Download Free The Handy Book Of Shopkeeping Or Shopkeepers Guide By The Author Of Enquire Within Upon Everything Ie Robert Kemp Philp Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online The Handy Book Of Shopkeeping Or Shopkeepers Guide By The Author Of Enquire Within Upon Everything Ie Robert Kemp Philp and write the review.

From the Preface. ...The Shopkeeper's Guide will be found to commend principles which if properly appreciated and practiced, cannot fail to place the interests of the large or small shopkeeper upon a sound foundation. The second and third classes of my querists will be materially aided by the chapters which treat of the "Causes of Failures of Shopkeepers; Qualifications for a Shopkeeper; Hints towards the choice of a Business; Book-keeping; and especially by the " Receipts of Articles," which may be procured wholesale at low prices, compounded according to the directions given, and then sold retail at a very large profit. The List of Agencies will also prove of material value to Shopkeepers of every class. It is my intention to enlarge both these latter departments in future editions; and to keep up a constant and careful revision of the work. In conclusion: I shall be happy to receive suggestions from those who may be able to improve any of the departments of the work, or to add new and useful features to it. I shall also be glad if Shopkeepers will communicate with me upon any deficiencies or omissions they may find; my determination being to make the work one of the highest value to the numerous classes to whose interests it is addressed.