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Spiritual illumination awaits everyone who has responded to the Call of the Heart. Now it is time to unveil before your eyes an unprecedented Mystery, which until this time has remained the Secret of Secrets.
Commemorating 100 years since the dedication of the Oratory of the Sacred Heart, Ireland's miniature gem of Celtic Revival Art.
Natalie Landau, a museum curator with an expertise in protective amulets and magical beliefs, has received a puzzling gift from her sister Dana--a necklace with a blue evil eye pendant on it. When Natalie learns Dana was murdered only hours after sending the gift, she begins to think the amulet had something to do with her sister's death.
There is a transformation God does in our livesBy the illumination of things we might not have seen In our hearts, unless He had shown us. I pray that the poetry in this book will help Illuminate your heart and mind. These are poems I believe that were placed in my own heart, not only to challenge me but you as well. As you read the following words I pray God's Spirit will touch, lead, and guide you.
The volume you are holding is a combination of two works. Poems of the Ignited Heart is a series of 54 sonnets that powerfully relate Consciousness to mental health. They each convey a powerful image given to the author at a deep core level that painted themselves upon the page in precise words. Taken together they present a dynamic portrait of the evolution of individuals and humanity. Illumination of the One, is a vital sequel to his first book, A Science of Consciousness, which focuses on Oneness as a living reality. This book includes a series of 6 visualization exercises, meant to be used in conjunction with the text, to promote an experience for the reader of this sacred insight.
Building on Book Five’s considerations of the person and redemptive deed of Christ, Book Six of Matthias Joseph Scheeben’s Handbook of Catholic Dogmatics offers his account of the subjective realization of salvation through Christ’s bestowal of grace. This stands as Scheeben’s fullest treatment of the much-contested notion of actual grace and the issues related to the sixteenth-century de auxiliis controversy concerning predestination and how God moves the human will. Progressing in three parts, Book Six commences with an analysis of the concept of actual grace, establishing how God can move the will without compelling it and providing a richly developed context for understanding God’s motive influence. The second part examines three principal heresies concerning grace—namely, Pelagianism, Semi-Pelagianism, and the Reformation doctrines—using these as a basis for evaluating the Catholic dogmas about grace that were articulated against them. Finally, in the third part Scheeben explores the necessity of grace in light of man’s fallen condition and his supernatural end.
From as far back as the 16th century, when St. Edmund Campion of England spoke of ?a great day that would reveal all men's consciences, ? a coming day of enlightenment has been foretold. Known as the ?Warning? or the ?Mini-Judgment?, it is purported to be a day in which God will supernaturally illuminate the conscience of every man, woman, and child on earth. Each person, then, would momentarily see the state of their soul through God's eyes and realize the truth of His existence, afterwhich, it is said the world will never be the same. This predicted event is now said to be imminent, as talk concerning the certainty of this miracle has intensified. This comprehensive and authoritative guide uses Scripture and testimony from the Saints and Visionaries to help explain the coming great miracle of God's Mercy.
The present work is the cornerstone of our Jey Yabsey Sungbum Collection, a subset of our Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences series. Comprised of the collected works of Tsong Khapa Losang Drakpa (1357–1419) and His Spiritual Sons, Gyaltsap Darma Rinchen (1364–1432) and Khedrup Gelek Pelsang (1385–1438), this Collection is a voluminous set of independent Tibetan treatises and supercommentaries, all based on the thousands of works contained in the Kangyur and Tengyur Collections. The Brilliant Illumination of the Lamp of the Five Stages (Rim lnga rab tu gsal ba’i sgron me) is Tsong Khapa’s most important commentary on the perfection stage practices of the Esoteric Community (Guhyasamāja), the Tantra he considered fundamental for the practice of the “Father Tantra” class of Unexcelled Yoga Tantras. It draws heavily on Nāgārjuna’s Five Stages (Pañcakrama) and Āryadeva’s Lamp that Integrates the Practices (Caryāmelāpakapradīpa), as well as a vast range of perfection stage works included in the Tibetan Kangyur and Tengyur collections. It is an important work for both scholars and practitioners. The annotated translation is supplemented with extensive glossaries and other support materials. A companion volume of the critically edited Tibetan text, annotated with the found quotes from Tengyur and Kangyur texts in Tibetan and Sanskrit where available.