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Edward Hendrie uses God’s word to strip the sheep’s clothing from false Christian ministers and expose them as ravening wolves preaching an anti-gospel. The anti-gospel is based on a myth that all men have a will that is free from the bondage of sin to choose whether to believe in Jesus. The Holy Bible, however, states that all men are spiritually dead and cannot believe in Jesus unless they are born again of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 2:1-7; John 3:3-8. God has chosen his elect to be saved by his grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:3-9; 2:8-10. God imbues his elect with the faith needed to believe in Jesus. Hebrews 12:2; John 1:12-13. The devil’s false gospel contradicts the word of God and reverses the order of things. Under the anti-gospel, instead of a sovereign God choosing his elect, sovereign man decides whether to choose God. The calling of the Lord Jesus Christ is effectual; all who are chosen for salvation will believe in Jesus. John 6:37-44. The anti-gospel has a false Jesus, who only offers the possibility of salvation, with no assurance. The anti-gospel blasphemously makes God out to be a liar by denying the total depravity of man and the sovereign election of God. All who preach that false gospel are under a curse from God. Galatians 1:6-9.
Lucianity, the Perverse Religion of Christians is a book about the hidden history of the New Testament -- where it not only reveals the scripture’s mysterious origin … but also its very unique and clandestine creation. In this book, the reader will learn that Christianity, the religion that people sincerely believe and practice today, is not the religion of Christ. Instead, it is the religion of an overzealous disciple who was able to gain possession of every gospel and almost every epistle, in addition to most of the other manuscripts related to early church affairs, and then after the death of the apostolic authors, edit and rewrite them to reflect his peculiar religious beliefs and philosophy. For instance, he conflated Jesus with God, and called him Lord. That disciple is identified as Lucius, the Bishop of Cyrene, who unfortunately, never understood the spiritual nature of man, the spiritual resurrection of Christ, or the purpose for why God sent Christ on a mission to Earth. As a consequence of ignorance, and the lack of understanding by Lucius, man has unknowingly accepted the false and unorthodox beliefs of Lucianity which have been incorporated into the creeds, gospels, epistles, and a host of other bible-related documents. This newly discovered information was deciphered by a seasoned detective when he deconstructed the 2000 year old biblical scripture line by line, and verse by verse. All Christians, who number in the billions today, will be stunned and perplexed by his findings, especially all the ministers who promote the Bible as the true word of God. Some of it is, and some of it isn’t; nevertheless, this book identifies God’s true word in Isaiah and Daniel, and it even illustrates the exactness and preciseness of His word (plus other prophetic scripture), by the use of numerous exhibits — since the detective believes a picture is worth a 1000 words. Christ flipped over the tables of the money changers signifying the coming end to the desolation that existed in the Jewish Temple. In like manner, the detective has upset an applecart full of false beliefs which will hopefully awaken people to the realization of Lucianity (or modern day desolation), and usher in the resurrection of true Christianity. “Christians” will learn the unvarnished truth about their ascribed beliefs for probably the first time in 2000 years, and more particularly, how they have been bamboozled and conned by a very clever disciple. The Bible is the most sold, and most read, book in the entire world, and yet, not a single person in the world has recognized the fact that at least 75% of the scripture in the New Testament is really the prodigious work of a secretive, behind the scenes, apostolic era Bishop. In his writings, Lucius used ancient manuscripts and even a book by Flavius Josephus to write various gospel chapters -- not the spoken words of Jesus. While looking over the Detective’s shoulder, the reader will see and learn exactly how he identified all the fraud implanted into the pages of the Bible via easy-to-understand scriptural analysis and a variety of exhibits. As such, reading the New Testament is generally a waste of time, unless one has the persistence, capability, and patience to do a thorough, time-consuming, focused, multi-year, forensic exam like the one contained inside the pages of the book “Lucianity.” No similar criminal investigation of the Bible has ever been completed, and no similar book exists. If a person is searching for “just the facts” regarding their Christian faith, then the Detective assures all seekers of truth that they will know more about the Bible, God, Moses, Isaiah, Daniel, and Christ (i.e. the Anointed One of God) after reading Lucianity than they ever will by reading Biblical scripture. And more importantly, if they truly understand the message of Jesus Christ as revealed within the pages of this book, they should also learn something about themselves … no matter their status, rank, position, race, or sex, their incarnation is not an accident of nature, but a self-chosen, deliberate, purposeful spiritual event. Just like Christ, every man, woman, and child has come to Earth in order to fulfill a spiritual mission, not to fulfill a short-sighted worldly aspiration for material goods and wealth.
