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The author has shown that practically all our laws, principles, and theories are not physically realizable, since they were derived from an empty space paradigm. From which this book is started with the origin of our temporal (t > 0) universe, it shows that temporal subspace is a physically realizable space within our universe. As in contrasted with generally accepted paradigm where time is an independent variable. From which the author has shown that it is not how rigorous mathematics is, but it is the temporal (t > 0) space paradigm determines the physically realizable solution. Although Einstein’s relativity and Schrödinger's principle had revolutionized the modern science, this book has shown that both theory and principle are physically non-realizable since they were developed from an empty space paradigm. One of the most important contribution of this book must be the revolutionary idea of our temporal (t > 0) space, for which the author has shown that absolute certainty exists only at the present (t = 0) moment. Where past-time information has no physical substance and future-time represents a physically realizable yet uncertainty. From which the author has shown that all the existent laws, principles, and theories were based on past-time certainties to predict the future, but science is supposed to be approximated. The author has also shown that this is precisely our theoretical science was developed. But time independent laws and principles are not existed within our temporal universe, in view of the author’s temporal exclusive principle. By which the author has noted that timeless science has already created a worldwide conspiracy for examples such as superposition principle, qubit information, relativity theory, wormhole travelling and many others. This book has also shown that Heisenberg’s uncertainty is an observational principle independent with time, yet within our universe everything changes with time. In this book the author has also noted that micro space behaviors the same as macro space regardless of the particle size. Finally, one of interesting feature is that, that big bang creation was ignited by a self-induced gravitational force instead by time as commonly believed. Nevertheless, everything has a price to pay; a section of time ∆t and an amount of energy ∆E and it is not free. The author has also shown that time is the only variable that cannot be changed. Although we can squeeze a section of time ∆t as small as we wish but we can never able to squeeze ∆t to zero even we have all the needed energy. Nevertheless, this revolutionary book closer to the truth is highly recommended to every scientist and engineer, otherwise we will forever be trapped within the timeless fantasyland of science. This book is intended for cosmologists, particle physicists, astrophysicists, quantum physicists, computer scientists, optical scientists, communication engineers, professors, and students as a reference or a research-oriented book.
The author has shown that practically all our laws, principles, and theories are not physically realizable, since they were derived from an empty space paradigm. From which this book is started with the origin of our temporal (t > 0) universe, it shows that temporal subspace is a physically realizable space within our universe. As in contrasted with generally accepted paradigm where time is an independent variable. From which the author has shown that it is not how rigorous mathematics is, but it is the temporal (t > 0) space paradigm determines the physically realizable solution. Although Einstein’s relativity and Schrödinger's principle had revolutionized the modern science, this book has shown that both theory and principle are physically non-realizable since they were developed from an empty space paradigm. One of the most important contribution of this book must be the revolutionary idea of our temporal (t > 0) space, for which the author has shown that absolute certainty exists only at the present (t = 0) moment. Where past-time information has no physical substance and future-time represents a physically realizable yet uncertainty. From which the author has shown that all the existent laws, principles, and theories were based on past-time certainties to predict the future, but science is supposed to be approximated. The author has also shown that this is precisely our theoretical science was developed. But time independent laws and principles are not existed within our temporal universe, in view of the author’s temporal exclusive principle. By which the author has noted that timeless science has already created a worldwide conspiracy for examples such as superposition principle, qubit information, relativity theory, wormhole travelling and many others. This book has also shown that Heisenberg’s uncertainty is an observational principle independent with time, yet within our universe everything changes with time. In this book the author has also noted that micro space behaviors the same as macro space regardless of the particle size. Finally, one of interesting feature is that, that big bang creation was ignited by a self-induced gravitational force instead by time as commonly believed. Nevertheless, everything has a price to pay; a section of time ∆t and an amount of energy ∆E and it is not free. The author has also shown that time is the only variable that cannot be changed. Although we can squeeze a section of time ∆t as small as we wish but we can never able to squeeze ∆t to zero even we have all the needed energy. Nevertheless, this revolutionary book closer to the truth is highly recommended to every scientist and engineer, otherwise we will forever be trapped within the timeless fantasyland of science. This book is intended for cosmologists, particle physicists, astrophysicists, quantum physicists, computer scientists, optical scientists, communication engineers, professors, and students as a reference or a research-oriented book.
It is our science governs the mathematics and it is ,Äúnot,Äù our mathematics governs our science. One of the very important aspects is that every science has to comply with the boundary condition of our universe; dimensionality and temporal (t¬†>¬†0) or causality. In which I have shown that time is real and it is not an illusion, since every aspect within our universe is coexisted with time. Since our universe is a temporal (t¬†>¬†0) subspace, everything within our universe is temporal. Science is mathematics but mathematics is not science, we have shown that any analytic solution has to be temporal (t¬†>¬†0); otherwise, it cannot be implemented within our universe. Which includes all the laws, principles, and theories have to be temporal? Uncertainty principle is one of the most fascinated principles in quantum mechanics, yet Heisenberg principle was based on diffraction limited observation, it is not due to the nature of time. We have shown it is the temporal (t¬†>¬†0) uncertainty that changes with time. We have introduced a certainty principle as in contrast with uncertainty principle. Of which certainty subspace can be created within our universe; which can be exploited for application. Overall of this chapter is to show that; it is not how rigorous the mathematics is, it is the physical realizable paradigm that we embrace.
