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The International Energy Agency Bioenergy Agreement was initiated as the Forestry Energy Agreement in 1978. It was expanded in 1986 to form the Bioenergy Agreement. Since that time the Agreement has thrived with some fifteen countries (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States and the CEC) currently being signatories. The objective of the Agreement is to establish increased programme and project cooperation between the participants in the field of bioenergy. The environmental consequences of intensive forest harvesting have been the subject of intense interest for the Agreement from its initiation. This interest was formulated as a Cooperative Project under the Forestry Energy Agreement in 1984. It developed further under each of the subsequent three-year Tasks of the Bioenergy Agreement (Task III, Activity 3 "Nutritional consequences of intensive forest harvesting on site productivity", Task VI, Activity 6 "Environmental impacts of harvesting" and more recently Task IX, Activity 4 "Environmental impacts of intensive harvesting". The work has been supported by five main countries from within the Bioenergy Agreement: Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, UK, and USA. The continued work has resulted in a significant network of scientists work ing together towards a common objective - that of generating a better under standing of the processes involved in nutrient cycling and the development of management regimes which will maintain or enhance long term site productivity.
Lord Rutherford has said that all science is either physics or stamp collecting. On that basis the study of forest biomass must be classified with stamp collecting and other such pleasurable pursuits. Japanese scientists have led the world, not only in collecting basic data, but in their attempts to systematise our knowledge of forest biomass. They have studied factors affecting dry matter production of forest trees in an attempt to approach underlying phYf'ical principles. This edition of Professor Satoo's book has been made possible the help of Dr John F. Hosner and the Virginia Poly technical Institute and State University who invited Dr Satoo to Blacksburg for three months in 1973 at about the time when he was in the final stages of preparing the Japanese version. Since then the explosion of world literature on forest biomass has continued to be fired by increasing shortages of timber supplies in many parts of the world as well as by a need to explore renewable sources of energy. In revising the original text I have attempted to maintain the input of Japanese work - much of which is not widely available outside Japan - and to update both the basic information and, where necessary, the conclusions to keep them in tune with current thinking. Those familiar with the Japanese original will find Chapter 3 largely rewritten on the basis of new work - much of which was initiated while Dr Satoo was in Blacksburg.
The challenges of stewardship: sustaining forest land productivity in British Columbia; Some threats to sustaining forest yields in North America: research challenges; Forest productivity in the southern hemisphere with particular emphasis on managed forests; Site processes: Deterioration of forest land as a result of atmospheric deposition in europe: a review; Sustaining site productivity in North American forests; Problems and prospects; Evaluating the seedling moisture environment after site preparation; Physical properties of forest soils containing rock fragments; Changes in forest biomass and nutrient distribution in walker branch watershed Tennessee; Can measurable soil properties be integrated into a framework for characterizing forest productivity?; Estimating nutrient uptake in forest ecosystems; Organics and metal solubility in California forest soils; Denitrification in temperate forest ecosystems; Mechanisms leading to a sustained growth response to N fertilization in a stand of pinus radiata; Nitrogen pools and processes during natural regeneration of loblolly pine; Forest stand conversion from hardwoods to pine: twenty three years later; Dougral fir productivity: a conceptual model ot its regulation by water and nutrient availability; Influences of acidic deposition and forest development on conifers at pack forest, New York; Changing productivity: Amelioration of soils by trees; Manipulating loblolly pine productivity with early cultural treatment; Potential for productivity decline in New Zealand radiata pine forests; The effect of alder forest cover and alder forest conversion on site fertility and productivity; Some slashburning effects on soil and trees in British Columbia; Effects of burning douglas fir logging slash on stand development and site productivity; Impact of aspen timber harvesting on soils; Soil organic matter timber harvesting, and forest productivity in the Inland Northwest; Management applications: On fertilizing semimature Jack pine stands in the boreal forest of central Canada; Understanding competition for soil nutrients the key to site productivity on southeastern coastal plain spodosols; Post burn nitrogen and phophorus availability of deep humus soils in coastal British Columbia cedar/hemlock forest and the use of fertilization and salal eradication to restore productivity; Nutritional diagnoses in loblolly pines stands using a dris approach; Economics of forest soil resource management.
Forest Management and Planning, Second Edition, addresses contemporary forest management planning issues, providing a concise, focused resource for those in forest management. The book is intermixed with chapters that concentrate on quantitative subjects, such as economics and linear programming, and qualitative chapters that provide discussions of important aspects of natural resource management, such as sustainability. Expanded coverage includes a case study of a closed canopy, uneven-aged forest, new forest plans from South America and Oceania, and a new chapter on scenario planning and climate change adaptation. Helps students and early career forest managers understand the problems facing professionals in the field today Designed to support land managers as they make complex decisions on the ecological, economic, and social impacts of forest and natural resources Presents updated, real-life examples that are illustrated both mathematically and graphically Includes a new chapter on scenario planning and climate change adaptation Incorporates the newest research and forest certification standards Offers access to a companion website with updated solutions, geographic databases, and illustrations
Maintaining or increasing stand productivity is the concern of forest land managers worldwide. Consequently, there is increasing interest in understanding the impact of environmental stress on productivity and the development of management strategies that ameliorate or reduce the deleterious effects. Invited scientists gathered in Fort Collins, Colorado on July 30, 1985, to present the current state of knowledge regarding the impact of environmental stress on forest stand productivity. Particular attention was given to elucidating the mode of action by which individual stress elements reduce productivity. Environmental factors and the levels that constitute stressed (suboptimal) conditions in forest stands were identified, and the effects of stress intensity and duration on key stand parameters, including photosynthesis, respiration, assimilate partitioning, senescence and mortality, were emphasized. The role of genetics and silvicultural treatments in lessening the stress impact on stand productivity was presented, particularly in regards to alternative methods for environmental stress management. Modeling of stand dynamics in response to environmental stress was explored as an effective research and management tool. VIII Improved forest management practices will develop as we improve our understanding of the nature of important environmental stresses and as we comprehend their impact on tree and stand performance, manifested through physiological processes and genetic potential. This book is dedicated to such an understanding and comprehension.
Describes a method for assessing the competing demands of forest resources in a forest management plan by addressing economics values, economic impacts, and perceptions of fairness around each demand. Economic trends and forces that shape the dynamic ecosystem-economy relation are developed. The method is demonstrated through an illustrative analysis of a forest-management decision in the southern Appalachian Mountains. This report provides a technically sound, but readily understandable, method for assessing the full range of economic consequences that accompanies forest-management decisions. Also includes a 32-page report, "Role of Nonmarket Economic Values in Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public Forest Management."
This paper identifies the essential features of the forestry economics literature emphasizing what is different about forestry and what are forestry's important features for project and program analysis. The important conclusion, is that economic tools are both available and appropriate for the analysis of a wide range of forest policy problems. The report is divided into two parts. The characteristics that received special attention in the first part are the embodiment of both productive capital and final output in any standing forest inventory, and the long time periods that often distinguish forest production. A third distinguishing characteristics is the joint production nature of many forest resource services. The second part of the paper visits seven special topics that are important to forestry and economic development: (1) timber production; (2) smallholder forest management; (3) forestry research, education, and extension; (4) tenure; (5) policy spillovers from other sectors of the economy that can substantially alter forests and forestland management; (6) non-timber multiple use values; and (7) deforestation, timber famine or its counter, sustainable forest management.