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A very well written book showing plenty of imagination and creativity. -The International Review of Books (Awarded a Gold Badge of Achievement) How did it come to this? My life used to be so simple. Back then, I hated it; I found it boring. Let me tell you: boring’s good. Boring’s great! I should’ve been thankful… It was supposed to be a date like any other for James Hunter, a simple convenience store clerk. Nothing more than watching a movie in the town of Moncton. A place as unknown and unimportant as he considered his own existence to be. And yet, while walking to a cinema, James teleports to another world. There, a hostile crowd surrounds him, including various mutants with strange deformities. Before he can even gather his wits or make a dash for it, a lone ally presents herself in the form of a winged woman named Rose. An important cultural figure in the country where James appeared, she offers him both protection and a home. Soon, James learns that this new world is divided by a cold war. On one side is Nirnivia, home to Rose. The other, Ostark, is led by a mysterious cyborg. James is unaware that the cyborg has him in his crosshairs, thinking of him as the Deus ex machina that will end the war in his favor. But the cyborg is far from the only potential threat to James. Soon after his arrival, BRR, a terrorist organization, kidnaps him. What would a rogue group out for revenge-seeking to turn the cold war hot want with someone like James? Is there anyone also aware of this other world who will try to find him? Or is he on his own? If so, how is he supposed to escape? If that’s even an option...
Rose… Brucie… Janice… Mr. and Ms. Ricdeau… I’d been with them for months. I trusted, considered them friends. Now everything was in question. The cyborg’s game intensifies as he once again contacts James. This time, he proposes a riddle of sorts. According to his claims, solving it will reveal Rose and the others lied about the origins of the first human. As a human himself, this is a subject close to James’s heart. Especially given the hatred he experienced on arrival because of his specie. Though Rose offered an explanation, he always sensed she omitted something, and so he wonders if there’s any truth to the cyborg’s words. But, if so, why would his new friend lie to him? Now, James finds himself in a dangerous situation. He’s determined to solve the riddle and discover the truth. But, if Rose covered up the nature of the first human, how far would she go to keep her secret hidden? He must thread carefully less she discovers his attempt. However, the cyborg isn’t the only one playing a game. Unknown to him, Diabo, leader of the terrorist organisation BBR, is forming a plan of his own. A nefarious scheme that will finally enact his revenge and rid the world of the cyborg once and for all. Will James solve the riddle? Or will Rose discover his attempts at unveiling the truth? If so, what fate awaits him? And what of the cyborg? Will he survive the attempt on his life, or fall prey to Diabo’s rage? Book 3 of The Cyborg’s Crusade
A cruel decision lies before Commander Daniel Ricdeau. No doubt it's the hardest choice of his career, or rather his life. Ever since the mysterious cyborg known as Doctor Death became Ostark's president, he remained out of reach. Most of his time he spent in secure military complexes. Even when a rare public appearance happened, intense security measures and disinformation campaigns meant the Nirnivian learned the fact too late to act. Now, however, a unique opportunity presents itself. A Nirnivian spy discovered the date of a public speech by the president. This makes assassinating him possible, though it would be a suicide mission. While ridding himself of his sworn enemy tempts Daniel, he remains reticent. An attempt on the cyborg's life means war. The last one they waged against Ostark was a disaster for Nirnivia. They survived only through the cyborg's apparent mercy. Nothing suggests they'd perform any better in a new conflict. And yet, can Daniel afford to wait any longer? Since Doctor Death took over Ostark, their military strength has grown exponentially. The more time passes, the greater the gap between the two countries becomes. Soon, the chances of a Nirnivian victory will go from improbable to impossible. But what if the mission fails? Then, they'd face a brutal war while the greatest tactical mind ever still led their opponent. Will Daniel go ahead with the assassination attempt? If so, will they succeed? Will the cyborg perish? In that case, what comes next? All the answers point to certain death. Book 4 of The Cyborg's Crusade
That face… that letter pattern… my brain warned me I should recognize them, but my heart refused to listen. It didn’t make sense. Did the Doctor really want me to believe he was him? James and everyone else are still reeling from the hostage crisis brought on by BBR. That defeat’s wounds are still raw, but there’s little for healing. A special piece of equipment is being transferred to an Ostarkiran research center. By pure luck, this is the first location infiltrated by a new batch of Nirnivian spies. Commander Daniel Ricdeau springs into action without hesitation. Securing the mysterious cargo takes priority beyond almost anything else. At the last minute, NISDA drafts a plan and forms an infiltration team. Given the lack of time for preparation, chances of success seem dire, but thanks to their man on the inside, perhaps they have a chance. As the mission begins, Doctor Deah, the cybernetic Ostarkiran President, contacts James again. At last, the cyborg grows tired of games and riddles and tells his entire story. The revelations about his identity and their implications left James reeling. Should they be true, then it puts everything concerning his relationship with Rose, and even his presence in this other universe, into question. But can James trust the President? He still has doubts, but the Cyborg promises to provide proof by the end of their conversation. Who is the mysterious cyborg? Why does he seek to capture Rose? What about the soldiers sent on the special mission? Will they succeed, or will they perish in a futile attempt at striking a blow at Ostark? Perhaps most important of all, isn’t the timing of the Cyborg’s call a little suspicious? Book 5 of The Cyborg’s Crusade
I almost ripped my ears off. And yet, part of me wanted to listen to him. It's like a horrible car crash. You try to look away, but you just can't. No question James had a raw deal. Not only did he teleport to another universe, but he also had to live in a secure military complex named Valardir for protection. The only bright spot is that Rose Ricdeau, his winged benefactor, shares his living quarters. Her friendship makes his stay there tolerable. Just as James finds a sense of normalcy in his new existence, he receives a phone call from the mysterious cyborg the Nirnivians call Doctor Death. Without delay, the Doctor warns him not to trust Rose. James, however, refuses to listen and hangs up, quite certain that if his hosts discovered he talked to their enemy they'd be less than pleased. Deep down, James wonders if there's truth to Doctor Death's words. Should Rose not be the friend she appears to be, what did that imply for him? Still, he can't risk antagonizing his only lifeline, so he reveals the cyborg's call to Valardir's authorities. Immediately, panic ensues. That the Doctor contacted James implies he breached Valardir's security. This scenario spells doom and so a rush occurs to find out what happened. This puts more pressure on the already overworked technical staff, who considers rebellion. Did the cyborg breach Valardir security? If so, what does it mean for James' and Rose's safety? If not, how did he contact James? Either way, why did the president of another country bother calling an insignificant human from a different world? Perhaps more crucial for James, is Rose the benevolent figure she pretends to be? And what if she's not? Book 2 of the Cyborg's Crusade series.
