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In his sixth book for Thinkers Publishing, Milos Pavlovic has taken a serious look at the recent developments within the Scotch Game. Drawing upon his considerable opening experience, he investigates the most interesting and dynamic lines for White and Black, making this book a complete repertoire one. He found many novelties and highlights the most important positional and tactical themes this opening provides. We are quite convinced this 'complete repertoire book' will give you an extra boost to play this fascinating opening being one of the old-time favorites of Garry Kasparov.
The Italian Game (sometimes referred to as the Giuoco Piano) is one of the oldest openings around, and also one of the first lines a player learns when he or she is introduced to chess. It leads to play that is easy to understand: both sides develop their pieces logically and begin attacks on the opposing kings. The Italian Game gives both White and Black the opportunity to play either aggressively and in gambit fashion, or in a restrained and positional manner. One of White's most exciting and attacking options is the legendary Evans Gambit, which has been brought back into the limelight in this modern era by such uncompromising players as World number one Garry Kasparov, Alexander Morozevich and England's Nigel Short. In this book, openings expert Jan Pinski investigates the different strategies and tactics in the Italian Game and Evans Gambit. Using model games for both White and Black, Pinski provides crucial coverage of both the main lines and offbeat variations. This book arms the reader with enough knowledge to play the Italian Game and Evans Gambit with confidence. * Written by well known opening theoretician * A useful guide for club and tournament players alike * All main lines are covered
Yelena Dembo takes a modern-day look at the Scotch Game, providing thorough coverage of the critical main lines and studying the key tactical and positional ideas for White and Black.
Seize the Initiative Right from the Start! Are you bored with slow maneuvering in systems such as the the Italian game with d2-d3 and the anti-Berlin? Do you enjoy confrontation in the center and sharp, tactical play? Alex Fishbein shows how the Scotch Gambit can give you exciting yet sound positions where you aim at the enemy king. In the Scotch Gambit, White immediately strikes in the center and attacks the f7-pawn, provoking concessions from Black. An imbalance typically results, where White has attacking chances on the kingside. The Scotch Gambit will help you develop a finer feeling for the initiative and improve your combinational vision. You will also better understand strategic concepts, such as weak squares of one color and pawn structure nuances. Fishbein, an experienced player and author, takes you into a modern grandmaster’s research lab. Here, all ideas are scrutinized and prepared for use against an opponent who is similarly armed with the latest theory and technology. The most critical responses for Black receive special emphasis. Alex Fishbein is an American grandmaster. His peak world ranking was #150. He was competitive in each of his four U.S. Championship appearances, including in 2004 when he won the Bent Larsen prize for the most uncompromising chess. A lifelong 1.e4 player, Fishbein is known for interesting and creative play.
The Scotch is a classical opening which has come back into vogue due to the efforts of World Champion Garry Kasparov. He has completely re-invigorated the variation with a wealth of new ideas, and has played it regularly in world championship matches and other top-class events. Defenders of the Black side have had to respond with equally creative solutions. Peter Wells, a leading grandmaster and theoretician, provides a complete and up-to-date guide.
The Benko Gambit is the ideal way to fight and seize the initiative for Black. Grandmaster Perunovic revisited all the modern lines and provided unbiased coverage of the more recent ideas, the most important being the delay of the recapture on a6. He found and tested in practical play, many new but still typical Benko manoeuvres. If you wanna surprise the 1.d4 player, this book and opening is the perfect tool!
>Building on his ever creative ideas, Christian Bauer found a way to take a fresh look at the current status of the Alekhine Defense. It's clear that Christian has a definite weak spot for Knights. Surely you will appreciate his best efforts to bamboozle your opponents into self-destruction by using the Alekhine.
There is no doubt that the Nimzovich Defense is one of Black's most inspiring openings after 1.e4. Black strives to unbalance the position by creating new problems for White from move two, giving himself every opportunity to fight for the initiative from the outset. It is no surprise that 1...Nc6 appeals ambitious players who relish a complicated battle. In this book, GM Christian Bauer explains how to use this powerful weapon drawing from his own successful experiences. He is not shy to show you the fundamental ideas, the traps, the pitfalls and naturally the move order subtleties which play such an important role in our modern game of chess. We are convinced this book will give you plenty of confidence and make your opponent think more than twice.
When you are building your repertoire you have many choices available against 1.e4. Everyone knows the Sicilian is the most dangerous reply but there are so many choices! Most of them are highly theoretical such as the Najdorf or the Dragon. Some are very difficult to understand from a positional and dynamical point of view. The Kalashnikov and the Sveshnikov are two good examples, without even mentioning the amount of theory. I have always been interested by less theoretical Sicilians. I have been playing the Classical Sicilian for a long time and right before the covid period, I decided to find a new one. The Sicilian Kan came to me as a very serious option, and I decided to work on it. In the meantime, my friend and editor Daniël Vanheirzeele offered me the chance to author a book about it. This came to me as a complete surprise, as I had no experience with it. In comparison with my work on the Reti and the Dutch (my two previous books), I am a newbie on the subject. But I decided to accept the challenge. I found it extremely interesting, as this gave me a fresh look at the positions. I think I managed to ask myself the questions everyone would have asked. I also work as a second for others and am accustomed to working on openings I do not necessarily play as well as finding the key ideas very quickly. So, after a deep initial work to understand the variations, I was ready to start writing8 In opposition to my prior efforts, I decided to start with the mainlines. I did it both during my work and then in the structure of the book. It seemed better to address the most difficult lines first to prove that Black gets playable positions, and then take care of the less challenging lines. This approach allows you to have an idea of the typical positions and then compare it with the less usual lines so you may understand why the sidelines are not as good. I take this as an opportunity to share my knowledge of openings and how I analyze them. I started this book with the idea that I wanted it to be useful for all levels of playing strength, from amateurs to even top grandmasters. I really consider the best books to be those where everyone can understand the basics of the variations while also being of use to anyone that aims at going deeper into the theory. I based many of the lines and conclusions in this book not only on computer evaluation, but also from a practical point of view. While I did a deep dive using strong engines when analyzing the lines I cannot say that they are perfect. The most important thing is that all of the evaluations are based upon my own understanding and knowledge of chess. Adrien Demuth November 2021
The Blue Book of Chess is a book about chess by a chess master Howard Staunton intended for teaching the rudiments of the game of chess, and giving an analysis of all the recognized openings. The main goal was to simplify a great variety and the delicate distinctions of the openings, showing such moves as are recognized to be the best. At each opening, the student of the game is presented with the variations made by experienced players in accordance with circumstances. The book is illustrated with a great variety of actually played games by numerous chess masters in order to make the understanding the subject easier.