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This unique book presents ways to mitigate the disastrous effects of snow/ice accumulation and discusses the mechanisms of new coatings deicing technologies. The strategies currently used to combat ice accumulation problems involve chemical, mechanical or electrical approaches. These are expensive and labor intensive, and the use of chemicals raises serious environmental concerns. The availability of truly icephobic surfaces or coatings will be a big boon in preventing the devastating effects of ice accumulation. Currently, there is tremendous interest in harnessing nanotechnology in rendering surfaces icephobic or in devising icephobic surface materials and coatings, and all signals indicate that such interest will continue unabated in the future. As the key issue regarding icephobic materials or coatings is their durability, much effort is being spent in developing surface materials or coatings which can be effective over a long period. With the tremendous activity in this arena, there is strong hope that in the not too distant future, durable surface materials or coatings will come to fruition. This book contains 20 chapters by subject matter experts and is divided into three parts— Part 1: Fundamentals of Ice Formation and Characterization; Part 2: Ice Adhesion and Its Measurement; and Part 3: Methods to Mitigate Ice Adhesion. The topics covered include: factors influencing the formation, adhesion and friction of ice; ice nucleation on solid surfaces; physics of ice nucleation and growth on a surface; condensation frosting; defrosting properties of structured surfaces; relationship between surface free energy and ice adhesion to surfaces; metrology of ice adhesion; test methods for quantifying ice adhesion strength to surfaces; interlaboratory studies of ice adhesion strength; mechanisms of surface icing and deicing technologies; icephobicities of superhydrophobic surfaces; anti-icing using microstructured surfaces; icephobic surfaces: features and challenges; bio-inspired anti-icing surface materials; durability of anti-icing coatings; durability of icephobic coatings; bio-inspired icephobic coatings; protection from ice accretion on aircraft; and numerical modeling and its application to inflight icing.
The book containing 18 chapters is divided into three parts: Part 1: Fundamentals of Ice Formation and Ice Characteristics; Part 2: Ice Adhesion and Its Measurement; and Part 3: Methods to Mitigate Ice Adhesion. The topics covered Include: Factors influencing the formation, adhesion and friction of ice; ice nucleation on solid surfaces; physics of ice nucleation and growth on a surface; condensation frosting; defrosting properties of structured surfaces; relationship between surface free energy and ice adhesion to surfaces; metrology of ice adhesion; test methods for quantifying ice adhesion strength to surfaces; interlaboratory studies of ice adhesion strength; mechanisms of surface icing and deicing technologies; anti-icing using microstructured surfaces; durability assessment of icephobic coatings; bio-inspired icephobic coatings; challenges in rational fabrication of icephobic surfaces; protection from ice accretion on aircraft; and numerical modeling and its application to inflight icing.
The goals of this experimental program were to optimize the effectiveness of an icephobic coating for use on several Space Shuttle surfaces, to evaluate the effects of adding an ultraviolet light absorber (UVA) on coating performance, and to assess the consistency and durability of the basic coating and its modifications. The double lap shear test was used to quantify ice adhesion performance at a constant temperature of 112 C (170 F). The experiments used ice that was grown as strong and consistently as possible before being subjected to the extreme temperature decrease. Standardized coating application with a foam brush provided consistent and reproducible surface coverage. The program included 20 tests subdivided in two phases. Phase 1 focused on determining an optimal coating of Rain-X and varying weight fractions of PTFE powders MP-55 and UF-8TA. Ice adhesion to the UF-8TA coatings was similar to that of the uncoated controls. Conversely, the MP-55 coatings produced large reductions in ice adhesion. Through three cycles of phase 1 testing the M4 coating, a mixture of 60% Rain-X with 40% MP- 55, was the best and most consistent by a wide margin. As a result, M4 was the basis of all phase 2 mixes. Phase 2 tests sought to verify the effectiveness and durability of the optimal coating for several surfaces on the shuttle and to quantify any changes in effectiveness resulting from the addition of UVA to the coating. The ice adhesion to coated coupons with Koropon, Kapton tape, Kapton film, and Fire-X (fire-retardant paint) surfaces was a small fraction of the adhesion to corresponding uncoated coupons. Rain-X solvent loss during prolonged coating preparation caused a greater increase in ice adhesion than that of adding the UVA. A rapid mixing procedure was developed to minimize this problem. The M4 coating showed outstanding performance and durability through five cycles of ice growth and adhesive failure.
This is a comprehensive book that documents the fundamentals of atmospheric icing and surveys the state of the art in eight chapters, each written by a team of experienced and internationally renowned experts. The treatment is detailed and richly illustrated.
