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This little book reveals one of God\'s greatest \"secrets\"--how He governs the world by assigning an Angel to watch over each person, diocese, town, parish, etc. It explains how these blessed spirits protect souls and bodies in ways both miraculous and ordinary. Impr. 64 pgs, PB
DO YOU know who is your best and most faithful friend? It is one whom God Himself has placed at your side as a life companion—a Prince from His own Heavenly Court—your Guardian Angel. God in His goodness has appointed him to guide and protect you through life and to lead you safely to your Eternal Home. From the very beginning of your existence, your Guardian Angel has been concerned about you. He rejoiced when you were born into the world, just as a good mother rejoices over the birth of her child. From the day of your Baptism, you became ever dearer to your Guardian Angel, ever more loved by him. Day and night he watched at your cradle. He led you as you took your first steps. He cared for you with most tender love when danger threatened. He grieved when you committed sin, as if he himself had received the greatest injury, and he left you no peace until you became reconciled with God by a good Confession. He has watched and prayed with you in hours of distress. He has rejoiced with you in days of prosperity. On the day of your First Holy Communion he was the bridal attendant of your soul. As often as you have received the Bread of Angels in the state of grace, he has rejoiced to accompany you to the Holy Table. He it was who prayed for you specially when the hand of the bishop anointed you as a soldier of Christ in the Sacrament of Confirmation. Your Guardian Angel is your best counselor. Particularly will he assist young boys and girls in their choice of a vocation. He will shield you amid the dangers of the world. If you call upon him, he will help you to find the life companion whom God has destined for you. He will ever remain at your side, so that you may faithfully and conscientiously fulfill the duties of your state in life. If God has called you to the religious life or to the holy priesthood, your Guardian Angel will protect you from the temptations of the world and help you to preserve your virginal purity, to offer it to God at the altar by your holy vows or to offer the sacred Body of Christ with unstained hands and holy lips as a priest of the Most High. In short, your Guardian Angel is your companion in all the circumstances of life—your friend in good as well as evil days. He will one day assist you in a very special manner—when you enter into life’s last conflict. Then he will fight with you and for you, until you have won the battle and your heart is at rest. But not even then will he leave you—there where every other, even the best of friends, must leave—on the threshold of eternity. When the light of earth fades away and the brightness of eternity bursts upon you, your Guardian Angel will present your soul before the tribunal of God and faithfully plead your cause. What is more, if you require purification in the flames of Purgatory your holy Angel will visit and console you. He will bring before God’s throne the good works that are performed for you on earth, and he himself will intercede for you. Finally, when your time of purgation is ended, he will joyfully bring you word of your release from the flames of Purgatory and will lead you to the blissful kingdom of Heaven. But to benefit by the presence of this heavenly companion, you must be docile to his inspirations and never turn away from this holy Angel who is your guide and your protector.
Angelic Tails is a collection of down-to-earth true stories from ordinary people who believe that God has graced their lives through heavenly canine companions. Each of the 30 stories challenges readers to reconsider their conception of angels - from the story of a former Air Force colonel whose golden retrievers served as his heavenly helpers in the Colorado wilderness to the account of St. John Bosco, who, for more than 30 years, was protected by an angelic dog as he walked the dangerous city streets. In the end, for all who see through the eyes of faith, this book is evidence that God can use even muddy paws and cold noses to fulfill his purposes in our world.
