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"The Eternal Source of the Universe" encourages skeptics to apply all aspects of their minds to search for truth, and to consider whether knowledge of the eternal past and eternal future is actually both worthwhile and attainable. The book presents compelling evidence and reasoning for the existence of God, the verification of supernatural revelation, and the means of obtaining eternal life.
o The Tao Te Ching is one of the oldest and most translated books in history. Over the past 2500 years, these eighty-one rudimentary verses have been translated, interpreted, and paraphrased innumerable times probably almost as much as the Bible. o The true beauty of the Tao Te Ching lies in its simplicity and general lack of law, codes, or dogma. The Tao Te Ching says that true wisdom cannot simply be written in words or symbols it must be lived and experienced. And, he who is truly wise does not even know how wise he is. o The sage, the prophet, or enlightened one, is simply called The Person. The Person understands and appreciates his impermanence and unrelenting move to complete union with the ETERNAL SOURCE. o The Person who is ultimately concerned about his relationship with God or ultimate reality and the possibility of reunion and centering within that source has already been grasped by the ETERNAL SOURCE. This act of grace is available to all. There is no need to ask any further questions or do anything: no words, no actions, no worship, no sacrifice. Anything additional would only distort reality. The Person who is centered within the ETERNAL SOURCE simply lives the truth, reveals the truth and is the truth.
If things can come from nothing, something had to be nothing. That would necessitate that everything be nothing, and every number be equal to zero. All science and mental reasoning would disintegrate. So, something must always exist. Cosmogony, (the scientific study of the origin of the Universe), however, shows that gravity should have prevented the present universe from coming into existence. Yet, we're here. Eternal Origin uses observation to show why something must always exist, and why that something can't be the universe or anything within it. Eternal Origin also proves why any refutation of that answer requires everything be nothing, and every number be equal to zero.
For a person to attain eternal happiness, he must know himself well. Man is the epitome of the entire universe. Whatever the universe encompasses, man harnesses it, too. Yes, he who knows himself knows the universe, who knows the universe knows the Creator, who knows the Creator can achieve eternal happiness. It is possible to understand the universe inside us with a firm belief. This book will help you find peace by answering the questions in people's minds about who you are, where you come from, and where you are going.
If things can come from nothing, something had to be nothing. That would necessitate that everything be nothing, and every number be equal to zero. All science and mental reasoning would disintegrate. So, something must always exist. Cosmogony, (the scientific study of the origin of the Universe), however, shows that gravity should have prevented the present universe from coming into existence. Yet, we're here. Eternal Origin uses observation to show why something must always exist, and why that something can't be the universe or anything within it. Eternal Origin also proves why any refutation of that answer requires everything be nothing, and every number be equal to zero.
The story begins when eternity gave birth to time. The night was far-flung and astronomically wonderful when these giant bodies that we call stars were born. The stars are in galaxies of 100 billion solar masses that make up the Milky Way, which is just one galaxy among many. Chapman asserts that the universe, in its entirety, is a single organism with a complex structure comprised of countless trillions of organisms of lesser size. By asking you to really think about all he presents within the book, Chapman appeals to your introspective side, and he shows you how to understand the intricate details in all the twists and turns of the truth, which is obscured in this vast universe. If you are ready to look at our universe in a new and innovative way, The Countless Trillions of Universes within Universes can show you how!
This Book as well as all other books and manuscripts, published or yet unpublished, written by the author, began after a dream experience in which I was encouraged to write. At that time, it didn’t seem possible that I could do such a thing. However, after other inner and outer experiences having taken place, the process of writing began. Although, at first, I wasn’t sure of what I would be writing about, for the writings were somehow inspired. One dream experience, of which one is not likely to forget, is the one where a being of an higher inner realm whispered in my ear, saying, “you are chosen.” But what for? I wasn’t sure at that time. Another similar dream was one in which I was given the WORD to bring back. Again, at that time, I wasn’t sure what that meant. However, after several manuscripts were written and reread by me, things began to fit into place. That is, the dream experiences were becoming a reality. Although the writings must speak for themselves, I feel now that I was chosen to present the WORD, the WORD of the Transonic Consciousness, which is the WORD embracing the realm of the end and the beginning of a cycle of time. The Transonic WORD, then, is the WORD that takes in the harvesting of a previous cycle of time, and the WORD for the beginning of a new cycle of time. Therefore, the WORD is the everlasting WORD, the everlasting gospel, as it were. Inasmuch as the WORD is the everlasting WORD, it is backed by an infinity of beings within the inner and outer realms of being.