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Dirk KRAUSMÜLLER, An ambiguous authority: Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and the debate about the care of the dead (6th-11th century)Pablo A. CAVALLERO, Doble en la hagiografía. Relator y públicoCarmelo CRIMI, I «Versi per la domenica di Pasqua» di Arsenio. Testo, traduzione, commentoSanto LUCÀ, La Parva Catechesis di Teodoro Studita in Italia meridionale: un nuovo testimone ritrovato a Melfi, in Basilicata Augusta ACCONCIA LONGO, I percorsi di una leggenda: Eliodoro Virgilio FaustGuillaume SAINT-GUILLAIN, The conquest of Monemvasia by the Franks: date and contextDomenico SURACE, La corrispondenza teologica con Paolo di Samosata (CPG 1705, 1708-1709). Considerazioni sull’editio princeps romana del 1608Salvatore COSTANZA, Trattati metabizantini di psefomanzia sulla vita coniugale (Athen. EBE 1265, ff. 49v-51v; 61r e 1275, f. 49v; IBI 211, ff. 46r-48v)Kostis PAVLOU, Solomòs fra italiano e greco: la designificazione di uno stilema neoclassicoPubblicazioni ricevute (a cura di Laura ZADRA)
For an entire millennium, Byzantine hagiography, inspired by the veneration of many saints, exhibited literary dynamism and a capacity to vary its basic forms. The subgenres into which it branched out after its remarkable start in the fourth century underwent alternating phases of development and decline that were intertwined with changes in the political, social and literary spheres. The selection of saintly heroes, an interest in depicting social landscapes, and the modulation of linguistic and stylistic registers captured the voice of homo byzantinus down to the end of the empire in the fifteenth century. The seventeen chapters in this companion form the sequel to those in volume I which dealt with the periods and regions of Byzantine hagiography, and complete the first comprehensive survey ever produced in this field. The book is the work of an international group of experts in the field and is addressed to both a broader public and the scholarly community of Byzantinists, medievalists, historians of religion and theorists of narrative. It highlights the literary dimension and the research potential of a representative number of texts, not only those appreciated by the Byzantines themselves but those which modern readers rank high due to their literary quality or historical relevance.
INDICE Andrea TORNO GINNASI, La toupha e il cavallo Tomás FERNÁNDEZ, Malas mujeres en Leoncio de Neápolis Angela PRINZI, Una redazione inedita della Passio SS. Caesarii et Iuliani: la Passio graeca minor (BHG 285d) tràdita dal ms. Ambr. D 92 sup. Daniele BIANCONI, Sparagmata di un antico testimone dell’Historia Ecclesiastica di Eusebio di Cesarea Enrica FOLLIERI, L’autore della Vita di San Nilo da Rossano André JACOB, L’invocation de Léonce Pietro PODOLAK, Nicetas Archbishop of Nicomedia: a forgotten figure in the twelfth-century controversy surrounding the Filioque Francesco LO CONTE, «Bibliotecham venetiis ornatissimam habet…»: due indici inediti di manoscritti greci appartenuti a Diego Hurtado de Mendoza (1504-1575) Donatella BUCCA, Lucas Holste e il «thesoro nascosto» della biblioteca del San Salvatore di Messina: notizie inedite dal Barb. lat. 3074 Giuseppe M. CROCE, Vocazione ecumenica del monastero di Grottaferrata Massimiliano MAIDA, Bisanzio negli scritti giovanili di Kostìs Palamàs tra rievocazione storica e coscienza nazionale Pubblicazioni ricevute (a cura di Laura ZADRA)
This book offers a collection of essays on Byzantine Italy which provides a fresh synthesis of current research as well as new insights on various aspects of its local societies from the 6th to the 11th century.