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666 is a message that God has reserved specifically for His Church-a message for you and me. I can almost guarantee that once you discover the Biblical meaning of 666, you will ask yourself the question-How did I not see this before?
There appears to be no cessation of written material relating to End Times theology generally; and to the Apocalypse, specifically. Sadly, much, if not most of it runs counter to the clear teachings of Scripture. A misquoted verse here, and an extrapolation there: one wonders when the dust will finally settle, and a spiritually, and scripturally accurate picture will begin to emerge. In this volume, Jack Smith explores the issues with due diligence, searching the Scriptures, and ever seeking the Guidance of the Holy Ghost with all soberness of thought and attitude. Who (or what) is the antichrist? Who is the false prophet; and Who (or what) is the whore of Babylon? With the Bible in one hand, and a prayer for Guidance ever on his lips, Jack Smith has discovered, and here reveals, the answer to those questions. The author is keenly aware that these Truths will not be eagerly received by the bulk of Modern Christendom. And so much the worse, as there has never been a time they are more pertinent, more relevant, and more necessary to know than in this present hour as we approach the eclipse of human history.
"There is wisdom. Let him Who has understanding calculate the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: His number is 666." – Revelation 13:18
Discover the Incredible Truth Behind the Number of the Beast Ever since the Bible was written, Christian scholars have debated the meaning of the number 666-the number of the beast, referred to in the Book of Revelation. If, as so many experts agree, it holds the keys for identifying the coming antichrist, then how will we recognize the coming prophecy? In this breakthrough book, Ralph Myers sheds new insight into chiastic structure-the meaning that's coded in various Bible verses-to arrive at an important conclusion about the number 666. His interpretation of this 1,900-year-old riddle will shake the very foundation of every Christian church, challenging all to make a tangible examination of how this prophecy is to be understood. You'll learn: -The stunning evidence that ties the number 666 to the names used by popes -Where previous theologians have gotten it wrong when it comes to deciphering the mystery -The chiastic word link to the number 666 found in Revelation-and how this word helps explain the riddle -Where scripture lays out the precise series of events to take place in the end times-and why we're so close to the coming of the antichrist -The amazing truth so you can arm yourself to stay true to God's word and wisdom during these troubled times -Much, much more! As the time comes nearer to the end, these elusive truths are more important than ever. There is very little time left. Do not let these prophecies, that are being fulfilled today, go by unnoticed.
The Second Coming, Hell, the Beast, Life after death: these are all themes that fascinate, and sometimes divide us. Beyond Hollywood productions, apocalyptic websites and a plethora of prophetic literature, what does the Bible really say about the end times? In their new book, 666 And All That, John Dickson and Greg Clarke provide a reality check on this hot and controversial topic.
In his book, Adam Soul renders a compelling interpretation to the riddle of 666 that is based on science, the Bible, and common knowledge that the people of Earth have today. Soul shows how the answer is not about an antichrist, but is rather an ancient message sent to give mankind one last chance to survive the future. From this ancient message, Soul develops a simple 18-step plan for survival that he calls "The Vision of Backwards Bound." Soul's interpretation is not satanic in any way, but in the third part of his book, Adam Soul does make a plea to the religious realms to see the wisdom of the message in the riddle and to change accordingly. The verse begins with the words "Here is wisdom." Discover for yourself the wisdom of the riddle and the road to life for the future of all mankind.
I saw two different news broadcasts on a CEO getting a microchip in his hand. And then the employees were next. The phrase they used on the local news at 6:00 was, the C.E.O is leading the way. "They are starting today at the top of this company starting with the C.E.O, of the company, leading the way" The blind leading the blind. I say, well, I know my Bible, and it says to let them take off your head before receiving the mark 666 in your hand. And don't let any man deceive you by any means. Well, I felt I had to get a warning out, because let's face it, not everyone reads the Bible. And I also know how sly the old devil is. So these are my words: Don't take the chip. Get yourself in a good Bible-preaching church. Get ready, stay ready, things are wrapping up according to prophecies.
The mark of the wild beast. Satanism: who are, the world-wide kingdom empires of church and state religions.