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The authors of this report seek to provide an engaging and structured narrative to clearly describe the U.S. Army's role throughout the Indo-Pacific region in the present day and into 2035. The authors present three scenarios that span from competition occurring in the present day to potential crisis and conflict in the year 2035, using an illustrated narrative to communicate the breadth and complexity of the U.S. Army's roles in the region.
The Noncommissioned Officer and Petty Officer BACKBONE of the Armed Forces. Introduction The Backbone of the Armed Forces To be a member of the United States Armed Forces--to wear the uniform of the Nation and the stripes, chevrons, or anchors of the military Services--is to continue a legacy of service, honor, and patriotism that transcends generations. Answering the call to serve is to join the long line of selfless patriots who make up the Profession of Arms. This profession does not belong solely to the United States. It stretches across borders and time to encompass a culture of service, expertise, and, in most cases, patriotism. Today, the Nation's young men and women voluntarily take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and fall into formation with other proud and determined individuals who have answered the call to defend freedom. This splendid legacy, forged in crisis and enriched during times of peace, is deeply rooted in a time-tested warrior ethos. It is inspired by the notion of contributing to something larger, deeper, and more profound than one's own self. Notice: This is a printed Paperback version of the "The Noncommissioned Officer and Petty Officer BACKBONE of the Armed Forces". Full version, All Chapters included. This publication is available (Electronic version) in the official website of the National Defense University (NDU). This document is properly formatted and printed as a perfect sized copy 6x9".
In 1950, when he commissioned the first edition of The Armed Forces Officer, Secretary of Defense George C. Marshall told its author, S.L.A. Marshall, that "American military officers, of whatever service, should share common ground ethically and morally." In this new edition, the authors methodically explore that common ground, reflecting on the basics of the Profession of Arms, and the officer's special place and distinctive obligations within that profession and especially to the Constitution.
This revised edition of Joint Publication 3-0, Joint Operations, reflects the current guidance for conducting joint activities across the range of military operations and is the basis for U.S. participation in multinational operations where the United States has not ratified specific doctrine or procedures. This keystone publication forms the core of joint warfighting doctrine and establishes the framework for our forces' ability to fight as a joint team. This document: Presents the fundamentals of joint operations as an instrument of national power and as part of unified action, Discusses the art of command as it pertains to authority, commander-centric leadership, operational art of design, operational design, joint operations planning process, Explains joint functions of command and control, intelligence, fires, movement and maneuver, protection, and sustainment, Describes organizing for joint operations, including organizing the joint force headquarters, Discusses joint operations across the range of military operations.
This revised edition of Joint Publication 3-0, Joint Operations, reflects the current guidance for conducting joint activities across the range of military operations and is the basis for U.S. participation in multinational operations where the United States has not ratified specific doctrine or procedures. This keystone publication forms the core of joint warfighting doctrine and establishes the framework for our forces' ability to fight as ajoint team. Often called the “linchpin” of the joint doctrine publication hierarchy, the overarching constructs and principles contained in this publication provide a common perspective from which to plan and execute joint operations independently or in cooperation with our multinational partners, other U.S. Government departments and agencies, and intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations.As our Nation continues into the 21st century, the guidance in this publication will enable current and future leaders of the Armed Forces of the United States to design, plan, organize, train for, and execute worldwide missions as our forces transform to meet emerging challenges. To succeed, we need adaptive and thinking professionals who understand the capabilities their Service brings to joint operations; how to integrate those capabilities with those of the other Services and interorganizational partners to optimize the strength of unified action; and how to organize, employ, and sustain joint forces toprovide national leaders with multiple options for addressing various security threats. Above all, we need professionals imbued with a sense of commitment and honor who will act decisively in the absence of specific guidance.
The mission of the United States Army is to fight and win our nation's wars by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of military operations and spectrum of conflict in support of combatant commanders. Accomplishing this mission rests on the ability of the Army to equip and move its forces to the battle and sustain them while they are engaged. Logistics provides the backbone for Army combat operations. Without fuel, ammunition, rations, and other supplies, the Army would grind to a halt. The U.S. military must be prepared to fight anywhere on the globe and, in an era of coalition warfare, to logistically support its allies. While aircraft can move large amounts of supplies, the vast majority must be carried on ocean going vessels and unloaded at ports that may be at a great distance from the battlefield. As the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have shown, the costs of convoying vast quantities of supplies is tallied not only in economic terms but also in terms of lives lost in the movement of the materiel. As the ability of potential enemies to interdict movement to the battlefield and interdict movements in the battlespace increases, the challenge of logistics grows even larger. No matter how the nature of battle develops, logistics will remain a key factor. Force Multiplying Technologies for Logistics Support to Military Operations explores Army logistics in a global, complex environment that includes the increasing use of antiaccess and area-denial tactics and technologies by potential adversaries. This report describes new technologies and systems that would reduce the demand for logistics and meet the demand at the point of need, make maintenance more efficient, improve inter- and intratheater mobility, and improve near-real-time, in-transit visibility. Force Multiplying Technologies also explores options for the Army to operate with the other services and improve its support of Special Operations Forces. This report provides a logistics-centric research and development investment strategy and illustrative examples of how improved logistics could look in the future.
