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Terriers and terrier mixes are different from other breeds. Learn how to work with your terrier's instincts to get good behavior by getting inside his head and using management techniques to avoid problems at home and out in the world.
You don't want just any dog trainer do you? You want one who will work well with you and your dog. Learn how to evaluate and interview a prospective trainer and what red flags to watch out for.
Training dogs has traditionally been done by using negative reinforcement and brute force (take the choke collar as an example). But the tide is turning, and Terry Ryan, well-known dog trainer, is at the forefront of a revolution. OUTWITTING DOGS draws on her twentyfive years of hands-on experience helping people understand and train dogs, and solve dog behavior problems using kinder, gentler methods. OUTWITTING DOGS uses more brain than brawn to motivate dog behavior with positive training techniques, and helps readers truly understand the minds of their canine friends (and even enemies). Chapters cover: . outwitting puppies . housebreaking . curing the chronic chewer . how to cure the leash puller, the dog that jumps on people, the dog that hates to be left alone, the dog that won't come, the dog that barks too much, the biter, the aggressor . how to outwit the neighbor's dog . how to teach your dog tricks . how to outwit dog trainers . and even a chapter on outwitting dogs and kids at the same time, and much more. No sensible dog owner will want to be without a copy.
Discusses grooming, training, and caring for rat terriers.
In her latest book, Dawn Antoniak-Mitchell turns to the subject of managing and training what she labels “Power Dogs.” This grouping includes dozens of breeds who were originally bred to hunt game or to protect people and their property, many of whom were also employed as fighting dogs. These are physically strong dogs relative to their size, usually with a mix of ancient Mastiff and Bulldog ancestry, and some have more recently been bred to Terriers as well. These dogs tend to be protective, tenacious, and often exhibit aggression toward other dogs, but at the same time are playful, energetic and smart.
Help! He’s herding the neighborhood kids!!
Herding breed dogs such as Border Collies, Corgis, and Australian Shepherds have incredibly strong instinctive behaviors to do the work they were bred for—controlling various kinds of livestock. These behaviors manifest themselves in modern herding breed dogs kept as companions or family pets in a number of ways. These include chasing cars and bicyclists, herding kids, nipping at vulnerable heels, barking incessantly, and acting as the “fun police” in dog parks. All behaviors that are entirely appropriate and necessary when dealing with sheep or cattle, not so great in a suburban neighborhood. Fortunately, these instincts can be redirected in a number of ways that keep these energetic dogs busy and happy as well as out of trouble. That is why so many of these dogs can be taught to excel in agility and obedience trials, love to retrieve, and make great running companions. In her latest book, author Dawn Antoniak-Mitchell offers solutions to solving and preventing problem behaviors associated with herding breeds living in the modern world. And no, even though your Border Collie or Corgi might love it, you don’t need to buy a farm!

As the owner of two obsessive but outstanding herding dogs, I found myself nodding along in agreement with this book from start to finish. Dawn offers tips to allow a handler to work with, rather than against a dog’s herding instincts and her easy-to-read writing style and the depth of information she shares makes this book a must read for anyone who works or lives with herding dogs.
Nicole Larocco-Skeehan, CPDT-KA and member of the Board of Directors, CCPDT

A super resource that explains how instinctive behaviors impact dogs in their every day activities. I especially like the training tips—very clear and helpful explanations to manage problems often brought out by a variety of herding instincts.
Lynn Leach, owner of Downriver Stock Dog Training and creator of the popular All Breed Herding DVD series

A wonderful mix of training information, management suggestions, psychology, and commonsense advice for herding dog owners. Easy to read and filled with gems of information for all dog owners—like eliminating annoying barking! I highly recommend this book for trainers and owners of any breed of dog.
Gail Tamases Fisher, CDBC and author of The Thinking Dog

If you have chosen to bring a herding breed in to your life and home this is the book for you! Dawn takes the reader through the history of herding breeds in order to help you understand the why behind some of the obsessive-compulsive behaviors your herding breed may be exhibiting. Better yet, Dawn then offers up specific exercises and training techniques to help herding breed owners become as valuable as livestock in the eyes of their herding dog. You owe it to your herding breed to read this book!
Gerianne Darnell, author of Canine Crosstraining: Achieving Excellence in Multiple Dog Sports

