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Why does communication between couples remain the number one marriage issue? Because most spouses don't know that they speak two different languages. Communication expert Dr. Emerson Eggerich says that the problem is couples are sending each other messages in 'code,' but they won't crack that code until they see that she listens to hear the language of love and he listens to hear the language of respect. Dr. Eggerichs' best-selling book, Love and Respect, launched a revolution in how couples relate to each other. In The Language of Love and Respect, you will discover: The basic communication differences between men and women A biblical perspective with easy-to-use tips and advice A quick review and summary for each chapter This book offers a practical, step-by-step approach for how husbands and wives can learn to speak each other’s distinctly different language -- respect for him, love for her. The result is mutual understanding and a successful, happy marriage. Previously released as Cracking the Communication Code.
The secret to parenting success is out! Children need love, parents need respect. It's as simple and complex as that. Bestselling author Dr. Emerson Eggerichs has studied family dynamics for more than 30 years, earning a Ph.D. in Child and Family Ecology. As a senior pastor for nearly two decades, he builds on a foundation of strong biblical principles, walking the reader through an entirely new way to approach the family dynamic. When frustrated with an unresponsive child, a parent doesn’t declare, “You don’t love me.” Instead, the parent asserts, “You are being disrespectful right now.” A parent needs to feel respected, especially during conflicts. When upset a child does not whine, “You don’t respect me.” Instead, a child pouts, “You don’t love me.” A child needs to feel loved, especially during disputes. But here’s the rub: An unloved child or teen negatively reacts in a way that feels disrespectful to a parent. A disrespected parent negatively reacts in a way that feels unloving to the child. This dynamic gives birth to the FAMILY CRAZY CYCLE. This book teaches you to: See love and respect as basic family needs Stop the Family Crazy Cycle of conflict Parent in six biblical ways that energize your children Discipline defiance and overlook childishness Be the mature one since parenting is for adults only Become a loving parent in God's eyes, regardless of a child's response Based on what the Bible says about parenting, this book focuses on achieving healthy family dynamics. Dr. Eggerichs offers unprecedented transparency from his wife and three adult children, who share wisdom gained from the good, the bad, and the ugly of their family life. It's all here in this eye-opening exploration of the biblical principles on parenting that can help make families function as God intended.
"A fifty-two week devotional that will appeal to both wives and husbands as they seek to listen to what God has to say to them." -- Back cover.
A live conference workbook and 10 week study guide.
Dr. Eggerichs' best-selling book, Love and Respect, launched a revolution in how couples relate to each other. Now with The Language of Love and Respect companion workbook, the message of this book can be studied and applied for groups or individual couples. The result will be better communication, understanding, and a successful godly marriage.
Discover the single greatest secret to a successful marriage! Touted as a classic among marriage books, Love & Respect reveals why spouses react negatively to each other and how they can deal with conflict quickly, easily and biblically. A New York Times best-seller with over 2.1 million copies sold. Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It's the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find. While both men and women deserve both love and respect, in the midst of conflict the driving need for a woman is love and the driving need for a man is respect. When either of these needs isn’t met, things get crazy. Based on over three decades of counseling, as well as scientific and biblical research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and his wife, Sarah, have taken the Love and Respect message across America and are changing the way couples talk to, think about, and treat each other. If you want to feel peace, closeness, value, and to experience marriage the way God intended, this book will help you get there. Love and Respect is for anyone: those in marital crisis, the happily married, engaged couples, pastors and counselors, and small groups. This dynamic and life-changing message is impacting the world, resulting in the healing and restoration of countless relationships. What readers are saying about Love & Respect: “I’ve been married 35 years and have not heard this taught.” “This is the key that I have been missing.” “You connected all the dots for me.” “As a counselor, I have never been so excited about any material.” “You’re on to something huge here.” Partner Love & Respect with the Love & Respect Workbook for Couples, Individuals, and Groups for an added experience. Love & Respect is also available in Spanish, Amor y Respeto.
Proven techniques to keep your marriage alive and lively from marriage expert Gary Smalley. More than 150K in print In this practical book, family counselor and best-selling author Gary Smalley, with John Trent, reveals a simple yet profound plan for a marriage of depth, warmth, and excitement. Guide your marriage for a lifetime by learning how to make your spouse feel truly honored, keep courtship alive, rebuild trust, and become best friends with your family. According to Smalley, good marriages are no accident. And deciding to love-in the practical ways outlined here-can result in relationships that are tougher than tough times. Love is a Decision is also available in Spanish, El amore s una decision.
When will we learn? With every sunrise we are given plenty of new examples of people “Hitting Send” and soon regretting it. Social media means what it says: it is social! Our methods of communication today allow for something to potentially be broadcast to everyone from Pekin, Illinois to Peking, China. But it’s not only Twitter fanatics who can find themselves in trouble. Every single one of us is capable of falling prey to this growing plague. Every day we have the potential of both verbal and written blunders. It makes no difference if we are talking to a stranger over a meat counter, chatting on a cell phone with our mother, or sending an e-mail to a coworker; we can and do miscommunicate and people can and do get the wrong idea. When we don't pause long enough to think before speaking or writing, it commonly yields a misunderstanding and leads to a clash. We end up being the person who said, “You know that sphere of the brain that stops you from saying something that you shouldn't? Well, I don’t have one of those.” This book is about preventing that misunderstanding and allowing for understanding. Said another way, preempting people from getting the wrong idea and enabling them to get the right idea! We all need work in this area in far more ways than just glancing through a checklist. From external examples to internal turmoil, Before You Hit Send is about the four things we must think through before communicating. In all things we wish to say or write, we would be wise to ask ourselves, Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it clear? When we ask and answer these four questions honestly, we will be thinking wisely before we speak. But to explore this fully, we need to find out a whole lot more about ourselves and uncover why we consciously and subconsciously get into these communication disasters to begin with. You may be surprised what you discover about yourself. Shall we begin?
Should you take the job? Quit the job? Begin a relationship? End a relationship? Move? Plant roots? How do we find God’s will for life's big decisions? What if you had total freedom? Emerson Eggerichs believes there is a clear answer to finding God’s will. The Bible itself reveals the clue--a secret hidden in plain sight. Before launching his Love & Respect marriage ministry with wife Sarah, Emerson was a senior pastor for nearly 20 years in East Lansing Michigan. Before that, Emerson and a friend ran a free counseling center called “The Open Door” in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. As Emerson navigated his career he found both he and the people he was counseling were wrestling with big decisions and knowing if that decision was really what God wanted. Immersing himself in God’s word for over 30 hours a week for 19 years, he discovered simple, clear truths that set him and many others free. There is a starting point to discovering God’s Will for your next decision and for your entire life. Begin here to read stories of people in the same situations you face today. You’ll be able to discover the freedom you’ve been searching for, and then, like Emerson, you’ll help others find that freedom too.
Explains how couples can practice unconditional love and respect in their marriage based on Ephesians 5:33 and biblical and psychological research.