Minimizing adhesion of ice has been the subject of extensive studies for applications such aircraft wings, wind turbine blades spacecraft, power transmission wires, while a growing interest concerns coatings for aerospace applications. The work described here describes progress for coatings and ice release test method development over the last few years. Major achievements include: (1) New Rigid Adherent-Resistant Elastomers (RARE), (2) A new Epoxied Cylinder (EC) adhesion test, (3) Validation of an ice release test, and (4) Study of ice adhesion strength on coating thickness for a PDM.S. elastomer. Rigid Adhesion-Resistance Elastomers (RARE) are comprised of 3F 1 terminated with triethoxysilane moieties and linear 3F polyurethane (U-3F). Hybrid compositions U-3F-x are designated by polyurethane weight percent "x". Interestingly, RARE coatings spontaneously "self-stratify" during coating deposition and cure. Cured RARE coatings are comprised of (1) a nanoscale surface layer with low work of adhesion, (2) a low modulus mesoscale and (3) a tough U-3F bulk, where "Mesoscale" is defined as a near surface region with a depth ~ 1000 nm. An EC adhesion test was developed to evaluate the fouling release characteristics of RARE. EC adhesion testing was devised by using the commercially available instrument, TA RSA-3. The TA RSA-3 is well suited for these tests as the 3.5 kg load cell facilitates accurate measurements. This test gives peak force (Ps) for EC removal. A striking compositional dependence was found for EC adhesion. A U-3F-50 hybrid coating had the lowest adhesion (Ps = 0.078 MPa) with good toughness (6.2 MPa). Bulk and surface characterization together with adhesion measurements established U-3F-x hybrid coatings, and U-3F-50 in particular, as new fluorous rigid adherent-resistant elastomers (RARE) that are tough, oil resistant, and optically transparent. Inspired by the Epoxied Cylinder (EC) adhesion test, a laboratory method for ice adhesion measurement with a commercially available instrument was established in the Wynne Laboratory. This is the first laboratory ice adhesion test that does not require a custom built apparatus. The temperature controlled chamber on TA RSA-3 is an enabling feature that is essential for the test. The method involves removal of an ice cylinder from a polymer coating with a probe and the determination of peak removal force (Ps). To validate the test method, the strength of ice adhesion was determined for a prototypical glassy polymer, poly(methyl methacrylate). The distance of the probe from the PMMA surface has been identified as a critical variable for Ps. The new test provides a readily available platform for investigating fundamental surface characteristics affecting ice adhesion. In addition to the ice release test, PMMA coatings were characterized using DSC, DCA and TM-AFM. This new laboratory ice release test was then employed to obtain the thickness dependence of ice adhesion for Sylgard 184, a filled polydimethylsiloxane elastomer. A correlation between ice adhesion and coating thickness (t) was found, that follows a relationship developed by Kendall over 40 years ago for removal of a rigid object from an elastomer. In particular, a nearly linear relationship between peak removal stress (Ps) and 1/t1/2 was found, with Ps decreasing from 550 kPa to 100 kPa with coating thickness increasing from 12[micro]m to 800[micro]m. While work of adhesion, which is related to surface free energy, is recognized as an important factor that can affect ice release, the results reported herein show that coating thickness can override this single parameter for elastomeric substrates. Base on the result, a general model is proposed for the removal of ice from low modulus elastomers (~10 MPa).
Icing impairs operation of helicopters and other aircraft, antennae, power and communication lines, shipping and superstructures, canal locks, etc. Prevention or easier removal of icing requires reduction of its adhesion strength. Literature study shows that adhesion results from secondary (van der Waals) forces yet exceeds normal cohesive strengths. It depends on free surface energy, low contact angle, good contact and wetting, cleanliness, and texture. Modes of adhesion testing are briefly discussed. Poor adhesion occurs with low energy surfaces or contaminants, e.g. hydrocarbons, fluorocarbons, waxes, oils, etc., particularly when textured or porous. The resulting low contact angle, poor wetting and occlusion of air at the interface weaken the bond or provide stress loci which can initiate cracks and failure. Coefficient of expansion differences may help in release of ice. Further ideas appear among the 100 abstracts presented. A survey of over 300 manufacturers produced over 100 replies. Half of them offered some 100 products deemed worth testing. These are listed with addresses and contacts.
This is the story of a unique facility that has made unparalleled contributions to a specialized area of aeronautics research that affects virtually all who fly.
​This volume provides perspectives on the approaches, mechanisms, test methods, durability considerations, and environmental concerns for contamination mitigating coatings and polymers with emphasis on their use in more extreme aerospace and marine terrestrial environments. Parts of the Volume are devoted to application of biomimetics to contamination mitigation polymeric coatings, low ice adhesion surfaces, insect residue adhesion resistance coatings, and marine biofouling mitigation materials. By juxtaposing ice insect, and marine mitigation approaches, researchers and users may more easily identify threads of similarity that will assist in future developments and potential applications in these areas. The volume is of interest to chemists and material scientists in providing awareness of both the need for efficacy in mitigating contamination and for appropriate coating durability; to physicists in providing better understanding of the interaction between the contaminant, the coated surface, and the surrounding environment; and to engineers in describing the need for better scale-up tests between laboratory and field environments.