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An examination of the debates on European Central Bank monetary policy, focusing on issues of transparency, credibility, and accountability and the effect of the ECB's decentralized structure. The adoption of the euro in 1999 by 11 member states of the European Union created a single currency area second in economic size only to the United States. The euro zone's monetary policy is now set by the European Central Bank (ECB) and its Governing Council rather than by individual national central banks. This CESifo volume examines issues that have arisen in the first years of ECB monetary policy and analyzes the effect that current ECB policy strategy and structures may have in the future. After a detailed description and assessment of ECB monetary policy making that focuses on such issues as price stability and the predictability of policy decisions, the book turns to two important issues faced by European central bankers: the transparency and credibility of decision making and the ECB's decentralized structure. After showing that transparency in decision making enhances credibility, the book discusses the ECB's efforts at openness, its political independence as guaranteed by law, and its ultimate accountability. The book then considers the effects of the decentralized ECB structure, focusing on business cycle synchronization, inflation differentials, and differences in monetary policy transmission in light of the enlargement of the monetary union. The book also discusses options for ECB institutional reforms, including centralization, vote weighting, and cross-border regional banks.
Comprehensive 200-page overview of the ECB from its inception in June 1998 until the present day.
Europe’s financial crisis cannot be blamed on the Euro, Harold James contends in this probing exploration of the whys, whens, whos, and what-ifs of European monetary union. The current crisis goes deeper, to a series of problems that were debated but not resolved at the time of the Euro’s invention. Since the 1960s, Europeans had been looking for a way to address two conundrums simultaneously: the dollar’s privileged position in the international monetary system, and Germany’s persistent current account surpluses in Europe. The Euro was created under a politically independent central bank to meet the primary goal of price stability. But while the monetary side of union was clearly conceived, other prerequisites of stability were beyond the reach of technocratic central bankers. Issues such as fiscal rules and Europe-wide banking supervision and regulation were thoroughly discussed during planning in the late 1980s and 1990s, but remained in the hands of member states. That omission proved to be a cause of crisis decades later. Here is an account that helps readers understand the European monetary crisis in depth, by tracing behind-the-scenes negotiations using an array of sources unavailable until now, notably from the European Community’s Committee of Central Bank Governors and the Delors Committee of 1988–89, which set out the plan for how Europe could reach its goal of monetary union. As this foundational study makes clear, it was the constant friction between politicians and technocrats that shaped the Euro. And, Euro or no Euro, this clash will continue into the future.
"This book is designed to provide the reader with an insight into the main concepts involved in the handling of payments, securities and derivatives and the organisation and functioning of the market infrastructure concerned. Emphasis is placed on the general principles governing the functioning of the relevant systems and processes and the presentation of the underlying economic, business, legal, institutional, organisational and policy issues. The book is aimed at decision-makers, practitioners, lawyers and academics wishing to acquire a deeper understanding of market infrastructure issues. It should also prove useful for students with an interest in monetary and financial issues."--Introduction (Pg. 20, para 8).
Over the past decade central banks have taken on new and expanded roles in an attempt to manage the global financial crisis. Panicos Demetriades, former governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus during the country's bailout in 2013, examines the role of the ECB and its adoption of these new powers.
This book provides a description of the main macroeconomic models used by the European Central Bank and the euro area national central banks (Eurosystem). These models are used to help prepare economic projections and scenario analysis for individual countries and the euro area as a whole. The volume takes stock of the current macroeconometric modelling infrastructure available within the Eurosystem, highlighting not only the structures and main features of the models used but also their purposes and underlying model-building philosophies. A bird s eye view of the key details of the design, structure and characteristics of the models is provided, along with information on the responses of these models to a series of standard economic and policy shocks. This is the first time that a comprehensive description and systematic comparison of the main macroeconomic models has been published. This book will be of great interest to Central Bank and government economists, as well as academics, economists and students with an interest in central banking, econometric modelling, forecasting and macroeconomic policy.
This book offers a critical assessment of the history of the euro, its crisis, and the rescue measures taken by the European Central Bank and the community of states. The euro induced huge capital flows from the northern to the southern countries of the Eurozone that triggered an inflationary credit bubble in the latter, deprived them of their competitiveness, and made them vulnerable to the financial crisis that spilled over from the US in 2007 and 2008. As private capital shied away from the southern countries, the ECB helped out by providing credit from the local money-printing presses. The ECB became heavily exposed to investment risks in the process, and subsequently had to be bailed out by intergovernmental rescue operations that provided replacement credit for the ECB credit, which itself had replaced the dwindling private credit. The interventions stretched the legal structures stipulated by the Maastricht Treaty which, in the absence of a European federal state, had granted the ECB a very limited mandate. These interventions created a path dependency that effectively made parliaments vicarious agents of the ECB's Governing Council. This book describes what the author considers to be a dangerous political process that undermines both the market economy and democracy, without solving southern Europe's competitiveness problem. It argues that the Eurozone has to rethink its rules of conduct by limiting the role of the ECB, exiting the regime of soft budget constraints and writing off public and bank debt to help the crisis countries breathe again. At the same time, the Eurosystem should become more flexible by offering its members the option of exiting and re-entering the euro - something between the dollar and the Bretton Woods system - until it eventually turns into a federation with a strong political power centre and a uniform currency like the dollar.
This study, completed in April 2024, aims at comprehensively presenting and thoroughly analysing the legal framework governing the definition and implementation of the single monetary policy in the euro area during the first twenty-five years of the Eurosystem’s operation. In this historical context, the focus is on the legal aspects pertaining to the definition and implementation of this single monetary policy since the establishment of the Eurosystem on 1 January 1999 amidst, and in response to, several financial and non-financial crises which erupted in the course of that period (and in particular since 2007, which marked the onset of the Global Financial Crisis). The ultimate goal is to highlight the significant contribution and the importance of the legal framework in shaping the single monetary policy of the Eurosystem, in normal times and at times of stress. The study is structured in two key chapters entitled “The Single Monetary Policy in the Euro Area: Definition and Legal Framework” and “Implementation of the Single Monetary Policy in the Euro Area in Periods of Crises”. The Epilogue (Chapter 3), entitled “Considerations on the Impact of Monetary Policy Decisions on Financial Stability in the Euro Area” discusses the interaction between monetary policy and financial stability, as well as the latest (until April 2024) financial stability conditions in the euro area through the lens of international and EU official reports, taking also into account the (spring 2023) banking turmoil.
The Eurosystem Approach to Monetary Policy and Liquidity Management is related to the banking system, liquidity management, and the efficiency of monetary policy implementation necessary for the monetary and financial stability. Starting from the financial analysis of the current situation in the Eurosystem the effects of the financial crises on liquidity volume are examined. The future perspectives of the Eurosystem's liquidity management are evaluated and its method of monetary policy implementation is compared with the one of the Federal Reserve System. The focus of the work is liquidity management, which is conducted for the sake of permanent provision of liquidity in the interbank market (or money market) that gives the opportunities to more counterparties to receive the appropriate amount of credits. The efficient liquidity management can stimulate the business, and promote economic development. Therefore, the study of liquidity-changing composition and its influences on the overall monetary policy is essential, especially nowadays, when the need to improve the financial systems after the crises has risen.