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This strategy is evaluated using field studies and modeling from the major agroecological zones of crop production. The authors address the higher-input, yield-increasing strategy from the perspective of risk, sustainability and the impact on women. They also consider alternative approaches to increasing output through area expansion and livestock-crop integrated systems.
This paper reviews different studies on technology adoption in sub-Saharan Africa to understand the determinants of low adoption of improved technologies, with a special focus on Malawi. This will in turn help explain why there is a gap between awareness and adoption of agriculture technologies. As evidenced from the results of the FGDs conducted in Malawi in 2018, despite the visible benefits of the new technologies, farmers often do not adopt or take a long time to adopt them. This creates a gap between awareness of agriculture technologies and their adoption. The existing literature from sub-Saharan Saharan Africa, demonstrates that adoption, as a decision-making process, is affected by farmers’ access to information, their financial and human capital, incentives and external programs, plus farmers’ attitude to risk.
This book presents an integrated analysis of the dynamics of the economics of households and farm production in the setting of a polygynous family structure and traditional agriculture in sub-Saharan rural Africa. It focuses on some basic facts about poverty among the farm people of rural Africa.
More than 200 million people living in dryland regions of Sub-Saharan Africa make their living from agriculture. Most are exposed to weather shocks, especially drought, that can decimate their incomes, destroy their assets, and plunge them into a poverty trap from which it is diffi cult to emerge. Their lack of resilience in the face of these shocks can be attributed in large part to the poor performance of agriculture on which their livelihood depends. Opportunities exist to improve the fortunes of farming households in the drylands. Improved farming technologies that can increase and stabilize the production of millet, sorghum, maize, and other leading staples are available. Irrigation is technically and economically feasible in some areas and offers additional opportunities to increase and stabilize crop production, especially small-scale irrigation, which tends to be more affordable and easier to manage. Yet many of these opportunities have not been exploited on a large scale, for reasons that include lack of farmer knowledge, nonavailability of inputs, unfavorable price incentives, high levels of production risk, and high cost. Future production growth in drylands agriculture is expected to come mainly from raising yields and increasing the number of crop rotations on land that is already being cultivated (intensifi cation), rather than from bringing new land into cultivation (extensifi cation). Controlling for rainfall, average yields in rainfed cropping systems in Sub-Saharan Africa are still much lower than yields in rainfed cropping systems in other regions, suggesting that there is considerable scope to intensify production in these systems. Furthermore, unlike in other regions, production of low-value cereals under irrigation is generally not economic in Sub-Saharan Africa unless the cereals can be grown in rotation with one or more high-value cash crops. The long-run strategy for drylands agriculture, therefore, must be to promote production of staples in rainfed systems and production of high-value cereals (for example, rice), horticultural cops, and industrial crops in irrigated systems. Based on a detailed review of currently available technologies, Improved Crop Productivity for Africa’s Drylands argues that improving the productivity and stability of agriculture in the drylands has the potential to make a signifi cant contribution to reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that in an environment characterized by limited agro-climatic potential and subject to repeated shocks, farming on small land holdings may not generate suffi cient income to bring people out of poverty.
The design and content of agricultural projects and programs financed by the Bank are, to a large extent, determined by national macroeconomic and agricultural policies prevailing at the time the lending is approved and by the institutional development needs of the particular country. This paper focuses on the probems faced in identifying, analyzing and articulating technological issues at each stage in project processing through to loan approval and subsequently during implementation. It makes recommendations to enable future projects to place a proper emphasis on the technological issues and apply appropriate technical solutions in project design and implementation. The objectives are to improve the performance of Bank agricultural lending operations over both short- and long-term horizons and to increase the efficiency of the Bank's use of its staff resources in agricultural technology. This report is based on interviews with staff of the agricultural operations divisions engaged in identification, preparation, appraisal and supervision activities, and on a desk study of a sample of project documents and reports, as well as the author's own experience.
This study—which includes a pilot intervention in Kenya—aims to further the state of knowledge about the emerging trend of disruptive agricultural technologies (DATs) in Africa, with a focus on supply-side dynamics. The first part of the study is a stocktaking analysis to assess the number, scope, trend, and characteristics of scalable disruptive technology innovators in agriculture in Africa. From a database of 434 existing DAT operations, the analysis identified 194 as scalable. The second part of the study is a comparative case study of Africa’s two most successful DAT ecosystems in Kenya and Nigeria, which together account for half of Sub-Saharan Africa’s active DATs. The objective of these two case studies is to understand the successes, challenges, and opportunities faced by each country in fostering a conducive innovation ecosystem for scaling up DATs. The case study analysis focuses on six dimensions of the innovation ecosystem in Kenya and Nigeria: finance, regulatory environment, culture, density, human capital, and infrastructure. The third part of the study is based on the interactions and learnings from a pilot event to boost the innovation ecosystem in Kenya. The Disruptive Agricultural Technology Innovation Knowledge and Challenge Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, brought together more than 300 key stakeholders from large technology companies, agribusiness companies, and public agencies; government representatives and experts from research and academic institutions; and representatives from financial institutions, foundations, donors, and venture capitalists. Scaling Up Disruptive Agricultural Technologies in Africa concludes by establishing that DATs are demonstrating early indications of a positive impact in addressing food system constraints. It offers potential entry points and policy recommendations to facilitate the broader adoption of DATs and improve the overall food system.
This study examines the current and potential role of economics in soil productivity in sub-Saharan Africa. After examining the status of soil productivity and the contribution of conventional economic analyses, it considers more innovative approaches that enable economics to play a greater role in the planning and evaluation of soil productivity, enhancing measures at farm, national and global level. In the past economics has tended to focus on one factor at a time but many factors affect soil productivity. Decisions, policies and their impact call for a more integrative, participatory analytical approaches capable of weighing various aspects simultaneously. This study highlights how economics can respond to this challenge through the a[application of fresh concepts (e.g. natural capital) and specific techniques (e.g. multi-criteria analysis, green accounting).
"Millions of Africans spend their entire lives poor, hungry, and malnourished, and most depend on agriculture for their livelihoods, either directly or indirectly. Despite its potential to drive economic growth and poverty reduction, however, African agricultural development has remained disappointing-whether because of underinvestment or poor returns to investments. This book, Institutional Economics Perspectives on African Agricultural Development, is inspired by the conviction that effective African agricultural development requires building better institutions. It provides an accessible synthesis of new institutional economics theory and research into understanding and improving African agriculture, particularly smallholder agriculture. Interspersing theory with case studies from a wide range of countries, the book addresses such policy issues as how markets for different commodities and services function in different political, cultural, and economic contexts. It not only makes an important contribution to the existing literature, but also provides development practitioners, policymakers, and graduate students working-or intending to work-in these fields with essential knowledge and tools for addressing these challenges. OVERVIEW: Theoretical and Conceptual Framework; Exchange in Goods and Services; Natural Resources Management; and An Institutional Perspective on the State: Its Role and Challenges."