Knowing the past and being able to use its lessons are major responsibilities of all military professionals. The Joint Military Operations Historical Collection (JMOHC) presents historical events that illustrate Joint Doctrine principles in Joint Force Employment. The selected US joint military operations include historical and modern operations that teach us universal lessons directly applicable to Joint Force Employment. The military actions covered in the JMOHC helped shape our current Joint Doctrine. By studying, understanding, and practicing this doctrine, we will enhance joint warfighting throughout the Armed Forces of the United States.Among the historic incidents covered: Grenada, Panama, Haiti, Gettysburg, Civil War, Korean War, Caesar in Britain, von Moltke, World War I, Hannibal, Operation Chromite, Operation Urgent Fury, Operation Just Cause, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Somalia, Uphold Democracy.The Joint Military Operations Historical Collection (JMOHC) complements joint doctrine by providing historical military operations that illustrate fundamental principles of joint operations. These historical joint operations teach primary lessons in planning, deploying, and employing joint forces. The JMOHC has been developed to help military students, action officers, and planners understand key principles of Joint Force Employment. Joint doctrine is largely developed from the lessons of past operations. The JMOHC distills seven case histories for their relevance to Joint Force Employment and fundamental principles of joint doctrine. This document examines general principles of Joint Force Employment to link relevant historical lessons to current planning and joint operations. Each of the historical operations illustrates how fundamental joint doctrine principles were applied in specific circumstances. Military students and practitioners are invited to compare the case histories in this book to today's joint operations and principles to stimulate original thought and effective responses to future military challenges. Great leaders have always studied history. In their study they hope to see not only what happened but why. What were the processes that led to a certain action? Why was one action successful and another a failure? How can these lessons learned be used to help US forces fight as a team? Military personnel should take the time to read, study, and reflect upon thousands of years of recorded military history. Thucydides, Sun Tzu, Napoleon, and others have much to offer today's leaders. While historical case studies can extend the experience base of today's commanders and senior staff officers they should not, however, be viewed as a checklist for future operations. The purpose of the historical study is to stimulate thought, not rote imitation.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY * MILITARY INCIDENT #1: THE IMPORTANCE OF TACTICS * MILITARY INCIDENT #2: BUILDING ON EXPERIENCE * CHAPTER I - VICKSBURG * MILITARY INCIDENT #3: THE PRICE OF POOR PLANNING * CHAPTER II - OPERATION CHROMITE * MILITARY INCIDENT #4: THE PRICE OF INFLEXIBILITY * CHAPTER III - OPERATION URGENT FURY * MILITARY INCIDENT #5: UNITY OF COMMAND * CHAPTER IV - OPERATION JUST CAUSE * MILITARY INCIDENT #6: FORCE WITHOUT CONCEPT * CHAPTER V - OPERATIONS DESERT SHIELD AND DESERT STORM * MILITARY INCIDENT #7: FACING THE UNEXPECTED AND UNTHINKABLE * CHAPTER VI - OPERATIONS IN SOMALIA * MILITARY INCIDENT #8: NEW MISSIONS, EARLY STRATEGIES * CHAPTER VII - OPERATION UPHOLD DEMOCRACY * APPENDIX A - REFERENCES * APPENDIX B - RECENT JOINT HISTORY OFFICE PUBLICATIONS * GLOSSARY
Den amerikanske hærs første officielle historiske beretning om operationerne i den anden Irakiske Krig, "Operation Iraqi Freedom", (OIF). Fra forberedelserne, mobiliseringen, forlægningen af enhederne til indsættelsen af disse i kampene ved Talil og As Samawah, An Najaf og de afsluttende kampe ved Bagdad. Foruden en detaljeret gennemgang af de enkelte kampenheder(Order of Battle), beskrives og analyseres udviklingen i anvendte våben og doktriner fra den første til den anden Golf Krig.