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Over the past several years, numerous anecdotes from aerial applicators have surfaced concerning observations of increased numbers of fine droplets seen in the applied spray clouds, often associated with tank mixtures that contain crop-oil concentrates (COCs) and foliar fertilizers (FFs). Efforts were made herein to correlate surface tension and viscosity to spray droplet size under a variety of aerial application conditions, but these efforts were unsuccessful. In addition, spray mixtures were examined to compare relative evaporation rates. Researchers are encouraged to actively pursue this line of work. The addition of several adjuvants and FFs were found to significantly affect spray droplet size, so applicators should pay careful attention to spray tank composition when making aerial spray applications.
The literature on the effects of active ingredients, adjuvants and surface active agents on the droplet size of agricultural sprays is reviewed. The effects of various agricultural adjuvants on the droplet size distributions of a herbicide sprayed in a wind tunnel simulating an aerial application were determined using a Malvern laser diffraction instrument. All adjuvants caused a decrease in droplet size, which varied with adjuvant type and concentration. Measurements of equilibrium surface tension, dynamic surface tension at 20 ms, density, and viscosity were recorded. Droplet size did not correlate linearly with equilibrium surface tension: only at the lowest surface tensions was any significant decrease in droplet size observed. Droplet size correlated better with dynamic surface tension for each adjuvant over most of the surface tension range, but with different slopes for each adjuvant. At high concentrations of surfactant, bubbles of air were observed within captured droplets and the size distribution became bimodal.
Rotary atomizers are used in a number of aerial applications, such as forest pest spraying and mosquito control sprays. These types of atomizers have a rotating cage at speeds of 2,000 to 10,000 revolutions per minute (rpm) through which a spray is emitted and atomized. Many applicators routinely add spray adjuvants to change the droplet size, reduce drift potential, or to reduce evaporative effects of a particular spray solution; therefore, six commonly used classes of spray adjuvants were evaluated to determine their effects on droplet size. If an applicator's only concern was minimizing spray drift, the applicator could choose a polymer or high surfactant oil concentrate for helicopter speeds and a polymer for fixed-wing applications. For applicators working under hot, dry conditions where evaporation is a concern, choosing an oil-based adjuvant to help get better coverage by creating smaller droplets that do not evaporate would be recommended. Understanding the role the different adjuvant types play in the final droplet size of the spray is key to successfully setting up and making applications with rotary atomizers.
Based on a conference, this book is intended to promote a better understanding of the effects of adjuvants on pesticide penetration, translocation, photodegradation and stability, spray deposition and dissipation, and the fate of herbicides in the environment.
This study was designed to determine if the present USDA-ARS spray-nozzle models, which were based on spray solutions of water plus non-ionic surfactant, could be used to estimate spray droplet-size data for different spray formulations through use of experimentally determined correction factors. Twelve spray-solution treatments were evaluated, ten of which contained a formulated glyphosate product and nine of these contained an additional tank-mix adjuvant. Droplet-size testing was conducted across multiple operational points (nozzle-orifice size, nozzle orientation, spray pressure, and airspeed), in a high-speed wind tunnel, which corresponds to the response surface experimental model used to develop the present spray-nozzle models. The hypothesis that the different treatment solutions would respond linearly across a range of operational parameters and that a correction factor from relative to water plus non-ionic surfactant solution was proven false. When compared to water or the water plus non-ionic surfactant, the changes in atomization across the operation spectrum of the nozzle were not consistent and varied by formulation. Attempts to apply regression fits for a correction factor based on solution physical properties were not successful. With the formulated glyphosate tank mix used, none of the adjuvants tested, except the polymer, showed significant changes in droplet size under the high air shear regime. Whereas there is likely a need to develop formulated product-specific atomization models, the further addition of adjuvants do not significantly change the atomization characteristics, and, as such, should not require a unique spray-nozzle model.
Many factors, including adjuvants, pesticide formulations, and nozzle tips, affect spray droplet size. It is important to understand these factors as spray droplet size affects both drift and efficacy of pesticides, which is a main concern with pesticide application. A laser particle analyzer was used to determine the spray droplet size and distributions of a range of formulations sprayed through several types of nozzle tips. Nozzles included were extended range flat fan sizes 11003 and 11005 (Spraying Systems XR), air induction flat fan sizes 11005 and 11004 (AI), air induction extended range flat fan size 11005 (AIXR), preorifice flat fan size 11005 (TT), and a second preorifice flat fan size 2.5 (TF). Several deposition/retention adjuvants were studied, including Array, Interlock, In-Place, and Thrust. Another study looked at diflufenzopyr + dicamba (Status, BASF) in combination with several adjuvants. Also, three fungicides were evaluated at differing spray volumes. Results indicated that the droplet size of some nozzle tips is more affected than others by changes in the contents of the spray solution.