I deem Susan as being authentic because she draws information from her experience with Angels rather than from literature, imagination, or hearsay. What scholars and scientists can do is stop quibbling and study the affects Angels have in the lives of people they touch. Peter Roche de Coppens, Ph.D./East Stroudsburg University * * * From one word to the next I was zapped into a new way of thinking about Angels and the need to be a witness to Gods work in our daily lives. Brookshire Lafayette Founder/Host - and- * * * This book is an intimate encounter with Sue and God. At the end of this reading experience you will have a different view of how God tries to speak if we will only listen! Deacon Claudette Dyches, Author, Walking Through the Storm: My Story of Conquering Cancer
These remarkable stories of answered prayers remind us that we are never alone In this inspiring collection, the work of angels takes many forms, including miracles, healings, and heavenly visitations. These events all convey a single, urgent, and loving message: God answers prayer. “There’s real power in prayer,” writes beloved New York Times best-selling author Joan Wester Anderson. “We can trust that God’s intense love for us will carry us through.” Help is at hand when we need it most. Anderson’s astonishing first-hand accounts testify to the hope that prayer offers: a dying infant inexplicably recovers after an encounter with a mysterious visitor; a long-lost son suddenly returns home for Christmas; a young man drowning in an icy river unaccountably finds himself on shore; a grieving widow, alone and far from home, receives comfort and counsel from angels in disguise. These stories and dozens of others reveal the care of a loving God who touches the most intimate parts of our hearts.
Explores the relationship between people and angels, through the eyes of the early church. Heaven is closer than we realize. Its boundaries overlap our own, and angels move in and out of our porous present, this moment that seems to us so solid and concrete. If that reality seems dim to us now, it beamed for the early Christians. Through their writings, sermons, songs, and art, the ancient faithful confessed a powerful and vivid belief that angels help carry us on our journey to God. Rooted in the Scripture and following this ancient understanding, Lifted by Angels reveals: the role that angels play in the lives of people and in God’s plan of salvation the different ranks and functions of angels how Satan and his demons fell from grace and plagued humans the functions of guardian angels and how God assigns them to fit our personal needs how guardian angels help us resist evil, temptation, and the devil the way angels join with us in our prayers, even adding their own to ours the service angels provide in worship Featuring examples of angels in ancient icons and frescoes and supported by extensive research on the early church and its pastors, poets, theologians, and artists, Lifted by Angels answers universal curiosity about angels and the unseen world, leaving readers inspired and hopeful about the nearness of God.
Angels have been with us in every time and culture, and in many religious traditions. Ask Your Angels vividly chronicles how they are currently reaching out to every one of us in a totally new way, bridging our physical reality with their pure spiritual energy. From historical writings and widespread contemporary experience that includes their own workshops, the authors show us how we can draw on the power of angels to reconnect with our lost inner selves and to achieve our goals, whether they be better relationships, healing an illness, or recovery from addiction To align with the angelic energy field, you will use five simple steps, as well as exercises, meditations, and visualizations, to learn how to talk with your angels—in your mind, in letters, in dreams, on a computer—and ask their guidance in matters from the inspired to the mundane. From Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel to the angels of birth and death, from the Earth Angel to the guardian or companion angel who is your personal teacher, comforter, and intimate friend, this guide will introduce you to humor, wisdom, and companionship that come from contact with angels, for they are a doorway to the Divine within us.
Take in these pages, and you'll soon find yourself on an electrifying spiritual journey that opens your eyes to the role angels are playing in the specific choices you make and how you can more effectively place yourself under their protection.
Each of us has many guides and many angels in attendance as we follow our path through life--but only one is our true Guardian Angel. This divinely practical handbook shows the way to communicate with this radiant being who protects, supports, and inspires you alone. The results can be profound, leading to deeper connections with other human beings, the world of nature, the divine source, and ultimately yourself. Discover the essential tools of angel communication, from imagination, breath, and chakra energy to singing, dancing, and art, and illuminate the dark places of your soul with your angel’s revealing and healing light.
We may not see or hear them, but angels and spirit guides are always with us. From building healthy relationships to attaining career goals to experiencing spiritual growth, these divine companions are there to lead us down the right path just when we need their help the most. Popular author D. J. Conway shows you how to develop a personal and meaningful relationship with your spirit guides to improve your life. Try unique meditations, guided visualizations, chants, rituals, and spells to connect with power animals, nature spirits, Light and Shadow angels, and the spirits of friends, family, and even pets. In doing so, you will experience personal empowerment and tremendous spiritual growth. Enriched by Conway's own experiences, this book on angels and spirit guides provides unparalleled spiritual guidance, ultimately revealing how the profound impact of these guardian angels and spirit teachers can bring a sense of peace and direction to your life.