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Welcome to the beginning of the journey... the transformation of your company from lackluster to dazzling. By the end of this book, you will have a Proven System to take your company anywhere. Whatever legacy you want to create - it's yours. Do you want to grow your business to pass it to the next generation? Do you want it to reach billion-dollar status or expand exponentially? Do you finally want a work/life balance to really enjoy your life to the fullest? Do you want to increase your company's value so you can sell it for top dollar? You have the answers. It's your legacy. Think about it... If you are going to spend a year or more in this business, you might as well make it into a business that energizes and inspires you. You just need to decide what you want and we'll show you how to build it. In fact, we will make sure your business is "dazzling" to you, your team and as well your customers. By dazzling, we mean alluring, astounding, amazing and impressive. Just like a diamond, when you look at your business from every angle it will be brilliant and shine! "Dazzle" includes financial success, employee engagement, customer loyalty, expansion and a healthy balance in everyone's life. You can do what you have always done and hope that by some miracle, things would change in your favor or you can take the bull by the horns and steer it where you want it to go and be exhilarated with your results. Just so you know, we're also passionate about employee engagement. Not only are you going to have the whole process step-by-step for taking your company from lackluster to dazzling, you're going to receive the three keys to engagement, so that your team has your back and you're not dragging the whole boat by yourself over your shoulder.
"Great teams are comprised of ordinary people that are empowered and inspired. They are empowered to solve hard problems in ways their customers love yet work for their business. They are inspired with ideas and techniques for quickly evaluating those ideas to discover solutions that work: they are valuable, usable, feasible and viable. This book is about the idea and reality of "achieving extraordinary results from ordinary people". Empowered is the companion to Inspired. It addresses the other half of the problem of building tech products?how to get the absolute best work from your product teams. However, the book's message applies much more broadly than just to product teams. Inspired was aimed at product managers. Empowered is aimed at all levels of technology-powered organizations: founders and CEO's, leaders of product, technology and design, and the countless product managers, product designers and engineers that comprise the teams. This book will not just inspire companies to empower their employees but will teach them how. This book will help readers achieve the benefits of truly empowered teams"--
In his late twenties, Doug Meyer-Cuno decided to abandon his budding corporate career to found his own company. He would go on to grow Carolina Ingredients from a one-person operation into a multimillion-dollar manufacturing company with an international customer base, eventually selling the company to Mitsubishi. The pages within detail and examine the recipe Doug used for his own success to help others find their own, categorized into five main principles: Vision, Core Culture Values, Authenticity, Transparency, and Gratitude. The Recipe for Empowered Leadership: 25 Ingredients for Creating Value and Empowering Others recounts the lessons Doug learned along that journey, from facing down his micromanager tendencies to embracing servant leadership as a coach and mentor to his team. Brimming with easy-to-read leadership strategies and the life-changing "defining moments" that developed them, Doug reveals the value that a strong, yet grateful leader adds to any organization and how to incorporate those principles into your own leadership practice and life.
"Unleashed is worth an afternoon of your time, whether or not you are already a leader. It is sparkily written and personal, drawing on the experiences of co-authors (and spouses) Frei and Morriss."— Financial Times Leadership isn't easy. It takes grit, courage, and vision, among other things, that can be hard to come by on your toughest days. When leaders and aspiring leaders seek out advice, they're often told to try harder. Dig deeper. Look in the mirror and own your natural-born strengths and fix any real or perceived career-limiting deficiencies. Frances Frei and Anne Morriss offer a different worldview. They argue that this popular leadership advice glosses over the most important thing you do as a leader: build others up. Leadership isn't about you. It's about how effective you are at empowering other people—and making sure this impact endures even in your absence. As Frei and Morriss show through inspiring stories from ancient Rome to present-day Silicon Valley, the origins of great leadership are found, paradoxically, not in worrying about your own status and advancement, but in the unrelenting focus on other people's potential. Unleashed provides radical advice for the practice of leadership today. Showing how the boldest, most effective leaders use a special combination of trust, love, and belonging to create an environment in which other people can excel, Frei and Morriss offer practical, battle-tested tools—based on their work with companies such as Uber, Riot Games, WeWork, and others—along with interviews and stories from their own personal experience, to make these ideas come alive. This book is your indispensable guide for unleashing greatness in other people . . . and, ultimately, in yourself. To learn more, please visit
Are you living a fulfilled life? Are you being the best person you can be? Are you living up to your full potential? Are you happy where you’re going in life? Do you know your purpose in life? These are important questions that we should all be able to answer affirmatively. Unfortunately, most of us are unsure about ourselves and many areas of our lives to answer these questions confidently. Before you make another major decision in your life, discover what it means to become the best you to unleash your God-given potential. In Become the Best You…Bruce Francois, an engineer turned social entrepreneur, takes readers on an ontological journey of what it means to become one’s best self, uniquely integrating wisdom, thoughtful science, and deep spirituality along the way. Francois shares with readers how he discovered his purpose in life by dissecting and distilling life through an engineering lens. Learn how to: — Fully process your life struggles — Become aware of your understanding of yourself and your surroundings — Strengthen your beliefs — Discover your purpose and passion — Deploy yourself for your unique mission — Make a meaningful mark on the world You will be inspired by the sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that comes with discovering and operating in your purpose—to experience the freedom of what it means to authentically live, joyfully serve, and experience a deep sense of meaning in life.
This book shows how Empowering Leadership (EL) can drive success in business and have an immense social impact.
The organizations that survive in this century will have empowered members to be sensitive to competitive forces and to be externally driven to resolve problems on the spot. Only through such empowerment will businesses become fit enough to survive in their industries. Empowerment is a state of being where the employee has been given the resources to do the empowered job; and any disabling constraints have been removed. This book guides the reader up the ladder to successful empowerment while educating the reader on how to address each rung of the ladder that may be an obstacle or an opportunity. This book details how high empowerment interfaces with high motivation to create superb performance for the employee as well as the organization. How motivation becomes a by-product of empowerment, and then contributes to additional empowerment and job performance is detailed.
If everyone in the organization leapt into their workday as if they owned the place, just think what could be accomplished.
It's the new normal. Now all of your employees are Twittering away and friending clients on Facebook. Not to mention customers--who feel obligated to update your Wikipedia entry with product complaints. In this new world, dealing with empowered employees and customers --Insurgents -- is only going to get more challenging. Employees are using this technology in the workplace and customers are using it in the marketplace, and neither obey the rules you set up. This chaos is your future as a manager. You could try to shut it down and shut it off. Or you can harness it and reap the business benefits. According to Josh Bernoff and Ted Schadler of Forrester Research (the organization that brought you Groundswell), your defense against insurgents is to enable them. At its heart, this is a book about how to scale the management of insurgency, both the innovation of insurgent employees and the energy of insurgent customers. The key is a process Forrester calls E Triple S, for the four elements of managing insurgents effectively: empowering, selecting, scaling, and socializing. While it's based in current trends, the core concept of Managing Insurgents -- that the next management and innovation challenge is harnessing individuals empowered by mobile, social, and connected technology -- is a new idea. In the wake of Groundswell, dozens of social-technology-for-business books cropped up. And there are plenty of books on improving your customer service. But there's no serious business book about management, marketing, and innovation in the throes of this trend. When Insurgency hits, it will be perceived not just as a sequel to Groundswell but as the start of a new management philosophy.