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In the time of Abram, the gene pool of the earth was polluted and corrupted. In order to bring forth the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ, there had to be birthed a new and pure seed; the perfect DNA of the Lord. After the seed of Christ was sown in Abram, there came among the descendants of Abram, a golden calf generation in the wilderness when Moses, their Redeemer, was still on Mount Sinai with God. It was a generation of idolatry and immorality. So, before the second coming of the Lord comes another golden calf generation.
This close synchronic analysis of Exodus 1-2 looks at how the pericope's structure, language, focalization and management of information form its conception and judgement of its events and characters. A coherence of concerns is detectable in Exodus 1-2 with allusions to Genesis and the later chapters of Exodus. One chapter is assigned to each of seven narrative unities and deals in various ways with its narrative problems. The resulting eclectic choice of analytical tools includes the study of Proppian structural functions, repetition, public rhetoric, narrative speeds, order and symbolism.
The relationship of the biblical tradition to golden calf worship seems to be entirely negative. In the Torah and the Book of Kings, harsh criticism is wielded against the golden calf the Israelites made in the wilderness (Exod 32; Deut 9:7-10:11) and the calves erected by Jeroboam ben Nebat (1 Kgs 12:26-33) at Dan and Bethel during his reign over the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Hence, the question arises as to whether Jeroboam in truth set up the golden calves in order to buck the postulates of the Israelite religion of his time; that is, was Jeroboam's golden calf really meant to lure Israel into worship of other gods or idolatry? The research into the background and factors which motivated negative attitudes towards the Golden Calf will provide an insight as to when prohibition of images in the Israelite religion became crystallized and how it was indispensable in proclamation of the monotheism of YHWH.
One of the leading scholars of ancient West Semitic religion discusses polytheism vs. monotheism by covering the fluidity of those categories in the ancient Near East. He argues that Israel's social history is key to the development of monotheism.
An introduction on appropriate methods of handling a narrative text leads into an exegesis of Exodus 32-34 in which it is argued that there is a deeper literary and theological coherence in these chapters than has been generally appreciated. There appears a striking account of Israel's relationship with God and the role of Moses within this. The exegesis promotes a discussion of the genre and purpose of Exodus 32-34 and also a preliminary reassessment of the possible growth and development of the material. As a result of the study both the distinctiveness and also the theological importance of Exodus 32-34 within the Moses tradition are set in a new light.
This book explores the story of the Israelites' worship of the Golden Calf in its Jewish, Christian, and Muslim contexts, from ancient Israel to the emergence of Islam. It focuses in particular on the Qur'an's presentation of the narrative and its background in Jewish and Christian retellings of the episode from Late Antiquity. Across the centuries, the interpretation of the Calf episode underwent major changes reflecting the varying cultural, religious, and ideological contexts in which various communities used the story to legitimate their own tradition, challenge the claims of others, and delineate the boundaries between self and other. The book contributes to the ongoing reevaluation of the relationship between Bible and Qur'an, arguing for the necessity of understanding the Qur'an and Islamic interpretations of the history and narratives of ancient Israel as part of the broader biblical tradition. The Calf narrative in the Qur'an, central to the qur'anic conception of the legacy of Israel and the status of the Jews of its own time, reflects a profound engagement with the biblical account in Exodus, as well as being informed by exegetical and parascriptural traditions in circulation in the Qur'an's milieu in Late Antiquity. The book also addresses the issue of Western approaches to the Qur'an, arguing that the historical reliance of scholars and translators on classical Muslim exegesis of scripture has led to misleading conclusions about the meaning of qur'anic episodes.
This book deals with the stories of Israelite complaint or murmuring in the wilderness found in the books of Exodus and Numbers that were composed and edited by the priesthood of ancient Israel. It discusses the significance of the theme of rebellion and complaint for the ancient priests and analyses the part they played in the development of the theme in the Pentateuch. After a general introduction on the theme of murmuring and on the Priestly School, the book goes on to analyze four major priestly texts: the manna story (Exodus 16); the story of the Scouts (Numbers 13-14); the story of the rebellions surrounding the figure of Korah (Numbers 16-17) and the story of the Waters of Merivah (Numbers 20). The significance of the book is two-fold. First, it develops a methodology that allows one to discriminate between early priestly narrative materials and later priestly editorial supplementation. Second, the work demonstrates the antiquity of the priestly narrative lore in the Pentateuch and the significant role which the priests played in creating and developing major narrative traditions in ancient Israel.
When George Yancy penned a New York Times op-ed entitled “Dear White America” asking white Americans to confront the ways that they benefit from racism, he knew his article would be controversial. But he was unprepared for the flood of vitriol in response. The resulting blowback played out in the national media, with critics attacking Yancy in every form possible—including death threats—and supporters rallying to his side. Despite the rhetoric of a “post-race” America, Yancy quickly discovered that racism is still alive, crude, and vicious in its expression. In Backlash, Yancy expands upon the original article and chronicles the ensuing controversy as he seeks to understand what it was about the op-ed that created so much rage among so many white readers. He challenges white Americans to rise above the vitriol and to develop a new empathy for the African American experience.
The present volume contains essays dealing with the Second Temple Jewish traditions and documents preserved solely in their Slavonic translations. It examines these Slavonic pseudepigraphical materials in the context of their mediating role in the development of early Jewish mystical traditions from Second Temple apocalypticism to Merkabah mysticism attested in rabbinic and Hekhalot materials. The book represents the first attempt to study Slavonic pseudepigrapha collectively as a unique group of texts that share common theophanic and mediatorial imagery crucial for the development of early Jewish mysticism. The study demonstrates that mediatorial traditions of the exalted patriarchs and prophets played an important role in facilitating the transition from apocalypticism to early Jewish mysticism.