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This book provides an introduction to current trends in the study of the biblical prophets. It surveys the growing volume of work that has been on the redactional analysis of individual books and represents the first attempt to bring together these different strands of redaction criticism and to evaluate the effect they have had on our appreciation of the prophetical books as a distinct genre. The opening chapter deals with the methodology of redaction criticism as applicable to the prophetical books. The author then looks at the redactional history of each of the individual books in turn. The closing chapters consider the implications this approach has for our appreciation of these books and the aims of the writers who created them. In particular, the author draws attention to the literary nature of the image of The Prophet conveyed in the books about prophets.
The time has come for Pietism to revitalize Christianity in America. Historian Christopher Gehrz and pastor Mark Pattie argue that the spirit of Pietism, with its emphasis on our walk with Jesus and its vibrant hope for a better future, holds great promise for the church today. Modeled after Philipp Spener's Pia Desideria, this concise and winsome volume introduces Pietism to a new generation.
At the time the Lord brought Elijah on the scene, the kings of Israel and Judah were in serious trouble with the Lord. Their many years of worshiping Baal and golden calves, listening to Jezebel, and killing the prophets was catching up to them. Their earthly kingdoms were coming to an end, and the Lord would move quickly when he moved. What appeared to be harmless details to them was, in fact, rebellion in the sight of God. While the kings served the gods of this world, Elijah and Elisha did not. Rather, they were dedicated only to the Word of the Lord, and if the Lord didn’t speak directly to them, they didn’t move at all. When they did move, it was with the power and authority of the Lord, resulting in the dramatic calling down of fire from heaven, a three-year drought, people raised from the dead, and many other miraculous events. But did Elijah and Elisha take any glory? No, Elisha didn’t even accept Naaman’s token of appreciation – so completely was he relying only on the Lord’s provision. The lives of Elijah and Elisha, as well as the corrupt lives of the kings, serve as important lessons for us today. In addition, there are many prophecies in 1 and 2 Kings that are now being fulfilled. In fact, the entire account is filled with living parables that are relevant for today. The last Chapter of 1 Kings ends with the prophetic ministry facing serious jeopardy. The first Chapter of 2 Kings opens with an awesome supernatural vindication of God's prophet. Even Elijah seems to have been unaware of exactly when the timeline went past a tipping point into a new day in which the true prophets were never forced to retreat. We seem to be approaching a similar tipping point today. Your own life will be changed forever if you heed the truth that the Lord reveals to you in this book.
What Do the Five Points of Calvinism Really Mean? Many have heard of Reformed theology, but may not be certain what it is. Some references to it have been positive, some negative. It appears to be important, and they'd like to know more about it. But they want a full, understandable explanation, not a simplistic one. What Is Reformed Theology? is an accessible introduction to beliefs that have been immensely influential in the evangelical church. In this insightful book, R. C. Sproul walks readers through the foundations of the Reformed doctrine and explains how the Reformed belief is centered on God, based on God's Word, and committed to faith in Jesus Christ. Sproul explains the five points of Reformed theology and makes plain the reality of God's amazing grace.
The clothing worn by the clergy in a church represents the respect, honor and blessing of anointing placed on the individual wearing it. It is seen by many as a calling from God to be the one standing in the gap, guiding and encouraging others toward God and His outstretched hand. Author Joyce Wooden expounds more on the significance of this calling in her new book, The Mantle of Ministry, Embracing the Call. Delving into studying the ministries of Elijah and Elisha, Joyce seeks to educate readers on understanding that an anointing from God is not found in the garments worn by clergy, but in the hearts and faiths of those called by God. Joyce explores the stories and ministries of Elijah and Elisha, defining the mantle as a godly robe that respected clergy wore to be closer to God and to perform miracles on His behalf. She discussed how Elijah performed fifteen miracles and Elisha performed thirty (after Elijah's departure), and how in their day of ministry, emphasis was given to every piece of garment worn by the higher clergy members. However, her book is not just on comprehending the measure of God's anointing on the mantle and clothing worn by the clergy, but drawing the connection that the anointing was more in the person than the clothing. As her studies of Elijah and Elisha reveal, the departure of Elijah on chariots of fire into the sky and the cloth falling from the sky into Elisha's hands meant that it was the heart God wants most from those He anoints. Her hope is that this book inspires men and women to answer the call God has placed on their lives for ministry. Those called were given the gifts from God to bring glory to Him, while leading His children back to His loving presence.