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Inspiring, Informative, and Empowering, The Ageless Woman weaves timeless wisdom and the latest medical discoveries into a unique, highly-effective anti-aging guide for women. Natural medicine expert, Dr. nancy Lonsdorf, presents a highly-individualized, practical handbook, rich in health tips, weight-control strategies, and treasured beauty secrets from Maharishi Ayurveda, the complete system of natural medicine from the Vedic tradition of ancient India. With the insightful guidance of The Ageless Woman, every woman can grow in health, beauty, and fulfillment after forty.
Being The Awakening Paradigm in Progressive Education Introducing 'In the Box' 'Out of the Box' concepts entering mass consciousness BEing contains short stories and poems presented within eight topics, that expand upon the visionary concepts presented in Dorotheas first insightful book, BEing In CREATION. With emotional wisdom and practical insights for sensitive living, these stories support young children and adolescents, as well as adults, in activating their imagination, extrasensory abilities, and creativity in the flow of everyday circumstances. In this next stage of human evolution, dormant parts of the brain are being activated to allow us to directly Experience our Multidimensional Inherent Nature.' This collection of Gems seeds, activates, nurtures, and expands the Experience of our untapped Creative Potential through our Inner Childs Natural Creative Genius.' An Awakening of Heightened Awareness is Birthed withIN that allow us to Receive our Inherent, Creative, Extrasensory Gifts. To Consciously Experience the transformation from a caterpillar into a butterfly is to Become 'Divinely Human.' During the coming Golden Age, we will BE is at the cause of what we Create. Accompanying each Gem is an interactive Gem Journal, with in the box-Out of the box questions and creative projects that support conscious parenting & progressive education.
Harness the healing power of plant-based foods for vibrant health and longevity Vegan lifestyle expert Tracye McQuirter teams up with her mother Mary to share their secrets for maintaining radiant health for more than 30 years (hint: it's all in the greens), and 100 of their favorite plant-based recipes that have kept them looking and feeling ageless. They break down the basics of nutrition, how to build a vegan pantry, and how to make sure you're getting the best nutrients to promote longevity and prevent chronic disease. They also provide a 14-step guide with practical, easy-to-follow advice on how to transition to vegan foods, jumpstart your healthy eating habits, and how to up your game if you're already a vegan. Their 100 fresh, simple, and flavorful recipes are based on everyday whole food ingredients, including Maple French Toast with Strawberries, Thai Coconut Curry Soup, Cajun Quinoa with Okra and Tomato, Vegetable Pot Pie, Citrusy Dandelion Greens Salad, and Perfect Pecan Pie. Illustrated with beautiful, full-color photographs, Ageless Vegan helps you kiss diet-related disease and fatigue goodbye and gives you the information, inspiration, and affirmation you need to live a long, glowing, and healthy life you love.
When Agatha Christie died in 1976, she was the bestselling mystery writer in history. This collection of new essays brings fresh perspectives to Christie scholarship with new readings and discussions of little-known aspects of her life, career and legacy. The contributors explore her relationship with modernism, the relevance of queer theory, television adaptations, issues with translations, information behavior theory, feminist readings, postcolonial tribute novels, celebrity culture and heritage cinema. The final word is given to fans in an editorial that collates testimonies from readers, collectors and enthusiasts.
Discover the new goals and new rules that are the route to a healthier, better looking and better functioning body... for life! From Gwen Stefani and Cameron Diaz to Jennifer Aniston and Naomi Watts, a new breed of 40 and 50 plus women are redefining not just what an ageless body looks like, but what's entailed in achieving it. A dramatic shift in body expectations in the last few years means that, despite being plagued by a slowing metabolism and a naturally-occurring loss of muscle mass, pre- and post-menopausal women can realistically aim for the healthy, well-functioning body they crave as well as a physique that looks good with a flat stomach and sculpted arms. Peta Bee and Dr Sarah Schenker are the living embodiment of this new breed of woman: both in their forties with children, both with hectic careers and social lives. And both with the same bodies they had in their 30s. What matters, they have discovered through self-experimentation and trawling the scientific literature, is how you go about holding back the years. And the rules - for both exercise and diet - have changed.
