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"The public health sector alone is not sufficiently equipped with the technical, managerial and financial capacity to respond effectively to the growing demand for quality health care. Hence, effective partnerships are essential in addressing the general decline in health service delivery and to sustain any positive health outcomes for the people of Papua New Guinea. In the implementation of policy, the National Department of Health shall enter into partnership "agreements" with a range of partners. These partnership agreements will be either contractual or non-contractual, depending on the needs of the partnership, its objectives, and the context in which the partners are working together. The specific agreements will ensure that partners benefit from and have specific roles and responsibilities in implementation of services"--Leaf 5.
"Resolution WHA41.17 adopted by the Forty-first World Health Assembly, 13 May 1988" -- p.1.
There is an emerging consensus in Papua New Guinea (PNG) - both at the governmental level and among civil society more generally - that human development outcomes are far less than provision of basic services in many parts of the country is failing. The book addresses the need to understand the underlying reason behind these sectors' poor performance and innovatively develop approaches for improving service delivery that fits with the country's economic, geographic, social, and cultural contexts. Strategic Directions for Human Development in Papua New Guinea presents the results of a joint ven.
The Government of Pakistan strongly supports public–private partnership (PPP) initiatives. From 1990 to 2019, Pakistan witnessed 108 financially closed PPP projects, with a total investment of approximately $28.4 billion. About 88% of these projects are in the energy sector, attracting more than $24.7billion, followed by investments in the port sector. In early 2021, Parliament approved the amendments to the 2017 PPP Law, enacting the Public Private Partnership Authority (Amendment) Act 2021. This further strengthens the enabling legal and regulatory framework for developing and implementing PPPs, thereby promoting private sector investment in public infrastructure and related services.
The public-private partnership (PPP) market in Papua New Guinea is at a nascent stage having witnessed only six financially closed PPPs with an investment of $433 million, predominantly in the energy sector. The very few PPPs in the country stem from the lack of a robust PPP enabling framework, limited public sector capacities to design and manage PPPs, and constrained ability of the government to fund infrastructure development. Realizing the critical role of PPPs in helping achieve the country’s infrastructure investment target, the government is now implementing the PPP Act of 2014 and setting up PPP-enabling institutions.
The Country Gender Assessment of Agriculture and the Rural Sector report provides a gender perspective of the agricultural and rural sector of Papua New Guinea. The analysis provides an overview of the gender-based gaps and inequalities in access to and control over critical productive resources and opportunities. The methods used involved a two-tier approach where there was the review of literature related to women’s engagement in agriculture and the rural sector as well as, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with selected groups. The findings recognizes that agriculture is key for the country’s economy. However, there remains to be persisting challenges in creating an enabling environment for enhancing women’s participation in food value chains. Additionally, the disparities are obvious in access to and control over key agricultural resources. The rural women even though are major contributors to the economy, their rights are not properly recognized hence, are excluded systematically from access to decision-making. It is thereby concluded that the lack of influential gender sensitive leadership and coordination of the agricultural sector impede the empowerment of rural women and girls in the country. The recommendation include a gender and workplace policy developed for the agricultural sector. Importantly, this publication is a tool for FAO, the Government of Papua New Guinea and other development partners to mainstream gender into programming towards gender equality and the empowerment of rural women in Papua New Guinea.
There is a vast literature on the principles of public administration and good governance, and no shortage of theoreticians, practitioners and donors eager to push for public sector reform, especially in less-developed countries. Papua New Guinea has had its share of public sector reforms, frequently under the influence of multinational agencies and aid donors. Yet there seems to be a general consensus, both within and outside Papua New Guinea, that policy making and implementation have fallen short of expectations, that there has been a failure to achieve 'good governance'. This volume, which brings together a number of Papua New Guinean and Australian-based scholars and practitioners with deep familiarity of policy making in Papua New Guinea, examines the record of policy making and implementation in Papua New Guinea since independence. It reviews the history of public sector reform in Papua New Guinea, and provides case studies of policy making and implementation in a number of areas, including the economy, agriculture, mineral development, health, education, lands, environment, forestry, decentralization, law and order, defence, women and foreign affairs, privatization, and AIDS. Policy is continuously evolving, but this study documents the processes of policy making and implementation over a number of years, with the hope that a better understanding of past successes and failures will contribute to improved governance in the future.
Papua New Guinea's economic growth has outpaced the majority of economies in Southeast Asia and the Pacific since 2007. Its development challenges, however, remain daunting, and it lags behind other countries in the region in terms of per capita income and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. This raises the question of how the country can make its economic growth high, sustained, inclusive, and broad-based to more effectively improve its population's welfare. This report identifies the critical constraints to these objectives and discusses policy options to help overcome such constraints.
In Papua New Guinea hopes are high that real change is on its way; the country’s political, administrative, financial and technical leaders now have to find a way to ensure the most productive distribution and use of financial resources. Many international actors are watching closely to see how this young country negotiates its path. Papua New Guinea became a major exporter of gas in 2014 when the $19bn PNG liquefied natural gas (LNG) project was completed ahead of schedule and within budget, significantly increasing the size and strength of the economy. The year ahead is likely to see PNG benefit from the further development of its hydrocarbons sector, fuelling the growth of its economy as a whole. The LNG influx also poses challenges, however, in terms of ensuring inclusive growth and productive use of the new revenues. PNG takes pride in being a final frontier of natural and cultural development, but the task ahead is to protect the country’s heritage while becoming part of the global economy.