigate the depth of who you are without expectation, blame, fear, or judgment. Ten+ Secrets of the Akashic Records: Building on the Introduction, deep dive into the incredible possibilities in moving beyond the outdated metaphor of the Akashic Records as library. This view as energy from the soul's perspective offers access to the Records at a unique depth. 400+ Questions to Ask the Akashic Records: Expand your sense of what's possible in an Akashic Record Reading. Find essential questions, deep dive questions, and questions about soul possibilities -- then 400+ questions of the A to Z's of life. Get started today! Explore The Akashic Records Masterclass and begin your journey.
Unlock the mysteries of your soul with this accessible, easy-to-understand guide to the Akashic records. Explore the vast reaches of the Akashic records from the comfort of your couch with this quick and easy guide to our “soul’s library!” In The Beginner’s Guide to Akashic Records you will explore the basics of the Akashic records, including what they are, where they can be found, and how you can read them to better understand your true self. This book will help you discover the historical record of your soul throughout your life experiences, and learn about other destinations in the astral field. Learn more about yourself—and your soul—than ever before with this enlightening and spiritual guide.
A clear and simple manual of precise instructions for accessing the Akashic Records and confirming the accuracy of the information you receive • Details exercises, tools, and techniques to clear the energies blocking your access and tune to your Akashic Record Keepers • Explains the specific markers that allow you to recognize your Record Keepers and to validate the information you receive, rather than “trusting” it to be true • Provides guidance on accessing the Akashic Records on behalf of other people, how to ask questions, and how to handle the information as it comes in The Akashic Records are a vast domain of energetic imprints much like a movie library, a living vibrational field that stores all possible futures, the present, and the past. As soon as your soul begins its life experience, a field of energy is released that records every thought, word, action, desire, and emotion. In this guide to opening the Akashic Records, Maureen St. Germain provides precise instructions explaining how to connect with your personal Record Keepers, gain clear access to the Akashic Records, discover information about you and your loved ones, and learn your soul’s purpose. The author explains how outside energies can influence your connection to the Akashic Records. She details energetic clearing exercises to remove the energies blocking or shadowing your access and teaches the Higher Self Protocol to ensure an authentic channel of communication. She explores how to find the Record Keepers who will be the most helpful to you and provides techniques and tools, such as guided energy work, to prepare you for Akashic Record access, initiate you into the 5D mindset, and invite more accuracy and a stronger connection. She details the specific markers to look for to recognize genuine Akashic Librarians and to validate and confirm the information you receive, rather than simply “trusting” it to be true. She also provides guidance on accessing the Akashic Records on behalf of other people, how to ask questions, and how to handle the information as it comes in. Explaining why the Ascended Masters opened access to the Akashic Records to all of humanity and how their presence assists you, St. Germain shows how the intended purpose for working with the Akashic Records is for soul growth, not to “repair” your karma debts. By seeing your records and working with your Record Keepers, not only will you learn your soul’s purpose and help solve the problems that crop up in everyday life and relationships, but you will amplify your spirituality and begin operating at a higher level in consciousness. Your work in the Akashic Records aids and assists in Earth’s ascension.
The New Akashic Records is not a simple how-to -- instead a how and why of the workings of the Akashic Records, delving into the energetic foundations and the history of the Akashic Records.