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This book examines the trends and motivations of human capital flows from India into this region. Focusing in particular on Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand, the book provides an analysis of Indian labour in a variety of sectors, including information technology (IT) sector, academia, banking, oil and gas. Based on empirical data, the book provides an analysis of current trends in the flow of human capital from India to Southeast Asia.
This unusual book takes a positive approach and explores how a nation losing its valuable human resources to another one can make the best of the situation. To this end, the author analyses the migration of knowledge workers from India to the USA over three decades and locates this phenomenon within the context of a civil society seeking to reconcile its loss of human capital with an expanding diaspora. Focusing primarily on `the second-generation effects` of brain drain, Binod Khadria proposes various ways in which to turn the exodus of talent to the home country`s advantage.
The papers included in this volume cover several aspects of human capital. It starts with the role of human capital in influencing productivity, employment and growth of employment. The chapters show that Indian States that have been neglecting schooling and health facilities have become victims in terms of low productivity and lower rates of employment. Consequently, employment cannot be increased without spending on education and health. Furthermore, the unorganised sector in India cannot provide gainful employment as productivity in this sector is low and is also declining. Skill intensity influences mainly productivity in the organised sector. As a result, states that have been neglecting human capital would lose on both counts. The chapters also reveal that human capital could be substituted for energy use and help in reducing energy consumption and pollution. India is also one of the important exporters of human capital and the non resident Indians send remittances back to India. The volume indicates that remittances play a significant role in poverty reduction and increase in per capita consumption levels. In addition remittances, unlike foreign direct investments and portfolio investments, are less erratic and are not influenced by slowdown in the world economy. Poverty could also be directly attacked through the use of anti poverty programmes like NREGA. This volume provides an analytical framework and a theoretical model to analyse the impact of these programmes to examine their influence on labour demand, income, prices and productivity. The volume also emphasises the crucial role of the government in directly running education institutions. As seen from the volume government run engineering institutions are technically more efficient than the private run ones.
This book explores the impact of education and learning on our societies and lives and examines what countries are doing to provide education and training to support people throughout their lives.
In 1965, a family-reunification policy for admitting immigrants to the United States replaced a system that chose immigrants based on their national origin. With this change, a 40-year hiatus in Asian immigration ended. Today, over three-quarters of US immigrants originate from Asia and Latin America. Two issues that dominate discussions of US immigration policy are the progress of post-reform immigrants and their contributions to the US economy. This book focuses on the earnings and human capital investment of Asian immigrants to the US after 1965. In addition, it provides a primer on studying immigrant economic assimilation, by explaining economists’ methodology to measure immigrant earnings growth and the challenges with this approach. The book also illustrates strategies to more fully use census data such as how to measure family income and how to use “panel data” that is embedded in the census. The book is a historical study as well as an extremely timely work from a policy angle. The passage of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act set the United States apart among economically developed countries due to the weight given to family unification. Based on analyses by economists—which suggest that the quality of immigrants to the US fell after the 1965 law—policymakers have called for fundamental changes in the US system to align it with the immigration systems of other countries. This book offers an alternative view point by proposing a richer model that incorporates investments in human capital by immigrants and their families. It challenges the conventional model in three ways: First, it views the decline in immigrants’ entry earnings after 1965 as due to investment in human capital, not to permanently lower “quality.” Second, it adds human capital investment and earnings growth after entry to the model. And finally, by taking investments by family members into account, it challenges the policy recommendation that immigrants should be selected for their occupational qualifications rather than family connections.
Throughout the world, migration is an increasingly important and diverse component of population change, both at national and sub-national levels. Migration impacts on the distribution of knowledge and generates externalities and spillover effects. This book focuses on recent models and methods for analysing and forecasting migration, as well as on the basic trends, driving factors and institutional settings behind migration processes. Migration and Human Capital also looks at many current policy issues regarding migration, such as the creative class in metropolitan areas, the brain drain, regional diversity, population ageing, illegal immigration, ethnic networks and immigrant assimilation. With specific reference to Europe and North America, the book reviews and applies models of internal migration; analyses the spatial concentration of human capital; considers migration in a family context; and addresses the political economy of international migration. This book will be invaluable for researchers and policy makers in the fields of internal and international migration. It provides up-to-date readings for advanced courses that focus on migration and population change in a global context.
