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'Here's a work arriving just at the right moment and contributingnew insights at precisely the time when public opinion remains sceptical of the not very promising future we are preparing for our children, when governments balk at explaining to their electorates the vital but unpopular decisions that have to be taken and when civil society, with few ways and means, is finally becoming involved. This remarkable work will help all actors to understand the inter-linkages between economic activities and the environment in the Mediterranean Basin and take concerted, effective action to build a positive, sustainable future' Mohamed Ennabli, former Minister of the Environment and Land Use Panning, Tunisia 'The Blue Plan has carried out a remarkable assessment of the serious environmental probems and insufficiently targeted cooperation in the Mediterranean, and also of new financing systems to be implemented, which would increase the capacities of local authorities and economic and social partners' Georges Corm, former Minister of Finance, Lebanon The Mediterranean Basin and its surrounding countries is a microcosm of the environmental and sustainability challenges facing people across the world. Depending on the development path it takes in the future, the region can either become a positive model for the regional regulation of globalization, or, more onerously, it might reinforce global instability. This unique volume is the definitive, authoritative assessment of the environment and development of the Mediterranean Basin and its 22 countries and territories, spanning five decades from 30 years in the past to 20 years into the future. Produced by the Blue Plan within the framework of UNEP/Mediterranean Action Plan and backed by the EU and national governments, it brings together the work of more than 100 researchers from dozens of national, regional and local governments and research groups into the only comprehensive insight into sustainable development issues in the region. Core coverage includes water, energy, transport, cities, rural and coastal areas, as well as related issues such as climate change, population growth, geopolitical changes, unemployment and poverty, pollution, economic and environmental policies, regional cooperation and the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Information is clearly presented through hundreds of full-colour maps, graphs, tables and a wealth of case studies. This is a must-have reference for all levels of government, NGOs and libraries, as well as practitioners, academics and businesses involved in economics, natural resource management, land and maritime transport, water, energy, infrastructure, urban and rural development, agriculture, fishing and aquaculture, tourism and coastal management. Countries and territories covered: Spain, France, Italy, Monaco, Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Preface by Lucien Chabason, Chairman of the Blue Plan.
Examines the Mediterranean Action Plan from 1972 to 1987 as a successful international effort to coordinate the marine pollution control practices of the Mediterranean littoral countries through regional treaties, coordinated research and monitoring, integrated policies, and administrative and budge
The Barcelona Convention and Protocols represent the first detailed and co-ordinated effort by UNEP to manage the environmental clean-up and maintenance of a large region. The Convention and Protocols are being implemented through the Mediterranean Action Plan which the author examines in some detail along with the relevant documents and agreements. This book is an important landmark in the study of international environmental law. The Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution, 1976, and its four subsequent Protocols to date is at the heart of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) regional system of co-operation known as the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP). This book presents an authoritative analysis of the MAP as it has evolved over almost two decades and outlines its characteristic features as a model for UNEP's Regional Seas programme. The texts of the Convention and the Protocols are accompanied by a comprehensive collection of related documents which illustrate the major institutional and operational features of a pioneering regional environmental protection regime. Dr Raftopoulos, who is himself a consultant to the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), and to MAP, gives an authoritative, first-hand account and evaluation of the achievements of a pioneering and innovative venture in regional co-operation.
The First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) prepared by the independent network of Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change (MedECC) founded in 2015 was published in November 2020. MAR1 assesses the best available scientific knowledge on climate and environmental change and associated risks in the Mediterranean Basin in order to render it accessible to policymakers, stakeholders and citizens. The report has been written by 190 scientists from 25 countries, all contributing in individual capacity and without financial compensation. The report includes a Summary for Policymakers (SPM), which comprises the key messages of the MAR1. The UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention Secretariat, through its Plan Bleu Regional Activity Center, and the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean work in partnership to support MedECC, and to contribute to establish a sound and transparent scientific assessment process.