Do you consider yourself a Christian, washed in the blood and saved by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? Think again. Ti Kutt's Exposing Christianity: Undoing Christianity for the Kingdom is a bombshell exposé of Christianity's lies. Drawing on more than forty years of research, Kutt takes apart the Christian cult piece by piece, showing readers how Satan's brilliant talent for lying has deceived believers from the Garden of Eden to the present day. Not only are all of Christianity's holidays and observances in violation of God's law, the very names we use for God are corrupted by Satan's evil. Readers will be stunned by what Kutt is bold enough to reveal in Exposing Christianity.
SOMEBODY'S Not Telling You the Truth!Whether you are a Christian or not... religious or not, you're going to be intrigued by this discovery.Does God really consider premarital sex a sin? How about prostitution? Most... No, all "Christians" believe that sex before marriage is a sin and that all prostitution is an abomination in the sight of God. But is that what God really says in scripture?Truth is... the truth has been cloaked by false religious doctrines based on critical flaws in the translations of certain words, perhaps intentionally, changing the meaning of specific pieces of scripture within the historical context it was written. What this creates is a gross misunderstanding of what the original intent of the writers was with regards to this topic. It's as if the religious elites have launched a campaign of disinformation designed to pull the wool over your eyes... But why?The outcome is condemnation and guilt for anyone who engages in premarital sex... or even thinks about it. But none of that is Biblically correct! This book proves it.Written by a Christian of more than 35 years who was challenged to expose the truth based on a failed relationship with his fianc�e, in which some Christian associates openly passed judgement that his relationship wasn't blessed due to premarital sex.Having discovered the truth long ago but never really studying it, he was forced to defend himself against a barrage of accusations based on scripture thrown at him by those indoctrinated in the religion of sexual immorality: Scripture he knew was out of context with the wrong translations. Unfortunately, he lost that battle because he couldn't "show himself approved." This led to a 4-month long journey into rediscovering the truth and exposing the lies perpetrated on him and the rest of the world.Based on facts that have been hidden from the public for centuries, he reveals what God's real intentions are regarding sex, sex before marriage and prostitution. What you will discover flies in the face of main street religious doctrine that premarital sex is a sin, all prostitution is a sin and that anyone "lusting" after another to desire that person is adultery. Whether you are a Christian or not, you will feel liberated from this distorted and false doctrine of sexual immorality and uncover what God truly has to say about those things which are really sexually immoral and why.This book is for anyone who is justly interested in the truth on this taboo. It will empower you and inspire you. This book in not a condemnation of Christianity and instead shows that it is "religion," not Christianity that is the issue.This book doesn't promote prostitution nor encourage sex before marriage, especially for young adults. It's an exploration of the truth that has been hidden for too long.
"Arresting...intellectually satisfying....Reveals a curious and previously hidden history of sex in America, in which scientific theories offered seemingly rational foundations for sexual abstinence, while religion, for once, gave us the nod of cosmic approval"--Psychology Today. This provocative book shows how Christianity has shaped Americans' sexual expectations--and laid the foundations for the sexual revolution.
Edited by Jane Desmarais and David Weir.
