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From as far back as the 16th century, when St. Edmund Campion of England spoke of ?a great day that would reveal all men's consciences, ? a coming day of enlightenment has been foretold. Known as the ?Warning? or the ?Mini-Judgment?, it is purported to be a day in which God will supernaturally illuminate the conscience of every man, woman, and child on earth. Each person, then, would momentarily see the state of their soul through God's eyes and realize the truth of His existence, afterwhich, it is said the world will never be the same. This predicted event is now said to be imminent, as talk concerning the certainty of this miracle has intensified. This comprehensive and authoritative guide uses Scripture and testimony from the Saints and Visionaries to help explain the coming great miracle of God's Mercy.
Authentic accounts of saints and mystics of the Church who have spoken of a day when we will all see our souls in the light of truth, and fascinating stories of those who have already experienced it for themselves."With His divine love, He will open the doors of hearts and illuminate all consciences. Every person will see himself in the burning fire of divine truth. It will be like a judgment in miniature."- Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests
Spiritual illumination awaits everyone who has responded to the Call of the Heart. Now it is time to unveil before your eyes an unprecedented Mystery, which until this time has remained the Secret of Secrets.
John 20 24-29 "Thomas, come here with your finger and see My hands. Touch the wounds in My hand. Put your hand into My side. Stop doubting now and believe." By saying this to the Apostle Thomas, Jesus was conveying to us that it is okay for us to probe scientifically into the workings of our universe so that we may all understand His truth and be witness to His kingdom. To fully appreciate the understandings presented in this book one must first resolve to forget everything previously understood about our world. In our magnificent universe nothing is as it appears to be. The single goal of this book is to bring about a better understanding of the divine relationship between science and theology. We are taught that a choice must be made in whether we believe what science is telling us about our universe or what the gospels are telling us about our universe. Universities across this great land preach scientific truth just as religions and church organizations preach that we must disregard scientific discovery and have faith in what was written about our Savior and our world in the gospels. This book, THE TRUTH The Illumination of Conscience will prove that science has never given us a single understanding that has, in any way, discredited anything the gospels have taught us about our world. We should also, know that the gospels of Christ have not stated anything that is not in total agreement with what science has shown us about our world, either. THE TRUTH The Illumination of Conscience will take you on a journey like no other book has before and by doing so it will prove to you that the scientific discoveries made over the years do nothing but reinforce all that we know from the way, the truth and the life. Let your consciousness be illuminated and in so doing we will illuminate the conscience of the world, together.
Since the French Revolution, an extraordinary outpouring of Marian apparitions and mystical phenomena have been reported throughout the world. Along with these reports have come prophecies of a coming world chastisement to be followed by a new, glorious era of peace. Are the fulfillment of these prophecies near? Expanded and revised, this updated new edition of The Fatima Prophecies takes an unparalleled look at this question and what may lie ahead.
The question of whether and how people who have not had the chance to hear the gospel can be saved goes back to the beginnings of Christian reflection. It has also become a much-debated topic in current theology. In Will Many Be Saved? Ralph Martin focuses primarily on the history of debate and the development of responses to this question within the Roman Catholic Church, but much of Martin's discussion is also relevant to the wider debate happening in many churches around the world. In particular, Martin analyzes the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, the document from the Second Vatican Council that directly relates to this question. Contrary to popular opinion, Martin argues that according to this text, the conditions under which people who have not heard the gospel can be saved are very often, in fact, not fulfilled, with strong implications for evangelization.
Marino Restrepo is a Catholic lay missionary who has been preaching the Gospel message throughout the world since 1999, with the full approval of his bishop. He is the founder of the Church-approved foundation, Pilgrims of Love. Formerly a wealthy Hollywood film producer, who sank into serious sin and the New Age movement, he was abducted for ransom by Colombian guerilla rebels and held captive in the Amazon jungle for nearly half a year. At the beginning of his torturous kidnapping, he underwent a mystical conversion. In the span of one night, Marino was given a complete illumination of his conscience, which revealed to him the sinful state of his soul. He then endured experience likening to his own particular judgement, with the sentence of hell. With a contrite and renewed heart, Marino received infused knowledge of divine matters, which he was later called to share with the world. Today, he is hailed as one of the greatest evangelizers of our time. This little book contains some of the most extraordinary teachings that Jesus has given us through Marino Restrepo, teachings that will profoundly alter and inform the way you see your ancestry, your past, your purpose, and your future. Marino Restrepo's astounding story can be found in the #1 best-selling book:THE WARNING: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscienceby Christine WatkinsImprimatur: Ramón C. Argüelles, STL Archbishop-Emeritus of Lipa
Nearly forty years ago, Ralph Martin’s bestselling A Crisis of Truth exposed the damaging trends in Catholic teaching and preaching that, combined with attacks from secular society, threatened the mission and life of the Catholic Church. While much has been done to counter false teaching over the last four decades, today the Church faces even more insidious threats—from outside and within. In A Church in Crisis: Pathways Forward, Martin offers a detailed look at the growing hostility to the Catholic Church and its teaching. With copious evidence, Martin uncovers the forces working to undermine the Body of Christ and offers hope to those looking for clarity. A Church in Crisis covers: -polarization in the Church caused by ambiguous teachings -initiatives that accommodate the culture without calling for conversion -Vatican-sponsored partnerships with organizations that actively contradict the teaching of the Catholic Church -and the recycling of theological errors long settled by Vatican II, Pope St. John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI. Powerfully written, A Church in Crisis reminds all readers to heed Jesus’ express command not to lead His children astray. With ample resources to encourage readers, Ralph Martin provides the solid foundation of Catholic teaching—both Scripture and Tradition—to fortify Catholics against the errors that threaten us from all directions.
The discourses in this volume are transcripts of revelatory talks given by the Master Teacher. They discuss and demonstrate the dynamics of the transformation of human consciousness as prescribed by the illuminate teachings of Jesus Christ in A Course In Miracles and the New Testament. Elucidating these teachings, the Master Teacher speaks with both the authority and the insight of enlightenment. These powerful communications are intended to serve as catalysts and stimulants to your own awakening. You will notice that the Master Teacher's talks are extemporaneous and are published intentionally with little editing, in the hope of maintaining and conveying the spontaneity, immediacy and spiritual continuity. Read them in open-mindedness and receptivity and experience a new joyous bright mindfulness as these celestial seeds begin to bear true fruit. Herein lies our individual discovery of the Peace of God and the passion of resurrection which is both our natural divine inheritance and the fulfillment of the mission of A Course In Miracles.