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#1st book/ THIS WORK HAS BEEN BANNED EVERYWHERE/ SAVE IT - PRINT - SPREAD FOR YOUR SURVIVAL. PLEASE **SPREAD** THIS VERSION OF FILE. The book features nearly all unknown secrets. Cracks in 100% nearly all topic of importance to you, like. .100% Health cracked, .100% Universal Laws (operating here cracked, how to take advantage), .In 100% describes Biblical Law of Jesus Christ which operates in this reality and leads to receiving everything that you want IN YOUR LIFE (if only followed), .100% Seduction cracked (partnerships, how to seduce successfully a woman, how YOU can get a woman), .100% cracks stock market, .business, .communications, .describes Illuminati thread (our situation, causality etc.), and many more... / IT’S A BOOK: YOU MUST READ & IMPLEMENT TO LIVE – A HAPPY LIFE. / PROTECT IT. / SECURE THE BOOK /* @+BURN ON DVD'S *&/ OR PRINT/ */ #self-help, #free, #audiobook, #science, #strategy, #psychology, #luciferian, #philosophy, #research, #knowledge, #power, #success, #business, #achievement, #love, #relationships, #pua, #seduction, #dating, #game, #conspiracy, #secret, #secrets, #self-help, #mind, #mind-control, #slave
GOETIA OF SHADOWS is a beautifully illustrated new way of working with Goetic Sorcery from a Luciferian perspective. Goetia is a word which depicts 'sorcery' and is derived from ancient Greek descriptions of those who raise the shades of the dead by evocation, from which the word 'howling' is associated with. The sorcerers would howl and wail at the tombs the very words of power which commanded the spirits to manifest around them. We see that the term goes "sorcerer" and psychagogos "soul-charmer" are associated with those who raise and gain power from the souls of the dead. The ancient rites of necromancy are the foundations and quite similar in approach to the Lemegethon and the original manuscripts. Goetic rites within this grimoire are focused on everyday mundane achievements within the world we live in. Knowledge, sex, power, revenge and defense are focused on here.
#3RD BOOK: THE.LUCIFERIAN.DOCTRINE/ MY .FEMALE SLAVE/ You #Enslave or are-Enslaved. --- #SlaveTechnology: _.@Cause a #female: .to-have #n0-Control over #her+Mind & body .be+_Able to #Control-her #remotely via the-#Use: .of #your-Mind[#reality/ .View-#brochure at the-bottom of this #Document / @BROCHURE: #[.in-#Book{_.Currently[1] /--- [1] \--- \ #YOU’VE-GOT _.#BROKEN[_.#CRACKED .TO-FIRST-#ELEMENTS -\\\ \ THE+#ENTIRE: #FEMALE-MALE[#RELATIONSHIPS: _SUBJECT: \# \ [1. .#HER #LIFE-‘S-#DESTINY .OF+#EXISTENCE [_.#WHICH -INCLUDES/ \ .ALSO-#YOURS: -\# \# \ --- .#WRITE-TO+ME .NOW -AT: #FACEBOOK/ #E-MAIL/ .OR -ELSE/ \ .#WITH-YOUR: ***#DAY& #MONTH* \ .OF: #YOUR: .DAY-OF-#BIRTH /--- \--- /& ----I’D \#SUPPLY-YOU/ ..FOR.#FREE: /--- \ -SOLELY: #TO-YOUR-EYES \- \--- \ #WITH-YOUR+\.CHARACTERISTICS /--- \ .[[FOR-A-TRIAL [.OF -YOURS/ \--- .#THAT-DETERMINES: #WHERE-SHE’D-BE-_.#EMPLOYED/ -X /--- /# \ [2. .#FOR-WHAT: #SHE #LOOKS-FOR [[.IN-YOU /# \ --- IN. #3-STAGES .OF-HER-#LIFE \ \- .FOR #STAGE1: #TELEGONY [[#SECRET-OF-THE-#ELITES \- \ -ATTRACTIVE[#MALE: -TRAITS {9/ .NINE/ /--- \ #WHERE: - #HOW-TO-TALK: #WITH-HER /* .IN+ACCORDANCE \ .#WITH-#HER+ZODIAC \# \- - #HOW .TO+#GET-HER [#SEDUCE \- \ {TO-#MAKE-YOU +APPEAL .TO-#HER/ & \ .FOR-#HER: TO-#FELL-IN-LOVE ---#WITH.YOU \\# //- \- #HOW-TO #CRACK-HER [[_.#DECODE/ & \ _#KNOW: _.#WHAT-SHE-THINKS /--- /--- \ #WHAT-ARE-HER-_.#CHARACTERISTICS \ .[[#WHAT-SHE’D-_.#FOLLOW: #STEP-BY-STEP ./ ----/ \ #HOW-SHE-PICKS-HER-.MASTER /--- \ #WORKINGS-OF-THE-#MIND \- /* #MANIPULATION-LEVELS #WENT-THROUGH -\ /- \+++ \ #TRAUMA-BASED-PROGRAMMING; \ #STORIES-OF-_.