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This book fills a void. Never before has a comprehensive history of phage therapy—a once-neglected, now resurgent field—been written. Kuchment writes from the perspective of the eager student of history for the common reader.
Right now, a country halfway around the world is using forgotten American ideas to deliver the world’s best healthcare at a quarter of the price of American healthcare. Even more amazing: every resident has access to the same high-quality care. Economics for Dummies author Sean Flynn shows us what we can learn from Singapore's superior, free market-style healthcare system in The Cure That Works.
An electrifying memoir of one woman's extraordinary effort to save her husband's life-and the discovery of a forgotten cure that has the potential to save millions more. "A memoir that reads like a thriller." -New York Times Book Review "A fascinating and terrifying peek into the devastating outcomes of antibiotic misuse-and what happens when standard health care falls short." -Scientific American Epidemiologist Steffanie Strathdee and her husband, psychologist Tom Patterson, were vacationing in Egypt when Tom came down with a stomach bug. What at first seemed like a case of food poisoning quickly turned critical, and by the time Tom had been transferred via emergency medevac to the world-class medical center at UC San Diego, where both he and Steffanie worked, blood work revealed why modern medicine was failing: Tom was fighting one of the most dangerous, antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the world. Frantic, Steffanie combed through research old and new and came across phage therapy: the idea that the right virus, aka "the perfect predator," can kill even the most lethal bacteria. Phage treatment had fallen out of favor almost 100 years ago, after antibiotic use went mainstream. Now, with time running out, Steffanie appealed to phage researchers all over the world for help. She found allies at the FDA, researchers from Texas A&M, and a clandestine Navy biomedical center -- and together they resurrected a forgotten cure. A nail-biting medical mystery, The Perfect Predator is a story of love and survival against all odds, and the (re)discovery of a powerful new weapon in the global superbug crisis.
“I’m just not that creative” is a common refrain in today’s society. But according to author and creative coach Jacob Nordby, nothing could be further from the truth. Every human being is creative, and having a regular creative practice is a vital key to a happy and fulfilling life. If we don't exercise our creativity regularly, our lives can feel dull, stagnant, and rote. Many people live this way and believe “this is just the way life is,” without realizing that developing a regular creative practice can be the cure to what ails them. Nordby knows this all too well. By the time he reached his midthirties, he was running a successful mortgage company and lived in a big house with fancy cars. But he felt like he was dying inside. Starting and maintaining a creative practice is what saved his life. Now, in this powerful book, he explains how he traded in his stagnant way of life for one full of meaning and purpose, and offers specific steps to help you build your own creative practice. The Creative Cure is a call for a revolution, fostering change where all change must begin: within. This internal change will allow you to express your own creative gifts, cultivate happiness, and experience the unique feeling of fulfillment that only a creative practice can offer. Packed with powerful, transformative exercises, this book is the medicine you need to find and reinvigorate your creative soul.
"By the publisher of the prestigious Grant's Interest Rate Observer, an account of the deep economic slump of 1920-21 that proposes, with respect to federal intervention, "less is more." This is a free-market rejoinder to the Keynesian stimulus applied by Bush and Obama to the 2007-09 recession, in whose aftereffects, Grant asserts, the nation still toils. James Grant tells the story of America's last governmentally-untreated depression; relatively brief and self-correcting, it gave way to the Roaring Twenties. His book appears in the fifth year of a lackluster recovery from the overmedicated downturn of 2007-2009. In 1920-21, Woodrow Wilson and Warren G. Harding met a deep economic slump by seeming to ignore it, implementing policies that most twenty-first century economists would call backward. Confronted with plunging prices, wages, and employment, the government balanced the budget and, through the Federal Reserve, raised interest rates. No "stimulus" was administered, and a powerful, job-filled recovery was under way by late in 1921. In 1929, the economy once again slumped--and kept right on slumping as the Hoover administration adopted the very policies that Wilson and Harding had declined to put in place. Grant argues that well-intended federal intervention, notably the White House-led campaign to prop up industrial wages, helped to turn a bad recession into America's worst depression. He offers the experience of the earlier depression for lessons for today and the future. This is a powerful response to the prevailing notion of how to fight recession. The enterprise system is more resilient than even its friends give it credit for being, Grant demonstrates"--
Ryan, a physician, offers a history of the cure for tuberculosis, including accounts of the people and scientists involved. The final chapter spells out a renewed threat in the congruence of AIDS and tuberculosis.
