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American interests in Southeast Asia have received ample scholarly attention in the wake of the Vietnam War. Much of this material seeks to understand how policies in the first post-war years led to American military involvement in Vietnam. A sizable body of work is also devoted to U.S. policy in Indonesia in its first years of independence. But very few of these studies trace American interests in the region before 1940. Previous concerns for Southeast Asia are usually summed up in a few sentences that dismiss them as minor commercial interests of private companies. However, the development of American policy in Southeast Asia was not as sudden as these studies suggest. Since the late nineteenth century, the United States had become increasingly concerned with Southeast Asia. The process was a gradual one, but in no way did America's interest in the region start fresh in 1945. Several large scale continuities in American policy in Southeast Asia during the first half of the twentieth century can be observed. First among these was a gradual and ongoing expansion of United States interests in the region. American involvement through the mid-nineteenth century was limited principally to trade in spices and a few other non-essential commodities. American exports to Southeast Asia were relatively unimportant. Then, in the late nineteenth century, American trade with Southeast Asia began to expand. Southeast Asia took on a new significance as a market for American manufactures. By the 1920's, however, interest in Southeast Asia as a buyer of American goods was preempted by concern for the region as a supplier of vital raw materials. The oil and rubber resources of the Netherlands East Indies were of special concern to the United States. Within ten years, however, military and security concerns gradually supplanted these economic interests. For the first time, events in Southeast Asia became an important strategic issue for the United States. After World War II, American policy entered a new era. While economic and security concerns continued no factor into American policy decisions in Southeast Asia after 1945, they were subordinated to larger ideological questions like the future of the European colonial empires and the spread of communism ...
A new phase in US foreign policy, in which China is viewed as a major threat to American economic and security interests, has begun under the Trump administration. The strong anti-China sentiment is accompanied by efforts to “decouple” from China. If carried too far, they will alienate allies and friends whose cooperation the US will need in order to compete with China. In the broader American foreign policy community, there is an intense ongoing debate on how strong the push-back against China should be. Both moderates and hawks agree on the need for a “tougher” approach but differ on the degree and method of toughness. No coherent strategy has been possible partly because President Trump’s thinking does not always accord with that of his own administration and partly because it is still too early in the day to come out with well-thought-out policies to support such a major change in foreign policy direction. The ongoing adjustments to global policy and strategy will therefore continue as the security focus shifts to the Indo-Pacific region. The “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” concept provides some signs of the broad direction policy may take but its vital economic dimension is still missing. There is greater recognition in Washington of the importance of Southeast Asia. Located in the middle of Indo-Pacific, it will be a contested zone between China and the US and its allies. The US will step up its public diplomacy to better promote its own narrative in Southeast Asia. Under the Trump administration, the importance of the South China Sea to the US has risen. The US will remain a powerful factor in Asia despite Trump and problems at home. China is not on an inevitable path of dominance given its own significant domestic challenges.
NOTE: NO FURTHER DISCOUNT FOR THIS PRODUCT-- OVERSTOCK SALE --Significantly reduced list price while supplies last Proceedings form a forum which provided a collegial forum for a small and select group of foreign policy and regional experts to formulate and recommend new directions for American foreign policy for each of the major regions of the world. With a new American administration in office, this is an opportune time to assess American foreign policy and to set future directions: 1. What challenges and opportunities will the United States, and its allies and friends, face in the future? 2. What changes should be made to all elements of U.S. foreign policy, including the diplomatic, economic, military, and informational elements? 3. What elements should continue? 4. What are the varying perspectives of nations within the region concerning U.S. foreign policy? 5. What changes in U.S. foreign policy would they desire? 6. Overall, what new directions for U.S. foreign policy will better support the interests and objectives of the United States, its allies, and its friends? A total of thirty-three foreign policy and regional experts participated in the workshop. Seventeen panelists presented papers on seven panels: A Global Perspective, Western Hemisphere, Asia and the Pacific, South Asia, The Greater Middle East, Europe and Russia, and Africa. Policymakers, members of government and governmental committees and agencies, and students and members of the general public interested in American foreign policy will be interested in this publication. Related products: International and Foreign Affairs resources collection is available here: Countering Radicalization and Recruitment to Al-Qaeda: Fighting the War of Deeds is available here: Armed Groups: Studies in National Security, Counterterrorism, and Counterinsurgency can be found here: The Evolution of Los Zetas in Mexico and Central America: Sadism as an Instrument of Cartel Warfare can be found here:
The most complete picture to date of how U.S. strategies of containment and empire-building spiraled out of control in Southeast Asia, investigating also how the demoralizing experience of Vietnam radically undermined U.S. enthusiasm for the region in a strategic sense.
Now in a fully revised and updated edition, this cogent book provides an overview of the historical context and enduring patterns of U.S. relations with Asia. Noted scholar Robert G. Sutter offers a balanced analysis of post–Cold War dynamics in Asia, which involve interrelated questions of security, economics, national identity, and regional institution building. He demonstrates how these critical concerns manifest a complex mix of realist, liberal, and constructivist tendencies that define the regional order. He describes how the United States has responded to Asia’s growing strength and importance while at the same time trying to maintain its leading position as an Asian power despite China’s rising influence. Considering the most important transition in American policy toward Asia since the end of the Cold War, Sutter assesses the growing U.S.-China rivalry that now dominates both regional dynamics in the Asia-Pacific and U.S. policy in the region.
The contributors to this work examine the evolution of U.S. foreign policy toward the Third World, and the new policy challenges facing developing nations in the post-Cold War era. The book incorporates the key assessment standards of U.S. foreign policies directed toward critical regions, including Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. Through this region-by-region analysis, readers will get the information and insight needed to fully understand U.S. policy objectives - especially with regard to economic and security issues in the wake of 9/11 - vis a vis the developing world. The book outlines both successes and failures of Washington, as it seeks to deal with the Third World in a new era of terrorism, trade, and democratic enlargement. It also considers whether anti-Western sentiment in Third World regions is a direct result of U.S. foreign policies since the end of the Cold War.
This book provides a multifaceted analysis of the so-called US 'rebalance' (or 'pivot') toward Asia by focusing on the diplomatic, military, and economic dimensions of the American policy shift in the Asia Pacific region.