Dawn Antoniak-Mitchell is the author of Terrier-Centric Training, and From Birdbrained to Brilliant. She is the owner of BonaFide Dog Academy in Omaha, Nebraska.
The human-canine bond: a relationship steeped in love with equal parts mutual respect, trust, and regard In this groundbreaking book, professional dog trainer Victoria Schade reveals that a successful relationship between you and your dog isn't about establishing yourself as the pack leader, but about building a meaningful bond. She explains how this bond forms the core of your entire relationship; if it's lacking, it's the primary source of any frustration you may be having with your dog. First, you'll take a quiz to help you gauge your current relationship with your dog. Next, you'll learn the building blocks for creating a positive, mutually rewarding bond-from granting privileges to being unpredictable to offering ample praise and playtime. You'll discover how a bonded dog: Listens to obedience cues Wants you in her sightlines, even in intriguing environments Doesn't escape through open doorways Understands and follows your house rules Wants to be close to you and work with you Truly trusts and respects you Whether you share your heart and home with a puppy, an adolescent, or a senior dog, it's never too early or too late to build a bond to last a lifetime-and this book shows you how.
Train your dog to love showing! Most people learn how train their show dog by trial and error emphasis on error. Much of the information about show dog training is learned by ringside observation or word-of-mouth from experienced exhibitor to novice.
From the New York Times bestselling author of Through a Dog’s Eyes—the inspiration for the PBS documentary—a paradigm-shifting approach to living with and loving our dogs There are few people who understand dogs better than Jennifer Arnold. Twenty-five years after she founded Canine Assistants, a nationally recognized nonprofit that raises and provides service dogs for people with disabilities, Arnold had an epiphany. She’d always approached the education of dogs with kindness and compassion—eschewing the faux science of fear and domination-based training methods. And she’d always understood dogs to be uniquely, uncannily attuned to their human companions; in fact she depended on it—she knew that the bond that developed between a person and their service dog was the single greatest predictor of that partnership’s success and, conversely, failure to bond brought about anxiety and distress in dogs. But it wasn’t until recent scientific findings confirmed her hands-on experience with dogs’ intuitive social skills that she was willing to put this bold idea to the test: Dogs who bond with us completely and unconditionally will seek to please us and, with minimal cues, can learn to make remarkably sophisticated decisions about their own behavior. Sure, dogs can be taught commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “heel,” but even the kindest reward and punishment models were merely manipulating dogs’ behavior, rather than unleashing their unique social genius and innate ability to navigate the world. In this groundbreaking, persuasive, and heartfelt book, Arnold shows us how every dog—no matter their age—can thrive through Bond-Based Choice Teaching. Her proprietary method has been hailed by leading canine behavioral scientists and is being adopted by notable dog trainers, advocates, humane societies, and puppies behind bars programs across the country. For this liberating, revolutionary method to succeed, Arnold says, love really is all you need. Advance praise for Love Is All You Need “Jennifer Arnold, who has trained service dogs for the past twenty years for people with physical disabilities, offers a window into the world of ‘man’s best friend.’ Arnold, who believes that dogs are attuned to their owner’s needs and emotions, shares tips she thinks every dog owner should know.”—ABC News “[Arnold] takes pride in facilitating the powerful relationship between every service dog and its owner—a bond that is as much about companionship and comfort as it is about health and safety.”—Everyday Health “Within the world of dogs and canine behavior there are only a handful of people who truly ‘move the needle’ when it comes to innovation, novel approaches, and intuitive thinking—Jennifer Arnold is one of those rare few. Constantly pushing boundaries of traditional thought, she not only provides fresh perspectives about how we interact with and learn from man’s best friend, she fearlessly forges new paths that stimulate and engage dog lovers as well as behavior experts and explores possibilities which previously may have seemed out of reach.”—Victoria Stilwell, star of Animal Planet’s It’s Me or the Dog and CEO of Victoria Stilwell Positively Dog Training
Explains how raising dogs is like raising children; provides advice on choosing, socializing, and training a puppy, an adolescent dog, or an adult dog; and discusses such issues as relationships with other dogs and the aging dog.