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This invaluable collection of essays pays tribute to Dan Tsui, 1998 Nobel laureate in Physics. It paints a portrait of his outstanding personal attributes through the eyes of his friends and relatives. In addition, it provides a record of the environment which accompanied him in his search for knowledge. This book, capturing Dan Tsui's experience and joy of the search for knowledge, will inspire scholars of all ages.
"At the turn of the 20th century, the Boxer Uprising marked the culmination of a violent and tragic chapter in Chinese history. Out of the ashes of this calamity, scholarships funded by Boxer Indemnity and many others fostered some of the greatest minds in the Chinese modern era. This book celebrates notable luminary scholars of Chinese descent, with a special focus on 1 Wolf Prize, 4 Lasker, and 11 Nobel laureates spanning a wide range of disciplines in both literature and science. We visit the struggles of pioneers Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen-Ning Yang as the first Chinese Nobel prize recipients for characterizing fundamental laws in elementary-particle physics. Their pioneering works have paved the way for many to follow. We chronicle the careers of more recent recipients, including Mo Yan and his celebration of peasant life in China through the lens of hallucinatory realism. We delve into the lives of these Laureates, witness the obstacles that they overcame, and testify to their lasting contributions to humankind. In recounting the intellectual struggles and triumphs of these pioneers of Chinese heritage, we hope to inspire the next generation of scholars in literature and science worldwide in the hope that they too might become laureates one day"--Publisher's website.
C N Yang, one of the greatest physicists of the 20th Century, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1957, jointly with T D Lee, for their investigation of the relationship (parity symmetry) between left- and right-handed states, leading to a discovery that astounded the world of physics — the nonconservation of parity by elementary particles and their reactions. With R L Mills, he created the concept of non-abelian gauge theories, the foundation of the modern description of elementary particles and forces. Professor Yang has worked on a wide range of subjects in physics, but his abiding interests have been symmetry principles, particle physics, and statistical mechanics.In 1999, a symposium was held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook to mark the retirement of C N Yang as Einstein Professor and Director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics, and to celebrate his many achievements. A noteworthy selection of the papers presented at the symposium appears in this invaluable volume in honor of Professor Yang.
运利的梦就是写文章,出自己的书。他有写不完的题材。去了一趟厦门,在朦胧中看见不远处的金门,想到海峡两岸的恩怨情仇,在大江大海中浮沉。昔日烽火不再,今日车水马龙,经济挂帅,成功得来不易,但愿在心灵上,那里的人一样富足。 与妻儿的关系情深,往往流露在字里行间。美华赴澳洲进修一年半,运利与儿子在一起的时间就多起来。透过文字抒发思念的情怀,实属难得。信仰使他们有重心,知道婚姻的神圣性,守住一生的承诺。写给儿子的信,记下了每一个难忘的日子,特别是兴轩出生的那一刻。 他常想念已逝的父亲。有一盏灯亮着,在深圳。这些年来,因工作关系,他常有机会出国。看到旅舍房里的一盏桌灯,思绪飘回到与父亲一起走过的日子,不管自己多晚回家,家中客厅总会有盏灯亮着,等着他回家。儿时遥远的梦,少年豪放的笑,一口口的饭和一瓢瓢的水,是父亲的汗和母亲的泪。然后我们也有了自己的儿女,也把一口口的饭和一瓢瓢的水,留给他们。只是他们是否知道我们的汗与眼泪? 他爱看书。在旅游途中,书店是非去不可的地方。买了心怡的着作,他会迫不及待地将阅读心得发表在报刊的专栏。所介绍的好书不会叫人失望。一座丸岛的情思录就提及了多位在两岸三地知名的作家。他介绍他们不是因他们有名,而是他们所代表的知识份子对自身文化处境的反省。中国文化到底是什么?香港的文化人能否与中国文化切割而独存?梁文道说不能。文明在专权的国度是否有价值?因为忍受不了一份週刊被停刊,龙应台以一篇《请用文明来说服我》去信中国国家主席胡锦涛。文章在两岸三地,甚至东南亚的华社引起很大迴响。很难说是否是龙应台效应,该週刊在停刊两个月后复刊。 不可能为每一篇都写读后感。我为运利能出版第三本书感恩。我相信他的存稿足可再出版第四本。 ——序 · 张文发 -------------- ▊作者简介 朱运利 汶莱人。常用笔名有:朱喻、宇航、子虚。作品散见西马华文日报福音版、《文桥》、新加坡《中信月刊》、东马《联合日报》等。著有:散文集《帘外拥红堆雪》《但愿人长久》
"Links" are among the most basic---and most unexamined---features of online life. Bringing together a prominent array of thinkers from industry and the academy, The Hyperlinked Society addresses a provocative series of questions about the ways in which hyperlinks organize behavior online. How do media producers' considerations of links change the way they approach their work, and how do these considerations in turn affect the ways that audiences consume news and entertainment? What role do economic and political considerations play in information producers' creation of links? How do links shape the size and scope of the public sphere in the digital age? Are hyperlinks "bridging" mechanisms that encourage people to see beyond their personal beliefs to a broader and more diverse world? Or do they simply reinforce existing bonds by encouraging people to ignore social and political perspectives that conflict with their existing interests and beliefs? This pathbreaking collection of essays will be valuable to anyone interested in the now taken for granted connections that structure communication, commerce, and civic discourse in the world of digital media. "This collection provides a broad and deep examination of the social, political, and economic implications of the evolving, web-based media environment. The Hyperlinked Society will be a very useful contribution to the scholarly debate about the role of the internet in modern society, and especially about the interaction between the internet and other media systems in modern society." ---Charles Steinfield, Professor and Chairperson, Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media, Michigan State University Joseph Turow is Robert Lewis Shayon Professor at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. He was named a Distinguished Scholar by the National Communication Association and a Fellow of the International Communication Association in 2010. He has authored eight books, edited five, and written more than 100 articles on mass media industries. His books include Niche Envy: Marketing Discrimination in the Digital Age and Breaking up America: Advertisers and the New Media World. Lokman Tsui is a doctoral candidate at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. His research interests center on new media and global communication. Cover image: This graph from Lada Adamic's chapter depicts the link structure of political blogs in the United States. The shapes reflect the blogs, and the colors of the shapes reflect political orientation---red for conservative blogs, blue for liberal ones. The size of each blog reflects the number of blogs that link to it. digitalculturebooks is an imprint of the University of Michigan Press and the Scholarly Publishing Office of the University of Michigan Library dedicated to publishing innovative and accessible work exploring new media and their impact on society, culture, and scholarly communication. Visit the website at
Exploring key issues in communication and their impacts on organizational outcomes and management theory, this book considers the important changes in technology and globalization in the context of communications.