The magical and spiritual uses of the seven sacred gemstones--diamond, sapphire, emerald, jasper, topaz, ruby, and amethyst • Explores each sacred gem’s effects on the seven facets of the soul and their corresponding virtues • Reveals their spiritual and therapeutic uses, the meaning of their colors, their ties to the chakras, and their historical use in amulets, talismans, and other magical tools • Outlines the basics of Seven Ray Science and the properties of each of the Seven Rays Taught solely in secret for millennia, the Science of the Seven Rays was introduced outside of the ancient mystery schools of Western and Hindu tradition by some of the great occultists of the late 19th and early 20th century: H. P. Blavatsky, Manly Hall, C. W. Leadbeater, and Alice Bailey. Based on the soul’s seven-faceted nature, the Seven Ray system underlies metaphysical traditions around the world through its connections with the seven musical notes in the scale, the seven days in the week, the seven chakras, the seven colors of the rainbow, and the seven sacred planets. Laying out the key principles behind this spiritual science, Michel Coquet explores the seven sacred gemstones of the Seven Rays--diamond, sapphire, emerald, jasper, topaz, ruby, and amethyst--and shows that not all precious stones have true mystical powers: they must be charged, either naturally or through ritual, with a living deva or angelic presence before they can effect spiritual transformation and physical, mental, and soul healing. Drawing on Hindu, Jewish, pre-Columbian, and Greco-Roman magical traditions with precious stones as well as their use by great initiates of history--including Hildegard von Bingen, Paracelsus, Cornelius Agrippa, Elias Ashmole, Nicholas Flamel, and the Count de Saint Germain--Coquet examines each sacred gem’s effects on the seven facets of the soul as well as their spiritual and therapeutic uses, the meaning of their colors, their influences on the chakras, and their use in amulets, talismans, and other magical tools. Illuminating techniques of invoking spirits into gemstones and reports of the power to enlarge diamonds at will, stones that produce anesthesia, and the use of gem medicines in India, Coquet reveals that while gems can influence our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, without daily work toward a gem’s corresponding virtue, even a consecrated stone will have no effect, for the most beautiful gems are within.
Connie Willis draws upon her understanding of the universalities of human nature to explore the ageless issues of evil, suffering, and the indomitable will of the human spirit. “A tour de force.”—The New York Times Book Review For Kivrin, preparing to travel back in time to study one of the deadliest eras in humanity’s history was as simple as receiving inoculations against the diseases of the fourteenth century and inventing an alibi for a woman traveling alone. For her instructors in the twenty-first century, it meant painstaking calculations and careful monitoring of the rendezvous location where Kivrin would be received. But a crisis strangely linking past and future strands Kivrin in a bygone age as her fellows try desperately to rescue her. In a time of superstition and fear, Kivrin—barely of age herself—finds she has become an unlikely angel of hope during one of history’s darkest hours.
Master Pilates trainer Christine Binnendyk shows over-40-year-olds how to slow down the aging process - and jettison pain patterns - with this safe, simplified, and fully illustrated approach to Pilates. In just 15 minutes a day, with no equipment at all, the Ageless Pilates system retrains the body past pain and discomfort, regardless of age or current condition. Binnendyk has revolutionized the practice of Pilates with an easy-to-learn ABC system that creates youthful energy and mobility starting with the very first lesson. The ABCs - Anchor Points, Body Geometry and Comfort Choices - quickly become intuitive, allowing the system to carry from the exercise mat into everyday life. Anchor Points provide stability and safety for every position and movement. Body Geometry creates an efficient structure that works just the right amount to get results, but not so much that it causes undue wear and tear. Comfort Options offer the flexibility to fine tune every exercise based on how the body feels right in this moment. When combined, these concepts transform body mechanics and movement patterns creating a body that is strong and limber, comfortable and pain-free. Bodies of all ages respond with new comfortable posture, loose and easy movement patterns, and a renewed sense of energy. Each of the 23 Lessons features options that make the exercises accessible to all levels, increasing confidence, strength and flexibility. Master these in 15-minutes a day, then move on to the 18 Workouts for ongoing practice and continued improvement. Whether you're simply looking for a sleek, ageless body, or you're working with an ailment like low-back pain, arthritis, low bone density or diminished mobility, you'll find lessons and workouts designed specifically for you.