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"The Ipsalu Formula" presents a practical approach for achieving bliss in the body. The magic of the Ipsalu Formula is in the synergy of the principles, practices, traditions, and scientifically based techniques it draws upon. This book is a companion to Avinasha's "Jewel in the Lotus: The Tantric Path to Higher Consciousness."
A Method for Tantric Bliss presents a practical approach to spiritual awakening leading to a joyful experience of who you really are and your oneness with all things, your bliss. Created on a solid foundation of ancient principles and practices with deep psychological insights, The Ipsalu formula works for everyone who practices it.
Secrets are revealed in this complete and systematic course in the science of Tantric Kriya yoga that shows readers how to be more aware of the inner working of the boy and mind. (World Religions)
Reprint. originally published: Tharpa Publications, 1991.
In Hindu theology, Divine Power is conceived as a divine woman-the Goddess. Sometimes she is wholly autonomous and sometimes she is the divine spouse of the creator God, Siva or Visnu. She is also held to be the evolving material source of every created phenomenon. Religious texts like Puranas and Tantras have thoroughly investigated the mysterious nature of the Cosmic Goddess. Tantra as a religious practice endeavoured to show how through ritual and Yoga one may achieve the realization of the mystery of the Supreme Goddess. Authors in Sanskrit and modern Indian languages have poured out their ecstatic devotion to the Goddess. She is close to the heart of the passionate devotee, who adores her as mother or daughter - a mortal emotional bond with the divine so peculiar to Hindus. She is also sovereign Power a little part of which reigning royalties covet to possess in order to be good rulers. AS the divine woman she is represented in all women. Therefore women should be holding a high position amongst Hindus. But the question is, do they? In spite of the obvious contrary evidence, women do succeed in carving out a very important position in Hindu religious practices by having their alternative religious rituals highly valued by Hindu women have a very complex interrelationship. The book focuses on the great cosmic Goddess and her ritual worship, Tantric theology and praxis in a wider sense, the attitude of her devotees towards her authority and the social character of the Tantric practitioners, and the position of Bhakti. It also figures out the position of women inside the Tantric and non-Tantric Hindu religious milieu. The Goddess symbolizes the supreme divine authority that activates the creation, protection and governance and necessary dissolution of the world in accordance with the ancient Indian concept of cyclical time. But She also discharges the divine sovereign privilege of punishing evil-doers and rewarding true devotees. Finally, the relevant forms of the Cosmic Goddess in this book are Sri/Tripurasundari/ Lalita; Goddess Kali and Her various emanations; and Laksmi and Her powers in the Pancaratra canonical texts.
A course in Tantric Kraya Yoga. Allows a student to direct the life force through the body in new ways to promote health and refine the nervous system.
The brochur touches upon all the principal precepts of Tantra, especially the esotric practices. an account of the Sakta pithas has also been given in the background of the ethnological divisions of India. New light has been thrown on the origin of bija, mantra and gayatrt occurring in Tantric works. The study may be regarded as a new one, since scientific discussion of Tantricism has not yet progressed so far satisfactorily, especially from the point of view of the Tantrics themselves.
This book is the first consistent theological treatment of the subject of hindu thought known to itself as Trika or Triadiam and popularly as Kashmir Saivism. Few Indic theologies equal it in architectonic power and mystical profundity. Its highest category and goal is consciousness or light whose foremost characteristic is Freedom. This goal can be attained through four ways (upayas). The theology of these ways pertains to Gnostic or knowledge oriented Triadism whose prime theologian is Ahhinavagupta the emperor of Indic speculation.
Relating to Tibetan Buddhism and Indian religion, this work is a collection of articles. These articles are linked by their subject matter, and they are also linked by a common approach to religion.
India is a civilisation of many images a culture of many visual feasts a tradition where th visible and the palpable are as important as the oral and the occurrent, where our highest truths are embodied in our kathas and gathas our songs and stories, where our temples are not only places of worship but equally a gallery of beautiful forms and figures where myth is as important as doctrine, where ancient memories are full of cherished narratives where mythic beings are real in many different ways and we enrich our lives by festivals which celebrate events from the lives of our mythic gods and goddesses and where knowledge is gained as much from itinerant performers as it is from learned discourses and where when the wind blows thorugh the Pipal tree is as if we hear the hymns of the Vedas.