#SEDUCTION [[#HOW-FEMALES- \ .SEDUCED: THE-_.#AUTHOR /--- \ #HOW-TO-TREAT: FEMALE[#SLAVES. \ #HOW-TO-#DEAL: WITH-#PEOPLE /--- /* .OF -THOSE #WHO’D: -OPPOSE ETC. / +++ \ #ULTIMATE-TRUTHS -OF-THIS+#REALITY [[#LIFE/ & \ [OF.EXISTENCE {#INCLUDING -THOSE _.#INVISIBLE: \ LAWS [LIKE #KARMA/ #1.2: YOU’VE +PUNCHED \ .SOMEBODY IN THE-FACE & #TIME-LATER: \ #YOU-WERE +\.PUNCHED-BACK \--- \--- .[[& #HOW-TO+#SEIZE[_.#ABSOLUTELY: \\ #THEIR-WORKINGS /- /--- .#THAT-DETERMINES: #YOUR-[#ULTIMATE: EFFECTIVENESS- \ #WITH -FEMALE[#SLAVES ---\ -X /--- /# \ [3. .#GOES-THROUGH: THE+_.#NECESSARY-STEPS .OF /--- \ –[.#PSYCHOLOGICAL: #PREPERATION-OF_.-YOURS /# \ .FOR+#YOU .TO ---\\ ._.#ACQUIRE/ #DEAL/ &GET: -\# \ .[FIRST#SLAVES! \& .FOR+#YOU: .TO-#BE-_.ABLE --- #KEEP-THEM: \ --- #IN.THE-_.#CONSTANT: /### \ _.#SERVICE-TO-YOUR-AGENDA/ #2 [[.FOR-FREE & /- \ .FOR-#FOREVER: .TO-#DELIVER [#BY-THEM /- \ _.EVERY: YOUR-#REQUEST/ .#WANT… ^/--- .#TO-GET: #THE-WORK-#DONE[#ULTIMATELY &/ .FOR-#YOU: TO +BUILT A #NETWORK OF #SLAVES /--- \ .[FOR -THE+_.#ACHIEVEMENT .OF-YOUR+_.AGENDA/ #2 \- \ [I.E. A-#STRIVE: |OF-YOURS \ -X /--- #/--- #science, #strategy, #psychology, #luciferian, #philosophy, #research, #knowledge, #power, #success, #business, #achievement, #love, #relationships, #pua, #seduction, #dating, #game, #conspiracy, #secret, #secrets, #self-help, #mind, #mind-control, #slave
Where there was effort, there will be ease. Where there was fear, there will be control.Where there was lack, there will be wealth. If you fear evil, know that there is no evil in this grimoire other than the evil that you bring. Be at ease with your desires, and you will not falter. The practical magick in this book gives you powers that include influence and control, with magick for money, sex, passion, and seduction. There are powers of persuasion, charm, and trust, alongside those for healing, guidance, wisdom, and peace. The demons enable you to solve legal problems, finding justice and improving your willpower. You will discover protection, bindings, and ways to improve personal skills and creativity. For those who seek greater control, there is a sequence of corruption and cursing rituals and methods for causing disease and mental suffering. Other powers create illusion or concealment and even manipulate time and reality itself. Working with demons is safe when you accept that the demons do not need to be restrained or controlled. A demon wants to fulfill its destiny by helping you obtain what you desire. When you get what you want, that is what the demon wants. This is the true harmony of magick. When you are clear about your desire, there is no risk in surrendering to the power of this magick. You are not selling your soul or making a pact with the devil, but connecting to a legion of consciousness that rewards desire, choice, and determination. Working as The Order of The Unveiled Faces we have performed magick with the powers of Lucifer and The Hidden Demons since 1955. Our intention is to clarify the mysteries and dispel the myths. For those who seek magick, we swear an oath to provide you only with the methods that we know to be true. This is not another book about the demons of Goetia, but one that reveals the Legion of Lucifer. There are more than 100 demons in this book, and most are unknown outside of the secret orders. We reveal the full details of our source materials so you can see how these demons were hidden, and how they were found. You will have the ability to work with hundreds of unique powers. Open your mind, and you will be granted the power to shape, guide, and transform your reality.