This book describes the movement of un-skilled and skilled workers both within and from India and its fallout on education and development. It furthers the evidence on the contribution of education and international migration in development with specific reference to India as a major source country of migrant population. The book also distinguishes the underlying linkages and distinction between international and internal migration on the one hand and the education and development experience on the other. It brings forth the causes and development experiences of both migrations to a common platform to gauge on their similarities and differences in the lens of education and development. As such, this book contributes to the scant literature on Indian experience of internal and international migration and sheds light on future migration policy and course correction necessary for places and countries of migrant origin.
Indian Diaspora in the United States takes a new perspective on the topic of brain drain, departing from the traditional literature to include discussions on brain gain and brain circulation using Indian migration to the United States as a case study. Sahay acknowledges that host country policies create the necessary conditions for brain drain to take place, but argues that source countries may also benefit from out-migration of their workers and students. These benefits are measured as remittances, investments, and savings associated with return, and social networking that links expatriates with their country of origin. Through success and visibility in host societies, diaspora workers further influence economic and political benefits for their home countries. This type of brain gain becomes an element of soft power for the source country in the long term. Indian Diaspora in the United States is a ground-breaking work that intersects economic and political issues to the dimension of migration and the concerns over brain drain. With its rigorous, connectionist approach, this book is a valuable contribution to the fields of diaspora, labor, globalization, and Indian studies.
What happens to a country when its skilled workers emigrate? The first book to examine the complex economic, social, and political effects of emigration on India, Diaspora, Development, and Democracy provides a conceptual framework for understanding the repercussions of international migration on migrants' home countries. Devesh Kapur finds that migration has influenced India far beyond a simplistic "brain drain"--migration's impact greatly depends on who leaves and why. The book offers new methods and empirical evidence for measuring these traits and shows how data about these characteristics link to specific outcomes. For instance, the positive selection of Indian migrants through education has strengthened India's democracy by creating a political space for previously excluded social groups. Because older Indian elites have an exit option, they are less likely to resist the loss of political power at home. Education and training abroad has played an important role in facilitating the flow of expertise to India, integrating the country into the world economy, positively shaping how India is perceived, and changing traditional conceptions of citizenship. The book highlights a paradox--while international migration is a cause and consequence of globalization, its effects on countries of origin depend largely on factors internal to those countries. A rich portrait of the Indian migrant community, Diaspora, Development, and Democracy explores the complex political and economic consequences of migration for the countries migrants leave behind.
Human capital—the knowledge, skills, and health that people accumulate over their lives—is a central driver of sustainable growth, poverty reduction, and successful societies. More human capital is associated with higher earnings for people, higher income for countries, and stronger cohesion in societies. Much of the hard-won human capital gains in many economies over the past decade is at risk of being eroded by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Urgent action is needed to protect these advances, particularly among the poor and vulnerable. Designing the needed interventions, targeting them to achieve the highest effectiveness, and navigating difficult trade-offs make investing in better measurement of human capital now more important than ever. The Human Capital Index (HCI)—launched in 2018 as part of the Human Capital Project—is an international metric that benchmarks the key components of human capital across economies. The HCI is a global effort to accelerate progress toward a world where all children can achieve their full potential. Measuring the human capital that children born today can expect to attain by their 18th birthdays, the HCI highlights how current health and education outcomes shape the productivity of the next generation of workers and underscores the importance of government and societal investments in human capital. The Human Capital Index 2020 Update: Human Capital in the Time of COVID-19 presents the first update of the HCI, using health and education data available as of March 2020. It documents new evidence on trends, examples of successes, and analytical work on the utilization of human capital. The new data—collected before the global onset of COVID-19—can act as a baseline to track its effects on health and education outcomes. The report highlights how better measurement is essential for policy makers to design effective interventions and target support. In the immediate term, investments in better measurement and data use will guide pandemic containment strategies and support for those who are most affected. In the medium term, better curation and use of administrative, survey, and identification data can guide policy choices in an environment of limited fiscal space and competing priorities. In the longer term, the hope is that economies will be able to do more than simply recover lost ground. Ambitious, evidence-driven policy measures in health, education, and social protection can pave the way for today’s children to surpass the human capital achievements and quality of life of the generations that preceded them.