Controlling droplet size is a critical part of making any successful agrochemical spray application. This is particularly true for higher-speed aerial applications where secondary atomization from air shear becomes the most dominant factor driving spray droplet size. Previous research has shown that higher spray pressures can result in larger droplet-sized sprays by increasing the exit velocity of the spray liquid from the nozzles, which in turn decreases the differential velocity between the spray liquid and surrounding airstream, reducing secondary breakup. This work explores the effects of higher-than-normal spray pressures on two typical aerial application nozzles in the presence of a formulated herbicide spray solution, with and without additional adjuvants. Generally, the spray solution effects followed trends seen in previous studies, with crop oil-containing adjuvants resulting in the largest droplet-sized sprays and the silicones and polymers the smallest. Increasing spray pressure increased droplet size across all combinations of nozzle, airspeed, and spray solution, without exception. The most promising results from this work showed that for typical high-end application airspeeds, increasing spray pressure from the lowest to highest pressures tested generally resulted in spray classifications increasing at least one size coarser. The results from this work demonstrate that larger, faster-flying agricultural aircraft can adopt current methods, with potentially minor equipment adjustments, to generate medium and larger spray qualities and to allow for more efficient applications while meeting agrochemical product label requirements.
Advancements in both application hardware (e.g., nozzles and spray assist devices) and spray property modification products have led to a number of products that are specifically designed to maximize the on-target deposition and minimize off-target movement of spray droplets. Testing protocols are being developed to objectively measure spray drift reduction from a wide range of drift reduction technologies (DRTs) including spray nozzles, sprayer modifications, spray delivery assistance, spray property modifiers (adjuvants), and/or landscape modifications. Using a DRT evaluation protocol, the objectives of this work were to study the effects of different air speeds on droplet size from different spray nozzles and spray solutions and to further evaluate the effects of differences in liquid and air temperature on droplet size at the different air speeds tested. Measured spray droplet size was significantly affected by changes in airspeed with the DV0.5 increasing by ~30-100 ?m and the percent of spray volume less than 200 ?m decreasing by 50 % or more as the tunnel airspeed was increased from 0.5 to 6.7 m/s (1 to 15 miles per hour), depending on the spray solution, spray nozzle, and air speed. The data also showed a lesser influence of temperature differential between the spray solution and ambient air, with the differences seen most likely resulting from changes in spray solution physical properties with the changes in liquid temperature. Most importantly, this study demonstrated that a reference nozzle evaluated under the same conditions resulted in the reduction in driftable fines while the DRT remained constant across all conditions tested.
This paper describes studies that were conducted to investigate the effects of different surfactant and emulsion adjuvant chemistries and formulations on spray characteristics and drift potential of a commercial herbicide. Previous research has shown that surfactant, emulsion, and polymer adjuvants can affect the formation of sprays and liquid distribution patterns when atomized through flat fan nozzles. The present research involved the application of various different tank mix-adjuvant combinations through flat fan, disc-core, and air induction nozzles. The sprays were characterized using spark photography, droplet size analysis, liquid patternation, and driftability measurements in a wind tunnel. Atomization was related to the physical properties of the tank mixes and sheet breakup mechanisms. The results will help in the development of ASTM test guidelines for spray characterization and drift research, and provide valuable information for applicators to consider when selecting tank mix-nozzle combinations for the application of agricultural chemicals.
Studies of Adjuvants involve many scientific fields from basic research of the chemistry, through investigations into physiological effects and environmental impact, to mixture formulation and field use. These important areas are illustrated in these two volumes, which are contributions from the First International Symposium on Adjuvants for Agrochemicals, held in Brandon, Manitoba on August 5 to 7, 1986. A total of 200 participants from 19 countries met to discuss their common interest in adjuvant science, technology, and application. It is the editors hope that these volumes will stimulate interest in and promote a better understanding of the chemical, physiological, and agronomic aspects of adjuvants as they relate agrochemicals. In addition, the revisedAdjuvants for Agrochemicals: A Selected Bibliography of World Literature in the English Language will be a valuable resource for agricultural researchers and other users. We hope that adjuvant research will lead to even safer, more efficient, and more economical use of chemicals in agriculture and forestry.