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The rule of law is one of the oldest principles of democratic governance. It is a fundamental principle of the European Union (EU), found in Article 6(1) of the Treaty on European Union. In this jurisdiction, it can be said to entail a community of law and principles of protection for individuals and of rational procedures. In other jurisdictions, most notably the United States, the rule of law has been significantly eroded in the context of the 'war on terrorism'. One cause of this erosion is the adoption of pre-emptive measures which are rooted in late twentieth century risk society thinking. As risk society thinking is also prevalent in EU policy-making, the thesis considers whether fundamental rule of law principles have also been eroded in this legal order. The study critically examines key EU counter-terrorism measures, adopted since September 11 2001, to ascertain how rule of law principles have been affected in the 'war on terrorism'. The thesis draws on the work of Michel Foucault to characterise EU counter-terrorism as a 'pre-emptive dispositif. Five key facets of EU counter-terrorism efforts are analysed. First, the common European definition of terrorism is examined, along with related offences contained in the Framework Decision on Combating Terrorism (as amended). Second, the EU's numerous anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist finance laws are investigated. Third, UN and EU targeted asset-freezing sanctions are critiqued. Fourth, certain elements of the EU's data retention policies and relevant legal measures are considered. Fifth, the European Arrest Warrant and European Evidence Warrant are examined. The thesis concludes that while the EU does not possess the strong coercive powers of its Member States and it has generally avoided the use of the 'war' strategy in its counter-terrorism efforts, the effect of its counterterrorism action on the rule of law has been profound.
EU Counter-Terrorism Law: Pre-emption and the Rule of Law is a detailed study of EU action to combat terrorism since 11 September 2001 and the implications that action has had for the EU legal order. It critically examines EU counter-terrorism measures to ascertain how rule of law principles have been affected in the 'war on terror'. The book opens with a critical examination of the rule of law in the EU legal order. It then provides an overview of the “war on terror” before analysing five key facets of EU counter-terrorism: the common European definition of terrorism along with related offences contained in the Framework Decision on Combating Terrorism; the EU's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist finance laws; UN and EU targeted asset-freezing sanctions; EU data retention measures such as the Data Retention Directive and the Passenger Name Records agreements; and the European Arrest Warrant and European Evidence Warrant. The book argues that EU counter-terrorism is weakening the rule of law and bypassing safeguards in favour of a system emphasising coercive control over individual autonomy. It concludes by examining the prospects for the future as the EU becomes a more powerful security actor following the Lisbon Treaty and the adoption of the Stockholm Programme. 'an impressively accurate and alarming analysis' Ms Sophia In 't Veld MEP and Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs 2ND Prize winner of the Society of Legal Scholars Peter Birks Prize for Outstanding Legal Scholarship 2013
This volume traces the developments in the laws and practices of the European Union and five of its Member States (the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Italy) at two points in time: first at the time of the Gulf War following Iraq s invasion of Kuwait in August 2000; secondly, following the terrorist attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001. The focus is on the legal status of immigrants and asylum seekers and how that legal status is being modified on grounds of security-related measures adopted over a period of about ten years. Particularly, the question is whether and how far situations have come into existence, which could be considered to be in conflict with fundamental principles of human rights.
Marianne Wade and Almir Maljevi? Although the worries about terrorism paled in comparison to the economic crisis as a topic during the last US election, one can find plenty of grounds to assume that they remain issue number one in the minds of politicians in Europe. As the German houses of Parliament prepare to call in the mediation committee in the discussion of legislation which would provide the Federal Police – thus far mandated purely with the post-facto investigation of crime – with powers to act to prevent acts of terrorism, Spain’s struggle with ETA and the British Government licks its wounds after a resounding defeat of its latest anti-terrorist proposals by the House of Lords, one cannot but wonder whether post 9/11, the Europeans are not even more concerned with terrorism than their US counterparts. A look at media reports, legislative and judicial activities in either Britain or Germany clearly underlines that those two countries are deeply embroiled in anti-terrorist activity. Can it be that Europe is embroiled in the “War on Terror”; constantly providing for new arms in this conflict? Or is it a refusal to participate in the “War on Terror” that fuels a constant need for Parliaments to grapple with the subject; begrudgingly conceding one increasingly draconian measure after the other? The question as to where Europe stands in the “War on Terror” is a fascinating one, but one, which is difficult to answer.
