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The Four Knights Game is one of the oldest chess openings and continues to be a popular choice among beginners and club players. In recent years leading grandmasters such as Alexey Shirov and Emil Sutovsky have injected the Four Knights with numerous fresh ideas and changed its peaceful reputation. White has quite a few ways to create tension and play for the attack. Russian International Master Andrey Obodchuk has written a repertoire book for white players based on the Spanish Four Knights variation (starting with 4.Bb5). Covering a range of positional themes as well as sharp and amazing adventures, Obodchuk has created an easy-to-handle toolbox for amateur chess players of intermediate level, as well as a challenging exposition for stronger players.
A Straightforward and Solid Way to Meet 1.e4 With all the many books and articles on the Sicilian Defense, there is surprisingly little about the Four Knights Variation. Its starting position is reached after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6. It may also be reached after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e6. Some prefer 2...e6 to 2...Nc6 because it avoids 3.Bb5. The fundamentals of the Sicilian Four Knights are not hard to learn. Black reaches the middlegame quickly and safely, with lively piece play in the dynamic positions which arise. There is no easy ride for White here, and, in particular, if he gets over-ambitious, he can find himself on the receiving end of a powerful attack very quickly. The material is very well structured, and the assessments are objective and backed with accurate analysis which will not cause the reader fatigue by becoming exceedingly elaborate ... But, above all, this is an opening that is definitely sound and this work proves it. It will improve your ability to score against both weaker and stronger opposition, offering clear-cut and occasionally bold play. Author David Willis has done a fine job of clearly presenting the analysis, providing us with comprehensive explanations and sound lines in an opening that deserves more attention and popularity. I can wholeheartedly recommend the Four Knights to all levels of players. – From the Foreword by Vassilios Kotronias About the Author Correspondence senior master David Willis is one of the strongest American correspondence chessplayers. He is also a master in over-the-board play and has been relying on the Sicilian Four Knights as his go-to defense against 1.e4 for years. He lives with his family in San Diego. This is his first book for Russell Enterprises.
The Four Knights is an opening with a long and distinguished history. Despite its deceptively quiet appearance, it can lead to extremely sharp play as well as more strategic battles in the main lines.
International Master Jan Pinski delves into the secrets of the Four Knights for the first time, studying the strategic ideas for both white and black players. Pinksi covers both the fashionable main lines and the tricky sidelines, bringing the reaser u
Why is this repertoire called simple? For the simple reason that the variations are straightforward, easy to remember and require little or no maintenance. International Master Christof Sielecki has created a reliable set of lines for chess players of almost all levels. The major objective is to dominate Black in the opening, by simple means. You don’t need to sacrifice anything or memorize long tactical lines. Unless Black plays something stupid, when tactics are the simplest punishment. Sielecki developed this repertoire working with students who were looking for something that was easy to understand and to learn. Most of the lines he selected are occasionally played by grandmasters, but on the whole they lie outside the mainstream of opening theory. That means that there is hardly any need to monitor theoretical developments. Sielecki always clearly explains the plans and counterplans and keeps you focussed on what the position requires. Ambitious players rated 1500 or higher will get great value out of studying this extremely accessible book.
Traditionally regarded as a solid, but rather dull opening, the Four Knights has recently been completely transformed by the games of Nigel Short, Murray Chandler and John Nunn. Grandmaster John Nunn looks at this newly revitalized and effective winning weapon and presents his selection of the most theoretically important games. John Nunn is one of the co-winners of the British Chess Federation's Book of the Year Award for Secrets of Grandmaster Play.
Mayhem in the Morra offers a complete fighting repertoire for White against the Sicilian with 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3. The Morra Gambit is a popular weapon at club level, but can it be effective at GM level? Marc Esserman believes so and he has 2700-rated scalps to back up his view.Esserman is the world's leading expert on the Morra Gambit and he shares all his secrets and many novelties in a lively witty style. The Morra leads to exciting gambit play, so some players decline the offer with 3...Nf6 - Esserman also shows how White can attack this cautious defence.Don't be afraid of the Sicilian - unleash Mayhem in the Morra!* A complete anti-Sicilian repertoire * Ideal for attacking players* Hundreds of novelties and improvements
In his sixth book for Thinkers Publishing, Milos Pavlovic has taken a serious look at the recent developments within the Scotch Game. Drawing upon his considerable opening experience, he investigates the most interesting and dynamic lines for White and Black, making this book a complete repertoire one. He found many novelties and highlights the most important positional and tactical themes this opening provides. We are quite convinced this 'complete repertoire book' will give you an extra boost to play this fascinating opening being one of the old-time favorites of Garry Kasparov.
This book fills a gaping chasm in chess literature. For years, those who wish to take on the black side of the Ruy Lopez have had to muddle their way through against the variety of alternative openings at White's disposal, because there have been no good books to assist them. This is a detailed guide, written from Black's viewpoint, to facing such openings as the King's Gambit, Vienna, Scotch, Four Knights, Italian Game, Bishop's opening, and the variety of oddball gambits White can try.