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The current major problems in particle physics and astrophysics are the source of possible new features: of The Standard Model, of the nature of Dark Matter, of the nature of Dark Energy, and of the nature of the Big Bang. In this book we propose an extended version of The Standard Model based on earlier work that adds another SU(2)X U(1) symmetry to the usual Standard Model, and an accompanying set of particles that we propose are the constituents of Dark Matter. This additional symmetry follows directly from a geometrical foundation for space-time within a 16 dimensional flat space that we call the Flatverse. Upon introducing a form of quantum coordinates we find that The Standard Model in those coordinates has no infinities, that the Big Bang is finite (no singularity), and that the Dark Energy that fuels the expansion of the universe has inflatons that consist of the imaginary part of the quantum coordinates - a free abelian gauge field. This field first stabilizes the universe in the Big Bang period and then causes a massive inflationary expansion. The complete theory has a remarkable convergence of features that remove infinities, identify the nature of Dark Matter and of Dark Energy, specify a physically acceptable Big Bang, and predict the observed expansion of the universe. In addition we address the recently reported discovery of the Higgs particle that "explains" the origin of the masses of the other elementary particles but does not explain the origin of the Higgs particle mass terms and thus leaves open the ultimate question - What is the origin of mass and inertia? We show that the only final answer can be that it arises as a separation constant in Higgs dynamic equations that include coordinates of this universe and a sister universe. These two 8-dimensional universes are embedded in the 16-dimensional Flatverse. Thus the sister universe is the ultimate source of mass and inertia for our universe. The Flatverse is an absolute reference frame that is consistent with Einstein's General Relativity according to General Relativists. The Flatverse very nicely provides an environment for the two universes - joining them together to provide mass and inertia at their most fundamental level as well as providing, at last, a concrete definition of inertial reference frames. Result: a fundamental synergy between mass, inertia, and inertial frames. In recent weeks major experimental findings on Dark Matter have been presented that at last begin to clarify the nature of Dark Matter and its interactions with "normal" matter. These findings are consistent with a Dark Matter SU(2) X U(1) set of interactions that parallels, to a great extent, the known ElectroWeak interactions of normal matter. We will explore a detailed theory of Dark Matter interactions, and their relation to ElectroWeak interactions in this book. It is based on our previous work. In the previous work we did not specify a relation between ElectroWeak and "DarkWeak" interactions due to the absence of experimental data. With the information now in hand we can develop a detailed relationship. Lastly, the book emphasizes again our belief that the origin of particle physics lies in a combination of Asynchronous Logic and space-time geometry."
The most successful scientific theory today about the origin and evolution of the universe is known as the standard Big Bang model, which is one of the most ambitious intellectual constructions of the humanity. It is based on two consolidated branches of theoretical physics, namely, the theory of General Relativity and the Standard Model of particle physics, and is able to make robust predictions, some of them being already confirmed by very precise observations. However, this model is not able to explain some questions raised by observational evidence, such as early inflation of the universe, dark matter and dark energy. This book makes an overview of some of the features of the standard cosmology, and also includes a few original models proposed to solve some of the shortcomings of the standard cosmology, as possible extensions of the Big Bang model. The models, published as articles in scientific journals, introduce new symmetries, fields and particles in order to explain inflation, dark energy and dark matter, separately or in a unified description. The book is addressed especially to PhD students, but also to anyone who is interested in cosmology and astroparticle theory.
As we prod the cosmos at very large scales, basic tenets of physics seem to crumble under the weight of contradicting evidence. This book helps mitigate the crisis. It resorts to artificial intelligence (AI) for answers and describes the outcome of this quest in terms of an ur-universe, a quintessential compact multiply connected space that incorporates a fifth dimension to encode space-time as a latent manifold. In some ways, AI is bolder than humans because the huge corpus of knowledge, starting with the prodigious Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, poses almost no burden to its conjecture-framing processes. Why not feed AI with the SM enriched by the troubling cosmological phenomenology on dark matter and dark energy and see where AI takes us vis-à-vis reconciling the conflicting data with the laws of physics? This is precisely the intellectual adventure described in this book and – to the best of our knowledge – in no other book on the shelf. As the reader will discover, many AI conjectures and validations ultimately make a lot of sense, even if their boldness does not feel altogether "human" yet. This book is written for a broad readership. Prerequisites are minimal, but a background in college math/physics/computer science is desirable. This book does not merely describe what is known about dark matter and dark energy but also provides readers with intellectual tools to engage in a quest for the deepest cosmological mystery.