The Fourth War of the year 4200 has engulfed most of Europe and the forest that once covered the Sahara Desert. The conflict is primarily between the cyborgs and the rest of humanity, with one particular faction within the native Continental Army known as "The Dreads" fighting alongside their fellow soldiers against the cyborgs. The war has shifted to the jungles of the continent, where the Continental soldiers, including The Dreads, are fighting a bitter jungle warfare against the cyborgs. Both sides are utilizing advanced technology, but the cyborgs' drones have proven to be ineffective due to the Continental Army's advances in anti-drone tech and weaponry. The Continental soldiers have developed sophisticated detection devices and anti-drone weaponry, which have enabled them to detect and neutralize the cyborgs' drones effectively. The Dreads, being a highly skilled and experienced sub-faction within the Continental Army, have played a significant role in developing and implementing these anti-drone measures. Despite the cyborgs' technological superiority, the Continental Army, including The Dreads, has managed to hold its ground and even gain some strategic advantages in the jungle warfare. The soldiers have become experts at jungle combat tactics, using the dense vegetation to their advantage and launching surprise attacks on the cyborgs. However, the war has taken a heavy toll on all sides, with casualties mounting and resources dwindling. Both the cyborgs and the Continental Army, including The Dreads, remain fiercely determined to emerge victorious and achieve their respective goals, whatever the cost. The following pages contain over 100 portrait images of a cyborg division consisting of over 10,000 cyborgs and just 25 humans. The images, captured by human reconnaissance drones, show the vast scale and technological sophistication of the cyborg division. The cyborgs are equipped with advanced weaponry and high-tech armor. The images also showcase the diversity of the cyborg division, with a range of designs and features that reflect the individuality and specialization of each cyborg. Despite the overwhelming number of cyborgs in the division, the 25 human soldiers are shown to be integral members of the division, working closely with their cyborg counterparts to achieve their objectives on the battlefield. The following pages contain over 100 portrait images of a cyborg division consisting of over 10,000 cyborgs and just 25 humans. The images, originally captured by human reconnaissance drones, have been enhanced and remade using state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. The AI technology has enabled the images to be enhanced and refined, bringing out details and nuances that were previously difficult to discern. The result is a stunning collection of images that showcase the vast scale and technological sophistication of the cyborg division. The cyborgs are depicted in various combat and non-combat scenarios, from training exercises to actual battle situations. They are shown to be equipped with advanced weaponry and high-tech armor, and the portraits highlight the diversity of designs and features that reflect the individuality and specialization of each cyborg. Despite the overwhelming number of cyborgs in the division, the 25 human soldiers are shown to be integral members of the division, working closely with their cyborg counterparts to achieve their objectives on the battlefield. The use of AI technology to enhance the images has provided a rare and valuable insight into the inner workings of a cyborg division, and may be of great interest to military analysts and strategists seeking to better understand the tactics and capabilities of the cyborgs in this ongoing conflict.
A cruel decision lies before Commander Daniel Ricdeau. No doubt it’s the hardest choice of his career, or rather his life. Ever since the mysterious cyborg known as Doctor Death became Ostark’s president, he remained out of reach. Most of his time he spent in secure military complexes. Even when a rare public appearance happened, intense security measures and disinformation campaigns meant the Nirnivian learned the fact too late to act. Now, however, a unique opportunity presents itself. A Nirnivian spy discovered the date of a public speech by the president. This makes assassinating him possible, though it would be a suicide mission. While ridding himself of his sworn enemy tempts Daniel, he remains reticent. An attempt on the cyborg’s life means war. The last one they waged against Ostark was a disaster for Nirnivia. They survived only through the cyborg’s apparent mercy. Nothing suggests they’d perform any better in a new conflict. And yet, can Daniel afford to wait any longer? Since Doctor Death took over Ostark, their military strength has grown exponentially. The more time passes, the greater the gap between the two countries becomes. Soon, the chances of a Nirnivian victory will go from improbable to impossible. But what if the mission fails? Then, they’d face a brutal war while the greatest tactical mind ever still led their opponent. Will Daniel go ahead with the assassination attempt? If so, will they succeed? Will the cyborg perish? In that case, what comes next? All the answers point to certain death. Book 4 of The Cyborg’s Crusade