This book tells the story of the thousands of “health seekers” who journeyed to New Mexico from 1880 to 1940 seeking a cure for tuberculosis (TB), the leading killer in the United States at the time. By 1920 such health seekers represented an estimated 10 percent of New Mexico’s population. The influx of “lungers” as they were called—many of whom remained in New Mexico—would play a critical role in New Mexico’s struggle for statehood and in its growth. Nearly sixty sanatoriums were established around the state, laying the groundwork for the state’s current health-care system. Among New Mexico’s prominent lungers were artists Will Shuster and Carlos Vierra, who “came to heal and stayed to paint.” Bronson Cutting, brought to Santa Fe on a stretcher in 1910, became the influential publisher of the Santa Fe New Mexican and a powerful U.S Senator. Others included William R. Lovelace and Edgar T. Lassetter, founders of the Lovelace Clinic, as well as Senator Clinton P. Anderson, poet Alice Corbin Henderson, architect John Gaw Meem, aviator Katherine Stinson, and Dorothy McKibben, gatekeeper for the Manhattan Project. New Mexico’s most infamous outlaw, Billy the Kid, first arrived in New Mexico when his mother, Catherine Antrim, sought treatment in Silver City.
(Black & White Version.) Dr. Bates Original book. Natural Eyesight Improvement. Better Eyesight Magazine; July, 1919 to December, 1919 and Eyecharts attached in this Paperback book.Ophthalmologist William H. Bates discovered and perfected Natural Eyesight Improvement, The Bates Method'. He discovered the natural principles, true, normal function of the eyes (visual system) and applied natural methods, relaxation to return the eyes, eye muscles to normal function with healthy eyes, clear vision. He cured; unclear close and distant vision, astigmatism, crossed, wandering eyes, cataracts, glaucoma & other eye conditions. Natural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement was practiced years before Dr. Bates discovered it. It is the normal, natural function of the eyes. Hidden from the public by eye surgeons, Optometrists, optical businesses for over 100 years because this method works, is easy, anyone can learn, teach it, including children. It produces healthy eyes, clear vision and frees the patient from the need to purchase eyeglasses, drugs, unnecessary eye surgery. This book includes 12 Free PDF E-Books; Natural Eyesight Improvement Training; Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method. 100+ Color Pictures. Less reading; Easy to learn steps-Read the short directions on the pictures to quickly learn, apply a treatment, activity for Fast Vision Improvement. (All of Dr. Bates, Clark Night's Kindle, Paperback books are in this E-Book.)+ Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - (Unedited, Full Set -132 Magazine Issues - 11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Illustrated with 500 Pictures and additional, up to date Modern Natural Eyesight Improvement Training.+ Original Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Photo copy of all his Original Antique Magazine Pages in the 1900's Print. (Unedited, Full Set 132 Magazine Issues-11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) A History Book. Learn Natural Eyesight Improvement Treatments directly from the Original Eye Doctor that discovered and practiced this effective, safe, natural method! Magazines &Method Hidden from the public by eye surgeons, Optometrists, optical businesses for over 100 years because this method works and frees the patient from the need to purchase eyeglasses, drugs, unnecessary eye surgery. Yes, it can and has reversed cataracts and other eye conditions!+ The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses by Dr. Bates (Photo Copy of the Original Antique Book Pages) with Pictures. Dr. Bates First, Original Book. (Text version with Modern Treatments included.) 2nd Printing Title: Perfect Sight Without Glasses.+ Medical Articles by Dr. Bates - with Pictures.+ Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. A. Lierman/Bates. (Dr. Bates Clinic Assistant, Wife.)+ Use Your Own Eyes by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D. (Trained with Dr. Bates.)+ Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D.+ Strengthening The Eyes by Bernarr MacFadden & Dr. Bates - with Pictures and Modern Training. (Trained with Dr. Bates. One of the First Physical Fitness Teachers.)+ EFT Training Booklet - with Acupressure, Energy balance, strengthening, Positive Emotions.Easy step by step directions with Pictures.+ Seeing, Reading Fine Print Clear, Clear Close Vision (Presbyopia Treatments) with Videos.+ Eight Correct, Relaxed Vision Habits- A Quick Course in Natural Eyesight Improvement.+ Astigmatism Removal Treatments+ Eyecharts - 15 Large, Small and Fine Print Big C, E Charts for Close and Distant Vision, White and Black Letter Charts, Tumbling E Chart, Astigmatism Test and Removal Charts, Behavioral Optometry Charts. Eyechart Video Lessons.+ Audio & Video Lessons in Every Chapter - Learn a Treatment, Activity Quick and Easy.+ Videos Page; Links to 35+ Natural Eyesight Improvement Training Videos.See 'William H. Bates, Author's Page', for Video of internal book pages, full description of the Paperback & 12 free E-books.