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Up-to-Date Coverage of the Navier–Stokes Equation from an Expert in Harmonic Analysis The complete resolution of the Navier–Stokes equation—one of the Clay Millennium Prize Problems—remains an important open challenge in partial differential equations (PDEs) research despite substantial studies on turbulence and three-dimensional fluids. The Navier–Stokes Problem in the 21st Century provides a self-contained guide to the role of harmonic analysis in the PDEs of fluid mechanics. The book focuses on incompressible deterministic Navier–Stokes equations in the case of a fluid filling the whole space. It explores the meaning of the equations, open problems, and recent progress. It includes classical results on local existence and studies criterion for regularity or uniqueness of solutions. The book also incorporates historical references to the (pre)history of the equations as well as recent references that highlight active mathematical research in the field.
"The complete resolution of the Navier-Stokes equation-one of the Clay Millennium Prize Problems-remains an important open challenge in partial differential equations (PDEs) research despite substantial studies on turbulence and three-dimensional fluids. The Navier-Stokes Problem in the 21st Century, Second Edition continues to provide a self-contained guide to the role of harmonic analysis in the PDEs of fluid mechanics, now revised to include fresh examples, theorems, results, and references that have become relevant since the first edition published in 2016"--
Originally published in 1977, the book is devoted to the theory and numerical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous incompressible fluid. On the theoretical side, results related to the existence, the uniqueness, and, in some cases, the regularity of solutions are presented. On the numerical side, various approaches to the approximation of Navier-Stokes problems by discretization are considered, such as the finite dereference method, the finite element method, and the fractional steps method. The problems of stability and convergence for numerical methods are treated as completely as possible. The new material in the present book (as compared to the preceding 1984 edition) is an appendix reproducing a survey article written in 1998. This appendix touches upon a few aspects not addressed in the earlier editions, in particular a short derivation of the Navier-Stokes equations from the basic conservation principles in continuum mechanics, further historical perspectives, and indications on new developments in the area. The appendix also surveys some aspects of the related Euler equations and the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The book is written in the style of a textbook and the author has attempted to make the treatment self-contained. It can be used as a textbook or a reference book for researchers. Prerequisites for reading the book include some familiarity with the Navier-Stokes equations and some knowledge of functional analysis and Sololev spaces.
The primary objective of this monograph is to develop an elementary and se- containedapproachtothemathematicaltheoryofaviscousincompressible?uid n in a domain ? of the Euclidean spaceR , described by the equations of Navier- Stokes. The book is mainly directed to students familiar with basic functional analytic tools in Hilbert and Banach spaces. However, for readers’ convenience, in the ?rst two chapters we collect, without proof some fundamental properties of Sobolev spaces, distributions, operators, etc. Another important objective is to formulate the theory for a completely general domain ?. In particular, the theory applies to arbitrary unbounded, non-smooth domains. For this reason, in the nonlinear case, we have to restrict ourselves to space dimensions n=2,3 that are also most signi?cant from the physical point of view. For mathematical generality, we will develop the l- earized theory for all n? 2. Although the functional-analytic approach developed here is, in principle, known to specialists, its systematic treatment is not available, and even the diverseaspectsavailablearespreadoutintheliterature.However,theliterature is very wide, and I did not even try to include a full list of related papers, also because this could be confusing for the student. In this regard, I would like to apologize for not quoting all the works that, directly or indirectly, have inspired this monograph.
The main result of this book is a proof of the contradictory nature of the Navier‒Stokes problem (NSP). It is proved that the NSP is physically wrong, and the solution to the NSP does not exist on R+ (except for the case when the initial velocity and the exterior force are both equal to zero; in this case, the solution (, ) to the NSP exists for all ≥ 0 and (, ) = 0). It is shown that if the initial data 0() ≢ 0, (,) = 0 and the solution to the NSP exists for all ε R+, then 0() := (, 0) = 0. This Paradox proves that the NSP is physically incorrect and mathematically unsolvable, in general. Uniqueness of the solution to the NSP in the space 21(R3) × C(R+) is proved, 21(R3) is the Sobolev space, R+ = [0, ∞). Theory of integral equations and inequalities with hyper-singular kernels is developed. The NSP is reduced to an integral inequality with a hyper-singular kernel.
This 2006 book details exact solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations for senior undergraduates and graduates or research reference.
Providing an introduction to real analysis, this text is suitable for honours undergraduates. It starts at the very beginning - the construction of the number systems and set theory, then to the basics of analysis, through to power series, several variable calculus and Fourier analysis, and finally to the Lebesgue integral.
The lecture notes in this book are based on the TCC (Taught Course Centre for graduates) course given by the author in Trinity Terms of 2009-2011 at the Mathematical Institute of Oxford University. It contains more or less an elementary introduction to the mathematical theory of the Navier-Stokes equations as well as the modern regularity theory for them. The latter is developed by means of the classical PDE's theory in the style that is quite typical for St Petersburg's mathematical school of the Navier-Stokes equations.The global unique solvability (well-posedness) of initial boundary value problems for the Navier-Stokes equations is in fact one of the seven Millennium problems stated by the Clay Mathematical Institute in 2000. It has not been solved yet. However, a deep connection between regularity and well-posedness is known and can be used to attack the above challenging problem. This type of approach is not very well presented in the modern books on the mathematical theory of the Navier-Stokes equations. Together with introduction chapters, the lecture notes will be a self-contained account on the topic from the very basic stuff to the state-of-art in the field.
The Navier-Stokes equations: fascinating, fundamentally important, and challenging,. Although many questions remain open, progress has been made in recent years. The regularity criterion of Caffarelli, Kohn, and Nirenberg led to many new results on existence and non-existence of solutions, and the very active search for mild solutions in the 1990's culminated in the theorem of Koch and Tataru that, in some ways, provides a definitive answer. Recent Developments in the Navier-Stokes Problem brings these and other advances together in a self-contained exposition presented from the perspective of real harmonic analysis. The author first builds a careful foundation in real harmonic analysis, introducing all the material needed for his later discussions. He then studies the Navier-Stokes equations on the whole space, exploring previously scattered results such as the decay of solutions in space and in time, uniqueness, self-similar solutions, the decay of Lebesgue or Besov norms of solutions, and the existence of solutions for a uniformly locally square integrable initial value. Many of the proofs and statements are original and, to the extent possible, presented in the context of real harmonic analysis. Although the existence, regularity, and uniqueness of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations continue to be a challenge, this book is a welcome opportunity for mathematicians and physicists alike to explore the problem's intricacies from a new and enlightening perspective.
This book gives an overview of classical topics in fluid dynamics, focusing on the kinematics and dynamics of incompressible inviscid and Newtonian viscous fluids, but also including some material on compressible flow. The topics are chosen to illustrate the mathematical methods of classical fluid dynamics. The book is intended to prepare the reader for more advanced topics of current research interest.