The Luciferian Path is one which exercises the sanctification of Self by activating aspects of the Adversary in particular form. This approach, highly at odds with traditional occult assumptions, is difficult to navigate for Practitioners just getting started. These are the questions this manuscript answers. The first part of this book deals with theoretical and methodological foundations of magick. The second part takes a look at previous books through ritual, commentary and suggested practices. Reprinted works have been refocused and expounded upon with additional instructions for the beginner.
Many new and fruitful avenues of investigation open up when scholars consider forgery as a creative act rather than a crime. We invited authors to contribute work without imposing any restrictions beyond a willingness to consider new approaches to the subject of ancient fakes, forgeries, and questions of authenticity. The result is this volume, in which our aim is to display some of the many possibilities available to scholarship. The exposure of fraud and the pursuit of truth may still be valid scholarly goals, but they implicitly demand that we confront the status of any text as a focal point for matters of belief and conviction. Recent approaches to forgery have begun to ask new questions, some intended purely for the sake of debate: Ought we to consider any author to have some inherent authenticity that precludes the possibility of a forger's successful parody? If every fake text has a real context, what can be learned about the cultural circumstances which give rise to forgeries? If every real text can potentially engender a parallel history of fakes, what can this alternative narrative teach us? What epistemological prejudices can lead us to swear a fake is genuine, or dismiss the real thing as inauthentic? Following Splendide Mendax and Animo Decipiendi?, this is the latest installment of an ongoing inquiry, conducted by scholars in numerous countries, into how the ancient world - its literature and culture, its history and art - appears when viewed through the lens of fakes and forgeries, sincerities and authenticities, genuine signatures and pseudepigrapha. How does scholarship tell the truth if evidence doesn't? But fabula docet: The falsum does not simply make the great, annoying stone before the door of the truth (otherwise this here would really be a "council of antiquarians and paleographers"). The falsum makes a delicate, fine tissue. It allows the verum to shine through, in nuances and reliefs that were less noticeable without its counterpart, really tied at the head. And, treated differentiated, it becomes even itself perlucidum, shines out with "hidden values."
What is Luciferianism and how is it different from other beliefs and paths? What do Luciferians actually practice and where is this philosophy derived from? These questions and so many more are explained within this concise, philosophically-oriented book which is entirely focused on the spiritual and carnal approach towards life and the desire of self-excellence and power. Luciferianism must be approached as a way of thinking, shaping the mind and attaining insight and power within your life. This work is the Introduction of the Greater Church of Lucifer (GCOL) and its philosophy is presented by Michael W. Ford, Jacob No, Jeremy Crow and Hope Marie. Eosphoros is focused on applying the self-transforming philosophy into tangible results, without any specific concepts of ceremonial or ritual magick. Beginning with the ideals of a Luciferian, exploring the origins, beliefs of life after death and how to attain individual power, Wisdom of Eosphoros is for those with the courage to seek their potential.