Various cosmological observations support not only cosmological inflation in the early universe, which is also known as exponential cosmic expansion, but also that the expansion of the late-time universe is accelerating. To explain this phenomenon, the existence of dark energy is proposed. In addition, according to the rotation curve of galaxies, the existence of dark matter, which does not shine, is also suggested. If primordial gravitational waves are detected in the future, the mechanism for realizing inflation can be revealed. Moreover, there exist two main candidates for dark matter. The first is a new particle, the existence of which is predicted in particle physics. The second is an astrophysical object which is not found by electromagnetic waves. Furthermore, there are two representative approaches to account for the accelerated expansion of the current universe. One is to assume the unknown dark energy in general relativity. The other is to extend the gravity theory to large scales. Investigation of the origins of inflation, dark matter, and dark energy is one of the most fundamental problems in modern physics and cosmology. The purpose of this book is to explore the physics and cosmology of inflation, dark matter, and dark energy.
For over ten years, the dark side of the universe has been headline news. Detailed studies of the rotation of spiral galaxies, and 'mirages' created by clusters of galaxies bending the light from very remote objects, have convinced astronomers of the presence of large quantities of dark (unseen) matter in the cosmos. The most striking fact is that they seem to compromise about 95% of the matter/energy content of the universe. As for ordinary matter, although we are immersed in a sea of dark particles, including primordial neutrinos and photons from fossil cosmological radiation, both we and our environment are made of ordinary, 'baryonic' matter. Authors Mazure and Le Brun present the inventory of matter, baryonic and exotic, and investigating the nature and fate of matter's twin, anti-matter. They show how technological progress has been a result of basic research, in tandem with the evolution of new ideas, and how the combined effect of these advances might help lift the cosmic veil.
What we know about dark matter and what we have yet to discover Astronomical observations have confirmed dark matter’s existence, but what exactly is dark matter? In What Is Dark Matter?, particle physicist Peter Fisher introduces readers to one of the most intriguing frontiers of physics. We cannot actually see dark matter, a mysterious, nonluminous form of matter that is believed to account for about 27 percent of the mass-energy balance in the universe. But we know dark matter is present by observing its ghostly gravitational effects on the behavior and evolution of galaxies. Fisher brings readers quickly up to speed regarding the current state of the dark matter problem, offering relevant historical context as well as a close look at the cutting-edge research focused on revealing dark matter’s true nature. Could dark matter be a new type of particle—an axion or a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP)—or something else? What have physicists ruled out so far—and why? What experimental searches are now underway and planned for the near future, in hopes of detecting dark matter on Earth or in space? Fisher explores these questions and more, illuminating what is known and unknown, and what a triumph it will be when scientists discover dark matter’s identity at last.
Dark matter is a frequently discussed topic in contemporary particle physics. Written strictly in the language of particle physics and quantum field theory, these course-based lecture notes focus on a set of standard calculations that students need in order to understand weakly interacting dark matter candidates. After introducing some general features of these dark matter agents and their main competitors, the Higgs portal scalar and supersymmetric neutralinos are introduced as our default models. In turn, this serves as a basis for exploring four experimental aspects: the dark matter relic density extracted from the cosmic microwave background; indirect detection including the Fermi galactic center excess; direct detection; and collider searches. Alternative approaches, like an effective theory of dark matter and simplified models, naturally follow from the discussions of these four experimental directions.
This book consists of 3 titles, which are the following: Dark Matter - In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there exists an enigmatic substance that eludes detection yet exerts a profound influence on the universe's structure and evolution. This substance, known as dark matter, remains one of the greatest mysteries of modern astrophysics, captivating the imaginations of scientists and enthusiasts alike. Galaxies - Galaxies are dynamic entities, constantly evolving through processes like mergers, collisions, and interactions with neighboring galaxies. When galaxies merge, their stars, gas, and dust can undergo dramatic transformations, leading to the formation of new stars and restructuring of the galaxy's shape. These interactions can trigger intense bursts of star formation and feed supermassive black holes at the galaxies' centers, leading to the emission of powerful jets of radiation. Quantum Gravity - General relativity, developed by Albert Einstein, describes gravity as the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy. It works extremely well at large scales, such as in predicting planetary orbits and the behavior of black holes. On the other hand, quantum mechanics deals with the fundamental behavior of particles at the smallest scales, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It incorporates principles like wave-particle duality, quantization, and uncertainty.
Once we thought the universe was filled with shining stars, dust, planets, and galaxies. We now know that more than 98 percent of all matter in the universe is dark. It emits absolutely nothing yet bends space and time; keeps stars speeding around galaxies; and determines the fate of the universe. But dark matter is only part of the story. Scientists have recently discovered that the expansion of the universe is speeding up, driven by a mysterious commodity called dark energy. Depending on what dark matter and energy happen to be, our seemingly quiet universe could end its days in a Big Rip, tearing itself apart, or a Big Crunch, collapsing down to a universe the size of nothing, ready to be reincarnated in a Big Bang once again. For the general reader and armchair astronomer alike, Iain Nicolson’s fascinating account shows how our ideas about the nature and the content of the universe have developed. He highlights key discoveries, explains underlying concepts, and examines current thinking on dark matter and dark energy. He describes techniques that astronomers use to explore the remote recesses of the cosmos in their quest to understand its composition, evolution, and ultimate fate.