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The Feasts of the Lord covers all aspects of the biblical feasts...historical background, biblical observance, and prophetic significance
The elegant and beautiful system of the special days of holy convocation and how each one has been or will be fulfilled in prophecy. An explanation of the commandments of Jehovah to Moses on Mount Sinai regarding the festival days and their deep significance. Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles are shown in all their glory.
Having a clearer understanding of the Old Testament feast days can bring to light whole sections of Gods Word and a greater understanding of the New Testament.
This engrossing book will quickly capture your attention as you realize the excitement leading up to this festive occasion and the richness it will bring to your understanding of both the Old and New Testament references. The authors treat us to the sense of anticipation that "cannot be overstated" as their insightful account of traditions leading up to this holiday unfolds...a boy's first haircut, bonfires, sweet treats, artful paper cutting, firstfruits. Shavnot will lead believers in Jesus into greater understanding of the significance of the omer, the waiting period, which foreshadows our watching for His return and gives further meaning to our work of building His kingdom.
Understanding the purpose and traditions of the Jewish feasts will give you a deeper appreciation for your God, your heritage, and the gift of redemption provided by the sacrificial death of Christ. The Fall Feasts of Israel will help you understand three of Israel's most significant festivals: Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. A complete examination of each feast includes a look at its biblical institution, its celebration in the time of Christ, and its observances by Jews today. "The feasts and laws of the Lord were a tutor to lead the Israelites to the Savior...the festivals find their fulfillment in Christ and His New Covenant." This book will give you insight into what God originally intended for the sacrificial offerings.
Fifteen years after its original publication comes a thoroughly revised edition of the Evangelical Dictionary of Theology. Every article from the original edition has been revisited. With some articles being removed, others revised, and many new articles added, the result is a completely new dictionary covering systematic, historical, and philosophical theology as well as theological ethics.
The Reverend Clarence Larkin was one of the most widely influential pop theologians of the early twentieth century: his works are the source of many of the "prophecies" and "truths" end-times Christians hold to even today. This stupendous 1918 book-perhaps his greatest work-is the result of more than 30 years' worth of, the author informs us, "careful and patient study of the Prophetic Scriptures."Fully illustrated by charts describing God's plan for humanity, Dispensational Truth covers: Pre-Millennialism the Second Coming of Christ the present evil world the Satanic trinity the world's seven great crises prophetical chronology the threefold nature of man the Book of Revelation five fingers pointing to Christ the False Prophet and much more.American Baptist pastor and author CLARENCE LARKIN (1850-1924) was born in Pennsylvania, and later set up his ministry there. He wrote extensively and popularly on a wide range of Biblical and theological matters.
Discover how Gods redemptive plan is revealed through the feasts of Israel. You will learn the prophetic purposes of the feasts, how the feasts are fulfilled in Messiah, future implications of the feasts and practical truths for life
Today is April 12th, 2017, and this year we have a New Moon on April 26th. New moons are always special on the Jewish calendar because of the feasts of God as celebrated in scripture. Even though I am a Christian and do not celebrate Jewish feast days, there are things we can learn from them as believers in Christ. And along with the feasts of God, we have the Jewish Calendar that applies to us Christians as well. We will see this as we go on. @page { margin: 0.79in } h1 { margin-bottom: 0.08in } h1.western { font-family: "Liberation Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 18pt } h1.cjk { font-family: "Noto Sans CJK SC Regular"; font-size: 18pt } h1.ctl { font-family: "FreeSans"; font-size: 18pt } p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120% } a:link { so-language: zxx } As with many things in scripture, we find double meanings from these feast days, and the events for Christians are all laid out for us in the Jewish Calendar. I want you to look at these lessons as a teaching and not a preaching. I want to cover a lot of ground here so sit back and be prepared to learn some things about the Feast Days of the Lord and the Calendar he gave to his earthly people Israel. Introduction I have given this writing the title “The Feasts of the Lord,” or “God's Prophetic Calendar.” Both the title and subtitle apply to this teaching. The idea of a Calendar originated with God, but it was for man’s benefit. Second Peter 3:8 tells us, “But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” The calendar we are about to examine shows God’s plan for the human race. It begins with the death of Christ, and it’s followed by our need for sanctification. Christ’s resurrection, the beginning of the Church, the Rapture of the Church, the Tribulation that follows the rapture. The regathering and regeneration of Israel, and final the return of the Messiah’s return to reign on earth during the Millennium Kingdom. God’s prophetic calendar contained all of these events in sequence and located in one chapter of the Bible, Leviticus chapter twenty-three.