When Emily Joy Allison outed her abuser on Twitter, she launched #ChurchToo, a movement to expose the culture of sexual abuse and assault utterly rampant in Christian churches in America. Not a single denomination is unaffected. And the reasons are somewhat different than those you might find in the #MeToo stories coming out of Hollywood or Washington. While patriarchy and misogyny are problems everywhere, they take on a particularly pernicious form in Christian churches where those with power have been insisting, since many decades before #MeToo, that this sexually dysfunctional environment is, in fact, exactly how God wants it to be. #ChurchToo turns over the rocks of the church's sexual dysfunction, revealing just what makes sexualized violence in religious contexts both ubiquitous and uniquely traumatizing. It also lays the groundwork for not one but many paths of healing from a religious culture of sexual shame, secrecy, and control, and for survivors of abuse to live full, free, healthy lives.
With stories of fast cars, wet matches, pastors, airline pilots and celebrities, this is not your average "church" message on freedom from porn. In Unmuzzled, J.S. Shelton takes a gut-punching message and boldly shows men how to finally go all-in with God. It's raw truth with real direction. "Unmuzzled provides a way of escape from the greatest threat to the cause of Christ today! Jeremy pulls no punches in this powerful and practical book on how to walk in freedom from sexual sin. Tragically, most Christian men are struggling. Unmuzzled exposes the danger of pornography, hidden sexual sin, and provides the Biblical roadmap like never seen before. Every man should read this book!" JOSH MCDOWELL, Best-Selling Author of "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" International Speaker and Christian Apologist "Few problems impact marriages like pornography. I'm convinced this is one of Satan's most powerful tools today?but it can't withstand the Word of God. Jeremy's message is one all men need to hear." JIMMY EVANS, Founder & CEO, Are you a Christian, but continue to struggle with sexual temptation and lust? Is pornography a reoccurring struggle in your life? Are you sexually active, but not married? Have you committed adultery, but cannot fathom confessing it? Are you someone who has tried everything, but still struggle sexually? This message will quickly show you: How to actually conquer and stay S.A.F.E from all sexual temptation How to recognize God's presence in your struggle How to cut things out of your life that cause you stumble How to confess sin and eradicate strongholds in your life Finally, how to be used by God to help others Whether it is pornography, masturbation, fornication, same-sex attraction, adultery, or lust in general...sexual sin is restraining men ( and women more than ever now ) all over the world. Why is it that hundreds of books have been written, thousands of sermons preached, and millions of prayers prayed against sexual immorality...but instead of witnessing an uprising, we are tolerating a backsliding. Get ready to drop Hell's most celebrated sin in your life! Unmuzzled is a time-sensitive and prophetic warning written specifically to men who call themselves Christians. "I can say without equivocation that UNMUZZLED is the most factual, liberating, fascinating, transformative book for men wanting freedom from sexual sin I've ever read. It's actually one of the best books for men on any topic, including my own book, I've ever read. Jeremy is practical, funny, serious, vulnerable, direct, and deeply spiritual. Wait no longer. Read this book immediately, and send to all the men you know! Many will be set free." LARRY TITUS, Author, International Speaker and President of Kingdom Global Ministries "Every church leader and every man in your church needs to read this book and heed the warning within. We must get the message of Unmuzzled out and recognize the only way out of this problem is through the Word of God. God's Word created the universe and it is His Word that has the power to turn a man's heart from this horrible epidemic facing our families." TODD MCINTYRE, Senior Executive Pastor at Victory Church and Men's Pastor,
"A must-read for every concerned American--and especially for every Christian who weeps at the graveside of his culture." --R.C. Sproul A cataclysmic change has occurred as our culture has shifted toward belief in "Oneism." Every religion and philosophy fits into one of two basic worldviews: "Oneism" asserts that everything is essentially one, while "Twoism" affirms an irreducible distinction between creation and Creator. The Other Worldview exposes the pagan roots of Oneism, traces its spread throughout Western culture, and demonstrates its inability to save. "For bodily holiness and transformed thinking . . . we depend entirely on one amazing thing: the incredibly powerful message of the Gospel to a sinful world, which is the ultimate expression and goal of Twoism. The only hope is in Christ alone."