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The purpose and scope of this book on theoretical glaciology is outlined in the Introduction. Its aim is to study the theoretical aspects of'ice mechanics' and the 'dynamics of ice masses in a geophysical environment. For the mature reader, the book can serve as an introduction to glaciology. How ever, this is not what I would regard as advisible. Glaciology is an inter disciplinary science in which many special scientific disciplines play their part, from descriptive geography to fairly abstract mathematics. Advance ment will evolve from a merger of two or more branches of scientific specialization. In the last 20 years, several researchers in different fields of glaciology have written books emphasizing the aspects of their specialities and I have listed some which are known to me at the end of the Introduction. When glancing through these books, one recognizes that the mathematical aspects of glaciology are generally glossed over and, to date, there seems to be nothing available which concentrates on these. Therefore, I have written this book in an effort to close the gap and no apologies are offered for the mathematical emphasis. Rather, I believe that this neglect has, to a certain extent, aggra vated progress in the modelling of glaciology problems.
This monograph summarizes knowledge of the mechanics of ice. It is concerned principally with the effect of stress on the mechanical properties of ice, including elasticity, anelasticity, sound propagation, plastic deformation and creep in single crystals and in polycrystalline ice, fracture, and recrystallization and grain growth that accompanies plastic deformation. The monograph also includes a comprehensive bibliography.
Originally published in 1970, this book gives a comprehensive account of the properties of ice, the connections between them and the way in which they derive from the structure of the water molecule and the small mass of the proton. The properties are discussed in terms of quantum mechanics and solid state theory with emphasis on physical principles rather than on theoretical models. The book is intended as an exemplification of the principles of chemical physics for beginning graduate students in physics of physical chemistry and as a text and reference book on the properties of ice for research workers in glaciology, cloud physics, meteorology and associated fields. Although the author assumes a familiarity with fundamental physics, he has taken some trouble to make his account self-contained by reference to the underlying principles in every case or by more detailed discussion where the application is not a standard one.
Deals with the basics of ice mechanics and some of its applications to engineering problems, covering formation and types of ice, mechanical properties of ice, bearing capacity of ice, forces exerted by ice on structures, icebreakers and ice modelling.
In the programme of the symposium was written: "The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Me chanics has taken the initiative to organize the sympo sium. As the name of IUTAM implies, the organization brings forward achievements within the field of theore tical mechanics for application in science and engineer ing. According to the rules of IUTAM that only invited persons can attend, all lecturers and participants have been ap pOinted by the members of the scientific committee. To facilitate contact among the attending persons, it has been decided to restrict the total number to 85 persons including the lecturers. Only one session is planned, making it possible for everybody to attend all lectures. Most scientists and engineers have realized that the knowledge attained by extensive basic research is essen tial in order to solve technological problems. In the process of acquiring this knowledge we often fail to un derstand that scientific progress is only achieved by two main principles: (1) By studying the scientific litera ture and applying or improving the theories in order to predict behaviour and forces correctly, or (2) by re jecting existing theories and developing new ways to cope with the problem, resulting in a more differenti ated and, hopefully, more exact theory. Ice seems to be a simple material, but it is in fact so complex and strange that it is only in the latest dec ades that we have come to know some of the natural laws governing its behaviour.
Dynamics of Ice Sheets and Glaciers presents an introduction to the dynamics and thermodynamics of flowing ice masses on Earth. Based on an outline of general continuum mechanics, the different initial-boundary-value problems for the flow of ice sheets, ice shelves, ice caps and glaciers are systematically derived. Special emphasis is put on developing hierarchies of approximations for the different systems, and suitable numerical solution techniques are discussed. A separate chapter is devoted to glacial isostasy. The book is appropriate for graduate courses in glaciology, cryospheric sciences, environmental sciences, geophysics and related fields. Standard undergraduate knowledge of mathematics (calculus, linear algebra) and physics (classical mechanics, thermodynamics) provide a sufficient background for successfully studying the text.
This book presents the concepts and tools of ice mechanics, together with examples of their application in the fields of glaciology, climate research and civil engineering in cold regions. It starts with an account of the most important physical properties of sea and polar ice treated as an anisotropic polycrystalline material, and reviews relevant field observations and experimental measurements. The book focuses on theoretical descriptions of the material behaviour of ice in different stress, deformation and deformation-rate regimes on spatial scales ranging from single ice crystals, those typical in civil engineering applications, up to scales of thousands of kilometres, characteristic of large, grounded polar ice caps in Antarctica and Greenland. In addition, it offers a range of numerical formulations based on either discrete (finite-element, finite-difference and smoothed particle hydrodynamics) methods or asymptotic expansion methods, which have been used by geophysicists, theoretical glaciologists and civil engineers to simulate the behaviour of ice in a number of problems of importance to glaciology and civil engineering, and discusses the results of these simulations. The book is intended for scientists, engineers and graduate students interested in mathematical and numerical modelling of a wide variety of geophysical and civil engineering problems involving natural ice.