Through theoretical discussions and case studies, this volume explores how processes of contestation about knowledge, norms, and governance processes shape efforts to promote sustainability through international environmental governance. The epistemic communities literature of the 1990s highlighted the importance of expert consensus on scientific knowledge for problem definition and solution specification in international environmental agreements. This book addresses a gap in this literature – insufficient attention to the multiple forms of contestation that also inform international environmental governance. These forms include within-discipline contestation that helps forge expert consensus, inter-disciplinary contestation regarding the types of expert knowledge needed for effective response to environmental problems, normative and practical arguments about the proper roles of experts and laypersons, and contestation over how to combine globally developed norms and scientific knowledge with locally prevalent norms and traditional knowledge in ways ensuring effective implementation of environmental policies. This collection advances understanding of the conditions under which contestation facilitates or hinders the development of effective global environmental governance. The contributors examine how attempts to incorporate more than one stream of expert knowledge and to include lay knowledge alongside it have played out in efforts to create and maintain multilateral agreements relating to environmental concerns. It will interest scholars and graduate students of political science, global governance, international environmental politics, and global policy making. Policy analysts should also find it useful.
The Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) was established in 1975 to address the problems of marine pollution in the region, and the following year, the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (the Barcelona Convention) was adopted, under the auspices of UNEP. A Protocol to the Convention was signed in 1980, to cover pollution from land-based sources (LBS Protocol). This publication contains framework guidelines, prepared in accordance with the protocol, designed to help countries in the Mediterranean region to establish comparable national inspection systems for environmental compliance and enforcement.
For the Liber Amicorum, dedicated to Professor Budislav Vukas, his colleagues and former students have contributed essays on topical issues of contemporary international law, primarily in the fields that were the focus of Professor Vukas’s interest during his long-lasting academic and international career at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the International Labour Organization, the Institut de Droit International and many other law schools and international institutions and organizations. The essays in this collection, thus, deal with current developments concerning the subjects of international law (i.a. jurisdictional immunities of states, responsibility of states, international organizations, other non-state entities), the law of the sea (i.a. jurisdictional zones, delimitation, piracy, underwater cultural heritage protection, fisheries, land-locked states), human rights law, including minorities’ protection (i.a. European Court of Human Rights, humanitarian assistance, protection in the event of disasters, social and labour rights, rights of the child), and dispute settlement (i.a. International Court of Justice, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, arbitration, diplomatic means). Of the 49 essays written by scholars and practitioners from different parts of the world six are in French.
The current jurisdictional status of the Mediterranean Sea is remarkable. Nearly 50 per cent of the Mediterranean waters are high seas and therefore beyond the jurisdiction of coastal States. This situation means that there are no points in the Mediterranean Sea where the coasts of two States would be more than 400 nautical miles apart. Such a legal situation generally prevents coastal States from adopting and enforcing their laws on the Mediterranean high seas, in respect of many important fields such as the protection and preservation of the marine environment, as well as the conservation of marine living resources. The jurisdictional landscape of the Adriatic Sea as a sub-sea and sub-region of the Mediterranean, is even more interesting. Croatia has proclaimed an Ecological and Fisheries Protection Zone, Slovenia has proclaimed a Zone of Ecological Protection, while Italy has adopted a framework law for the proclamation of its Zone of Ecological Protection without proclaiming its regime in the Adriatic. It is noteworthy that if all Mediterranean and Adriatic States would proclaim an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), there would not be a single stretch of high seas left in the entire Mediterranean Sea. Both the Adriatic and Mediterranean fall in the category of enclosed or semi-enclosed seas regulated by Part IX of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). This book assesses the legal nature of Part IX of UNCLOS and discusses potential benefits of the extension of coastal State jurisdiction (proclamation of EEZs and/or similar sui generis zones), particularly in light of the recent calls towards an integrated and holistic approach to the management of different activities in the Mediterranean Sea. It examines the actual or potential extension of coastal State jurisdiction in the Adriatic Sea, against the background of similar extensions elsewhere in the Mediterranean and against the background of relevant EU policies. It additionally explores whether Part IX of UNCLOS imposes any duties of cooperation in relation to the extension of coastal State jurisdiction in enclosed or semi-enclosed seas, and puts forward practical suggestions as to how the issue of extension of coastal State jurisdiction could be approached in a way which would enhance States existing cooperation and improve the overall governance in the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas. This book will be of interest to policymakers and academics and students of international law, and the law of the sea.
This book addresses emerging challenges for the World Ocean in the Anthropocene epoch and the effects of increasing globalisation on the seas. The issues explored in particular include climate change, sustainable fisheries, biodiversity, shipping and regional seas adjoining Europe.