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The author gives a brief insight into the family formation and social protection of the Igbo people. He maintains that the Igbo family system was instituted several centuries B.C., by Igbo ancestors as a social security system; and was charged with the social obligation to establish cultural measures that would among other things: a) Supervise and protect the marriage institution through inbuilt fundamental traditional safeguards to avoid marriage breakups and the consequent exposure of children to parental abuses.b) Provide through the marriage institution a legitimate and socially secure home for every child in his/her father's home where adequate parental upbringing would be assured.c) Ensure that through the marriage institution there was an alternative but temporal home in the maternal ancestral family for every person in case of a serious social misunderstanding, dispute or social disturbance in his/her paternal family.d) Provide humanitarian assistance through family connections to all members of the extended family faced with the problems of bereavement, orphanhood, poverty, disability, illness, old age or retirement.e) Provide physical protection and economic assistance to all through community service.The author made brief comments on the ethnic orientation and civilization of the Igbo people of Southern Nigeria.
The author presented his book Igbo Culture in a most convincing way by quoting expert opinions on most of the issues he discussed in the book. Through his carefully researched work and detailed analysis of facts, he showed in the book that Igbo youths working hard like their ancestors can reform Igboland into a new and better civilization by sifting the good aspects of Igbo culture into today's way of life. He started his book by making a brief reference to the possible migration route of Igbo ancestors from their earliest settlements in the forest region of Central Africa to their present-day settlement in Southeastern Nigeria of West Africa. He also made a brief reference to the development of the Igbo civilization through the period covering the Stone Age and Iron Age civilizations (pages 114). He painted a clear picture of the cultural background of the community where he was born and brought up and lived in for more than sixty years before he traveled to the United States of America. He traced the more than twenty-six generations-deep lineages, beliefs, concepts, customs, and history of Ihe Shikeaguma in Ntuegbe clan of Enugu State in Southeastern Nigeria as a sample core Igbo culture community. He also delved into the historical links and social formation of this community, with emphasis on genealogy, religion, settlement, language, government, law enforcement, defense, seasons, festivals, and residential structures (pages 1583). He took his readers to Igbo thought on God, self, family, human life, birth, death, spirit, human mind, and reincarnation (pages 85113). He clearly documented the cultural products of Igbo thought, which can be seen in the formulation of Igbo institutions with special reference to marriage, the extended family system, the social status structure and title system, festivals, informal education, traditional law, community service, religion, divination, and health-care services (pages 114202). He explained that the symbolism of various articles and some spoken words in Igbo culture are products of Igbo thought. He referred to ofo stick, kola nut, alligator pepper, spears, tribal face marks, body paint, white chalk, and the young palm frond as symbols or instruments of Igbo philosophical expressions and concepts (pages 203214). He showed how Igbo culture and philosophy have been affected by the cultures of Igbo neighbors in Nigeria and by other foreign cultures with special references to the following: (a) Ugwuele civilization (a Stone Age culture)1,000,000 BC500,000 BC (b) Nri civilization (a ritualized kingship system)AD 800AD 1700 (c) Aro civilization (slave trade and colonial era)AD 1700AD 1850 (d) Border civilization (slave trade and colonial era)AD 800AD1900 (e) External civilization (slave trade and colonial era)AD 1700AD 2000 (pages 215238) The author concluded his work by making an evaluation of Igbo culture. He carefully examined the oriented values of the Igbo and highlighted those areas of Igbo culture that should be refurbished and reinfused into Igbo life by the Igbo themselves in order to transform Igboland into a big theater of modern civilization (pages 239246).
As Christianity in Africa is witnessing an unprecedented growth in membership, the author argues that in order to sustain its momentous growth and deepen the faith particularly among Catholics, the Church needs to acculturate an African model that resonates with Africans’ religiosity, cultural consciousness and worldview. The author contends that the model of the Church as the Extended family of God is best suited for an African ecclesiology and deepening the faith of African Christians.
If there is no religion in the world, the world would more or less become a jungle. The world will be inhuman. Religion touches all aspects of human life. Identifying God's will in our world today has become a major problem for many religions of the world. In the past, in Igbo Traditional Religion, human sacrifice as well as the killing of twins were practised. For the Igbo traditionalists then, that was the will of the deities and equally not against God's will. But following the encounter of Igbo Traditional Religion with Christianity these are no longer practised. Misinterpretation of God's will by some religions of the world has given rise to religious violence, religious extremism, fanaticism and terrorism we are experiencing today in the world. For these problems to be resolved, it is pertinent that the study of various religions be taken seriously. This study should be aiming at better understanding, co-existence, respect for one another and frequent inter-religious dialogues among the various religions of the world. When this is achieved, the believers of various religions would realize that many are worshipping one God and their desire is to communicate with Him, although they may approach Him differently.
The book is about the Ibos of southeastern Nigeria, whose language is Igbo. This very uniquely distinct ethnic group of people have been accused of being tenacious in their belief, audacious in their venture, intense in their resistance and unrelenting in their persistence. The book is aimed at creating awareness and a more comfortable feeling toward Igbo speaking people and their culture. It is a culture that must not be forgotten, a heritage that is gradually being lost in our over-excitement and eagerness to Europeanize. The conventionalized Igbo signs, gestures, the admissible expressions, idioms, folk-tales, folk-songs, vocabulary and phraseology, truly have no close substitutes in English language. A culture that thrives on self-reliance, equality, democracy and healthy competition. You are invited to read and know a people obsessed with the desire for self-improvement through education and learning, who also are open to new ideas and easily adaptable to change. The book is a first of its kind by an Ibo man who sees the urgent and pressing need to preserve the Igbo language, traditions and cultural heritage, so that our children and future generations of Ibos and Ibo lovers will be educated and passed on the Igbo diction and the people's source of strength and power. It will also prepare anyone on what to expect, going, meeting and doing business with the people, as it answers basic questions and clears misconceptions.
Doing Ministry in the Igbo Context: Towards an Emerging Model and Method for the Church in Africa arises out of reflection on experience and practice. The volume reflects on the author's own cultural context, religious heritage, and pastoral functioning. In addition, it considers the author's personal experiences in relation to the common experiences of others within the author's cultural and religious traditions and places these experiences and the voices they represent into mutually critical correlation. Thus, commonalities and dissonances in them emerge leading to insights where to go from there in providing ministry to the People of God in the «local church» context and still within the framework of one universal church. This book presents a contextual model of local theology that begins its reflection with the Igbo cultural context. The Igbo or Nigerian or African Church can have a pattern of ministry with a model and a method that are consistent with the peoples' values. To accomplish this goal a local cultural value must be explored and brought into the scene. Since the Igbo society is the heart of Christianity and Catholicism in Africa, the author relies on Igboland as his situational context. The exploration of the indigenous Igbo value of collaboration will be an advantage in ministering to the rest of the African people who have cultural resemblances to Igbos. The African Church has to learn from the Igbo values of umunna bu ike. Umunna is the basic Igbo unit, and possibly the most powerful missionary force in Igboland, and potentially an Igbo gift to the Church in Nigeria and Africa, and even beyond.