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The Book of Homilies contains the authorized sermons of the Church of England. Originally published in two volumes during the reigns of Edward VI and Elizabeth I, the homilies were intended to provide for the Church a new model of simplified topical preaching, as well as to perpetuate the theology of the English Reformation.
Chrysostom's extant homiletical works are vast, including many hundreds of exegetical homilies on both the New Testament (especially the works of Saint Paul) and the Old Testament (particularly on Genesis). This book contains the 88 homilies that Chrysostom gave on the Gospel of St. John.
This is the extended and annotated edition including * an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life As a commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, this Work stands alone among the writings of the first ten centuries. The Expositions of St. Clement of Alexandria (in the Hypotyposes), of Origen, of Diodorus of Tarsus, and St. Chrysostom's teacher, Theodore of Mopsuestia, as well as of Ammonius and others whose materials are used in the Catena, have perished. Those who are acquainted with the characteristic qualities of St. Chrysostom's exegesis, will perceive here also the same excellencies which mark his other expository works-especially the clear and full exposition of the historical sense, and the exact appreciation of the rhetorical momenta in the discourses of St. Peter, St. Stephen, St. James and St. Paul, as recorded in the Acts.
With this helpful guide, preachers can find new and powerful resources for preaching in Johannine language and thought, as well as its use of narrative and discourse. It combines the practical with proposals for understanding the Gospel and 1 John.
This is the extended and annotated edition including * an extensive biographical annotation about the author and his life ST. AUGUSTINE was an indefatigable preacher. He considered regular preaching an indispensable part of the duty of a bishop. To his homilies we owe most of his exegetical labors. The homilies were delivered extempore, taken down by scribes and slightly revised by Augustin. They retain their colloquial form, devotional tone, frequent repetitions, and want of literary finish. He would rather be deficient in rhetoric than not be understood by the people. He was cheered by the eager attention and acclamations of his hearers, but never fully satisfied with his performance. “My preaching,” he says, “almost always displeases me. I eagerly long for something better, of which I often have an inward enjoyment in my thoughts before I can put them into audible words. Then when I find that my power of expression is not equal to my inner apprehension, I am grieved at the inability of my tongue to answer to my heart” (De Catech. Rudibus, ch. II. 3, in this Series, Vol. III. 284). His chief merit as an interpreter is his profound theological insight, which makes his exegetical works permanently useful. This volume contains: The Homilies or Tractates on the GOSPEL OF JOHN (In Joannis Evangelium Tractatus CXXIV. Augustin delivered them to his flock at Hippo about A.D. 416 or later.
This book is a collection of eight Lenten sermons from this important Church Father on the Book of Genesis, delivered in fourth-century Antioch. They offer insights into an understanding of the Fall and redemption which are quite distinct from those developed in the West after St. Augustine. The sermons touch upon a range of moral issues such as compassion towards the poor, the role of prayer in family life and the place of the Christian in wider society which are as relevant now as then. - Publisher.