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- The first biography in English of the Nobel Peace Prize winning Finnish statesman and diplomat who brokered peace deals in Kosovo, Namibia and Indonesia.
Experienced mediators take you step-by-step through the mediation process, offering strategies to apply in particular contexts and valuable tips to help develop and enhance skills. This highly practical approach reflects in checklists, comments and casenotes throughout including shuttle negotiation and mediation.
In Jesus the Mediator, William L. Brownsberger offers an account of the human psychology assumed by the Second Person of the Trinity in light of its salvific significance
Fifteen years after the release of the first Mediator novel, #1 New York Times bestselling author Meg Cabot returns with a deliciously sexy new entry to a fan-favorite series. Suze Simon—all grown up and engaged to her once-ghostly soulmate—faces a vengeful spirit and an old enemy bent on ending Suze's wedded bliss before it begins. You can take the boy out of the darkness. But you can’t take the darkness out of the boy. All Susannah Simon wants is to make a good impression at her first job since graduating from college (and since becoming engaged to Dr. Jesse de Silva). But when she’s hired as a guidance counselor at her alma mater, she stumbles across a decade-old murder, and soon ancient history isn’t all that’s coming back to haunt her. Old ghosts as well as new ones are coming out of the woodwork, some to test her, some to vex her, and it isn’t only because she’s a mediator, gifted with second sight. From a sophomore haunted by the murderous specter of a child, to ghosts of a very different kind—including Paul Slater, Suze’s ex, who shows up to make a bargain Suze is certain must have come from the Devil himself—Suze isn’t sure she’ll make it through the semester, let alone to her wedding night. Suze is used to striking first and asking questions later. But what happens when ghosts from her past—including one she found nearly impossible to resist—strike first? What happens when old ghosts come back to haunt you? If you’re a mediator, you might have to kick a little ass.
For use in schools and libraries only. A story of supernatural fun and romance from the popular author of The Princess Diaries and All-American Girl.
Christianity stands or falls by what is believed and thought about Jesus. Brunner's thorough and provocative analysis of the Biblical doctrine of the Person and the work of Christ, establishing Jesus Christ as the Mediator between God and man, not only made the central theme of Christianity live again, but established him as one of the great modern theologians. Why should there be an intermediary between God and mankind Brunner's answer is that what matters supremely is not whether man is 'aware' of, or has a 'feeling' for 'something divine', but whether there is only one 'place' at which God challenges man to decision. The God who is real and alive is the God who confronts man in such a way that man knows that he must act. And Jesus Christ, the Mediator, confronts man with the true and living God. The deity of Christ, the humanity of Christ, the God-Man, the Incarnation, and the Atonement are re-examined and rescued from misunderstanding. The result is a clear and provocative discussion concluding that only in Jesus Christ can we know ourselves as we really are; and only in Jesus Christ can God be known as he really is.
Susannah Simon finds herself in over her head when she tackles the four ghosts of the star high school students who've been tragically killed in a car crash. They are lingering at the scene of a crime, seeking revenge on the geeky student whose car caused the incident, and they're not above attempted drowning -- of the geek or Susannah -- to even the score! And when Susannah befriends the geek to solve the case, telling herself that she could be saving a future Bill Gates, he turns out to be more like a future Son of Sam....
Jesus Christ saves radically depraved men, women, and children from their sins. However, to understand, believe, and love the good news about the crucified and resurrected Savior, we must first understand our condition. Thus, we offer this issue of the Free Grace Broadcaster: Radical Depravity. Arthur Pink introduces us to this weighty subject by asking the question, “Is man a totally and thoroughly depraved creature by nature?” Thomas Reade then tells us about the deadly consequences and bitter fruits of Adam’s fall: in Adam all die. We then consider Joel Beeke’s helpful survey of the doctrine of human depravity. A second article by Thomas Reade leads us to a painful truth: the heart of man is evil. But he does not leave us there: he takes us to the blessed Son of God for deliverance. John Owen describes with great clarity the depraved and corrupted state of man’s mind and teaches us that the only remedy for this great darkness is the new birth: “You must be born again.” Loraine Boettner explains the extent and effects of original sin, which results in human inability in the matters of salvation. What is our true spiritual condition outside of Christ? Charles Spurgeon declares that we are legally, spiritually, and eternally dead. Nevertheless, he also tells us that we can be legally, spiritually, eternally alive by faith in Jesus Christ the Son! We then hear from John Flavel that in mercy, grace, and love, God draws sinners to Jesus Christ, gradually, suitably, powerfully, effectually, and finally. That is indeed good news! J. C. Ryle brings our subject to a close by asking a penetrating question: “Are you dead or alive?” Each of us, dear readers, must answer that question.
This book has been replaced by Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis, Third Edition, ISBN 978-1-4625-4903-0.