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This book can be regarded as a resource book for teachers who would like to apply multiple entry point approaches,a framework of multiple intelligences proposed by Gardner,in their language classes.On-line sources are particularly valuable in learning situations where teachers usually expect authentic materials.Moreover,this book builds a bridge from theory to practical approach aiming to assist teachers who believe intrinsically in the use of technology,but have not been trained in its use. 本書以行動研究探討應用多元智慧理論結合網路資源於英文教學。主要探討下列四個領域:(1)教師如何更有效地使用網站資源作為英語學習教材;(2)網頁設計影響學習者參與學習的程度﹔(3)教師如何融入多元智慧理論在網路輔助英語教學的情境裡;(4)結合網站資源和多元智能策略塑造語言學習的成果探討。【秀威資訊科技股份有限公司製作】
Demonstrates how multiple intelligences theory can be teamed with technology to produce curriculum that inspires students to learn.
Over the past 50 years, brain researchers have stated that human beings probably use less than 1 percent of the brain's potential, and research findings about human intelligence have transformed almost all previous definitions of intelligence. This booklet addresses the following key findings in intelligence research: intelligence is not fixed or static; intelligence can be learned and taught; and intelligence is a multidimensional phenomenon that occurs at multiple levels of the brain/mind/body system. After this discussion of the research, the publication is divided into five parts: (1) "Overview of the Seven Intelligences" (verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, visual/spatial, body/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, interpersonal intelligence, and intrapersonal intelligence); (2) "Teaching for Multiple Intelligences: A New Look at the Curriculum" (includes an exercise on how one can teach for multiple intelligences in one's curriculum); (3) "New Instructional Methods for Teaching with Multiple Intelligences"; (4) "Teaching about Multiple Intelligences: Re-inventing the Learning Process"; and (5) "A Multi-Modal Approach to Assessment" (includes techniques for student evaluation and teacher self-assessment). (Contains 27 references.) (LL)
Multiple intelligences (MI) as a cognitive psychology theory has significantly influenced learning and teaching. Research has demonstrated a strong association between individual intelligences and their cognitive processes and behaviors. However, it remains unknown how each of or a combination of these intelligences can be effectively optimized through instructional intervention, particularly through the use of emerging learning technology. On the other hand, while efforts have been made to unveil the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and individual learner performance, there is a lack of knowledge in how MI theory may guide the use of ICTs to enhance learning opportunities for students. Examining Multiple Intelligences and Digital Technologies for Enhanced Learning Opportunities is an essential reference book that generates new knowledge about how ICTs can be utilized to promote MI in various formal and informal learning settings. Featuring a range of topics such as augmented reality, learning analytics, and mobile learning, this book is ideal for teachers, instructional designers, curriculum developers, ICT specialists, educational professionals, administrators, instructors, academicians, and researchers.
La relació entre llengua i Internet es posa de manifest en aquesta obra, que fa èmfasi en la manera com Internet contribueix al desenvolupament d'aspectes pràctics com ara la recerca terminològica, l'ensenyament fent servir materials curriculars en xarxa...
Provides a framework to help teachers connect brain-compatible learning, multiple intelligences, and the Internet to help students learn and understand critical concepts.
Offers middle and high school social studies teachers advice on incorporating digital technology and the Internet into their curriculum.