ŠA deep and thoughtful exploration of counter-terrorism written by leading commentators from around the globe. This book poses critical questions about the definition of terrorism, the role of human rights and the push by many governments for more secu
This book finds its origins in a transatlantic colloquium held in the European Parliament in Brussels in May 2002. After an introductory overview of the US and European responses to 9/11 it addresses the main legal aspects of the fight against international terrorism, namely police and judicial cooperation (including mutual legal assistance, extradition and the role of entities like Europol and Eurojust), financial initiatives (e.g. by the UN Security Council, the FATF and the EU), human rights and rule of law issues (such as trial by military commissions, detention of alleged unlawful combatants and others, state of emergency derogations, due process, the death penalty and privacy) and international law aspects (inter alia self-defence, the application of international humanitarian law, prisoner of war status, the role of the UN, in particular the Security Council, sanctions and the negotiations on a comprehensive convention on combating terrorism). Each topic is considered from a US and from a European perspective.
The terrorist attacks of 9/11 precipitated significant legal changes over the ensuing ten years, a "long decade" that saw both domestic and international legal systems evolve in reaction to the seemingly permanent threat of international terrorism. At the same time, globalization produced worldwide insecurity that weakened the nation-state's ability to monopolize violence and assure safety for its people. The Long Decade: How 9/11 Changed the Law contains contributions by international legal scholars who critically reflect on how the terrorist attacks of 9/11 precipitated these legal changes. This book examines how the uncertainties of the "long decade" made fear a political and legal force, challenged national constitutional orders, altered fundamental assumptions about the rule of law, and ultimately raised questions about how democracy and human rights can cope with competing security pressures, while considering the complex process of crafting anti-terrorism measures.
Terrorism and the International Legal Order introduces the various aspects surrounding the efforts which have been undertaken to enhance cooperation and coordination in the war against terrorism. It deals with jurisdiction and extradition, with the ICC and the ICJ, with safe havens and cross-border aspects. Van Krieken brings together key documents on terrorism in the context of the international legal order, all preceded by succinct introductions. He pays ample attention to all the UN organs, the Security Council and ECOSOC in particular, and to the European Union and its efforts to harmonize legislation. As fear exists that the fight against terrorism will erode the human rights regime, Van Krieken puts human rights in the broader context of international law and the quest for peace and justice. But he also extensively addresses the issue of asylum seekers and migrants who may have been, are, or might become involved in terrorism-related acts.
This book contributes to the understanding of the counter-terrorism (CT) policy of the European Union (EU) by offering a set of analyses focusing on its external dimension. Whilst calling for the combination of internal and external policies as well as cooperation with third countries and international institutions, the external dimension of EUCT challenges previous assumptions on the functioning of the EU and offers new testing ground for the latest theoretical and methodological approaches. This volume provides the first systematic assessment of the external dimension of EUCT. It covers transatlantic counter-terrorism cooperation, the interaction between EU institutions and policies, theoretical debates on EU actorness in counter-terrorism and the role of judicial institutions in international counter-terrorism. Furthermore, it draws attention to the need for engaging in new discussions over the post-Lisbon Treaty Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), the international fight against terrorism, and the way international actors cooperate and compete on the security arena. It will be of interest for both academics and practitioners working on EU foreign policy, transatlantic relations and international counter-terrorism. It will also be of interest for students and journalists specialized on European and international affairs. This book was published as a special issue of European Security.
Terrorism has become one of the major threats facing both states and the international community, in particular after the terrorist attacks in the United States, Madrid and London, which revealed a whole new scale and dimension of the phenomenon. An effective response is absolutely necessary; this response, however, cannot undermine democracy, human rights, the rule of law or the supreme values inherent to these principles.There is no universally agreed definition of "terrorism", nor is there an international Jurisdiction before which the perpetrators of terrorist crimes can be brought to account. The European Court of Human Rights is the first international Jurisdiction to deal with such a phenomenon. For many decades and through more than four hundred cases, it has elaborated a clear, integrated and articulated body of case law on responses to terrorism from a human rights and rule of law perspective. Thus, this is a handbook on counter-terrorism with a special focus on due respect for human rights and rule of law.This book compiles the doctrine laid down by the European Court of Human Rights in this field with a view to facilitating the task of adjudicators, legal officers, lawyers, international IGOs, NGOs, policy makers, researchers, victims and all those committed to fighting this scourge. The book presents a careful analysis of this body of case law and the general principles applicable to the fight against terrorism resulting from each particular case. It also includes a compendium of the main cases dealt with by the Strasbourg Court in this field and will prove to be a most useful guiding tool in the sensitive area of counter-terrorism and human rights.