Since Schr√∂dinger,Äôs quantum mechanics developed from Hamiltonian, I will show that his quantum machine is a timeless (t¬†=¬†0) mechanics, which includes his fundamental principle of superposition. Since one of the most controversial paradoxes in science must be Schr√∂dinger,Äôs cat. We will show that the myth of his hypothesis is ,Äúnot,Äù a physical realizable postulation. The most important aspect in quantum theory must be the probabilistic implication of science, a set of most elegant and simple laws and principles, which will be discussed. Since information and entropy have a profound connection, we will show that information is one of very important science in quantum theory, for which several significant aspects of information transmission will be stressed. Nevertheless, the myth of quantum theory turns out to be not Schrodinger,Äôs cat but the nature of a section of time Œît. Since time is a quantity that we cannot physically manipulate, we could change the section Œît but not the speed of time. Although we can squeeze a section of Œît, but we cannot squeeze Œît to zero. And this is the ultimate quantum limit of ,Äúinstantaneous,Äù response we can never be able to obtain. Since time traveling is one of the very interesting topics in science, I will show that time traveling is impossible even at the speed of light. Nevertheless, I will show quantum mechanics is a temporal (t¬†>¬†0) physical realizable mechanics, and it should ,Äúnot,Äù be as virtual and timeless (t¬†=¬†0) as mathematic does.
There are very few concepts that fascinate equally a theoretical physicist studying black holes and a patient undergoing seriolls mental psychosis. Time, undoubtedly, can well be ranked among them. For the measure of time inside a black hole is no less bizarre than the perception of time by a schizophrenic, who may perceive it as completely "suspended," "standing still," or even "reversing its direction. " The nature of time is certainly shrouded in profound mystery. This, perhaps, since the concept entails multifarious, and occasionally incongruous, facets. No wonder the subject attracts the serious attention of scholars on the one hand, and of the lay public on the other. Our Advanced Research Workshop is an excellent il lustration of this point, as the reader will soon discover. It turned out to be a unique professional forum for an unusually lively, effective and fruitful exchange of ideas and beliefs among 48 participants from 20 countries worldwide, selected out of more than a hundred applicants. The present book is based on the select talks presented at the meeting, and aims to provide the interested layperson and specialist alike with a multidisciplinary sampling of the most up-to-date scholarly research on the nature of time. It represents a coherent, state-of-the-art volume showing that research relevant to this topic is necessarily interdisciplinary and does not ignore such delicate issues as "altered" states of consciousness, religion and metaphysics.
The essence of temporal universe creation is that any analytical solution has to comply with the boundary condition of our universe; dimensionality and causality constraints. The essence of this book is to show that everything has a price within our temporal (t > 0) universe; energy and time. In mathematics, every postulation needs proof; there exists a solution before searching for the solution. Yet science does not have seem to have a criterion as mathematics does; to prove first that a postulated science exists within our temporal universe. Without such a criterion, fictitious science emerges, as already have been happening in every day’s event. In this book, the author has shown there exists a criterion for a postulated science whether or not it is existed within our universe. The author started this book from Einstein’s relativity to the creation of our temporal universe. He has shown that every subspace within our universe is created by energy and time, in which subspace and time are coexisted. The important aspect is that every science has to satisfy the boundary condition of our universe; causality and dimensionality. Following up with temporal universe, the author has shown a profound relationship with the second law of thermodynamics. He examines the relationship between entropy with science as well as communication with quantum limited subspace throughout the book. The author discusses the paradox of Schrödinger’s Cat (which has been debated by Einstein, Bohr, Schrödinger and many others since 1935) that triggered his discovering that Schrödinger’s quantum mechanics is a timeless machine, in which he has disproved the fundamental principle of superposition within our universe. Since quantum mechanics is a virtual mathematics, he has shown that a temporal quantum machine can, in principle, be built on the top of a temporal platform. This book is intended for cosmologists, particle physicists, astrophysicists, quantum physicists, computer scientists, engineers, professors and students as a reference and research-oriented book.
This book presents a comprehensive overview of gravity and gravitational fields. The eight chapters are presented in two sections. Chapters in the first section address such topics as the theory of gravity, transient gravitational forces, the nature of our temporal universe, and photo-gravitational celestial mechanics. Chapters in the second section discuss how to create a gravity survey, analyze data collected by satellites and on the ground, and present visualizations of several field cases around the world.
Quantum mechanics touches all areas of physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering. It has emerged as a tool for researching and developing new technology that has had a deep impact on modern life. An essential ingredient of quantum mechanics is the role of the observer and the duality between particle and wave properties of matter at very small scales. This book covers such topics as complex space forms of quantum mechanics, entropy in quantum mechanics, and equations of relativistic quantum mechanics as well as applications of quantum mechanics to more complicated situations. Written by international experts, the book illustrates the wide scope, influence, and applicability of quantum mechanics.
One of the important aspects of science must be the substantiated physical realities, which were built by the fundamental laws of physics that cannot be simply substituted by unsubstantiated virtual reality. In writing this chapter we have mostly based on the constraints of the current laws of physics to illustrate the enigmatic time as the origin for creating our physical space (i.e., temporal universe). The differences between physical reality and virtual reality are that physical reality is existing within the rule of time and supported by the laws of science, while virtual reality is created without the constraints of time and mostly not substantiated by the laws of physics. One of the important aspects of temporal (i.e., t > 0) space is that any emerging science has to be proven to exist within our temporal universe; otherwise it is fictitious and virtual as mathematics is.
The nonlinear Schrödinger equation is a prototypical dispersive nonlinear partial differential equation that has been derived in many areas of physics and analyzed mathematically for many years. With this book, we aim to capture different perspectives of researchers on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation arising from theoretical, numerical, and experimental aspects. The eight chapters cover a variety of topics related to nonlinear optics, quantum mechanics, and physics. This book provides scientists, researchers, and engineers as well as graduate and post-graduate students working on or interested in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with an in-depth discussion of the latest advances in nonlinear optics and quantum physics.