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There are certain believers today who are of the opinion that living right and doing good works are all it takes to reach the world and turn people to Christ. Is this really true? Some others also criticize the approach of those who actively evangelize, share tracts and preach the Gospel with every opportunity as being too confrontational. Are they correct? As important as living right and doing the right thing are, there are still many people who would not be saved until they hear and understand the Gospel. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? Romans 10:14 And this is why the Lord Jesus specifically instructs us to ‘Go’ and ‘Preach the Gospel’.And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15 This does not suggest any form of passiveness or indifference, but literarily going out there to relate the message of the Gospel to the lost. This requires some deliberate efforts. In this book, you would learn practical steps and wisdom from scriptures on how to be proactive in reaching out to the lost and winning souls to Christ through teaching, preaching and testifying.
Evangelical Christians have a doctrinal duty to try to convert others to their faith, but in today's secular, cynical culture, finding people who are willing to listen can be a formidable challenge. This twentieth-century masterpiece is regarded as one of the key texts in the Evangelical canon, and it's a must-read for anyone who takes "the art of soul-winning" seriously.
Prospering and having wealth are two different things. Prospering is making financial progress but, wealth is a state. God can make a man prosper but, being wealthy is your choice, based on your money skill. There are people who are rich but, have made themselves poor because, they do not desire to be wealthy, while there are also people who are poor but, have made themselves rich because of their desire to be wealthy. If I were to give a man a thousand dollars every day for the rest of his life, he now has a continuous income, so, he can be said to be prospering. But, if he desires to be wealthy and learns to accumulate this income, invest it and reinvest, he may become wealthy. However, if he decides to spend it as it comes, he will always have money but, he might not have it in such a way that can be defined as wealth. A man is said to be wealthy when he has a continuous, automated, accumulating, and re-circulating cash inflow backed by great assets. To accumulate wealth, you must: know about money, how to generate it, and how to multiply it. Money has to be generated, managed, and multiplied, to create wealth. Wealth, therefore, depends on the volume of money made, the volume of money working for you, and the volume of money generated from your investments. This book will thus, be focused on wealth accumulation through the principles of making, managing, multiplying, and ministering money.
Witnessing is the essence and purpose of the church. The concept should hence be understood in its entirety. Jesus gave the church this all important calling at His ascension because it is the heartbeat of the Father. Sadly, most people and churches have not fully understood it, making the church ineffective in its fulfillment. Witnessing is a lot more than preaching from street to street, morning cries or even mega crusades. Though these are very important in witnessing, they are perhaps just a minute part of the process. This book aims to enunciate the concept of witnessing as a process that requires the right consciousness, attitude, and sacrifice and the role of the church, individuals and groups in effective witnessing. Our Master Jesus Christ is coming back very soon. Consequently, we need to employ all necessary techniques, and tactics to witness to this world for Him. As you read this book, I pray that God will birth in you a strong passion for souls and grant you understanding into this ultimate assignment of witnessing in Jesus Name. Amen.
The prophets and disciples of old walked with God and in their walk, they encountered challenges and mountains, some of which we still experience today. For instance, the Bible talks of Elijah as a man of like passion who sought the face of the Lord in prayers and got results. So also Abraham, Moses, David, and many others who triumphed through the power of prayer. So, in this book, we will study how they prayed, what they prayed for, and how they overcame their challenges through prayers. Also, as new creatures in Christ Jesus, there are some prayers in scriptures that we need to understand which will help us in our spiritual growth and spiritual journey to maturity. More importantly, also, understanding these prayers will help us in participating effectively in the prayer ministry of Christ. In synopsis, we will study the prayers of some patriarchs of faith; some prayers of the psalmist, the prayers of Jesus, the prayers of Apostle Paul, and finally, study praying in tongues in detail - what I refer to as automatic intercession.
Do you want to prosper? Do you want to enjoy financial prosperity? Do you know that God can make you rich? Do you want to know how? The journey into financial prosperity begins with the understanding that God wants you to prosper. The doubt many believers exhibit about the concept of prosperity can be traced to a lack of this foundational understanding. This is why many believers wallow in poverty with the assumption that it may be God’s will for them. The focus of this book will therefore be to expose the origin and source of poverty, God’s original mind about your prosperity, and how God prospers a man. Also, the way God prospers a man is different from the way of the world, an understanding of how God prospers a man is thus, necessary to walk in the God-kind of prosperity. Therefore, dedicate quality time to read and meditate on this book because it contains all-around truth about financial prosperity.
It is not possible to successfully undertake lay ministry without the anointing. Sadly, many lay ministers do not prioritize or give proper place to the anointing and this is why many of them seem to struggle. To successfully carry out lay ministry whether in the area of teaching the word, soul-winning, and pastoral care, or even in carrying out administrative duties, the lay minister needs the anointing. Thus, understanding the anointing, how to function in it, and develop it, is necessary for every minister. In this book, I will show you what the anointing is, how it functions, and how to develop it for optimal results in lay ministry.
As we will see in this book, an altar is a technology for communicating and teleporting between two realms. It is a mystery that is replete all over the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. Before the Law, the revelation of altars existed, and in the Law, altars existed. We also see altars in the New Testament, and even in the Book of Revelation. The revelation of altars is thus key to spiritual power, and this is why the people of the occult world and the kingdom of Satan do not joke with it. Unfortunately, the church that should be the custodian of the revelation of altars has since lost its principles. Churches now have stages instead of altars. This is sad. In the past, kings and other great leaders revered the church. It was the Queen of Scotland that said, 'I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe’. Where is the Lord God of Elijah who fought the prophets of Baal after repairing the altar of God? Where is the Lord God of Moses who brought Israel out of Egypt and parted the Red Sea. Where is the God of Joshua who caused time to stand still? As a church and as individuals, if we would see the power of God as of old, we must learn again the principle of altars. We must set our hearts to understand sacrifice, the blood of Jesus, and the power of prayer. We must understand how to set up an altar and learn how to shut and open portals in the realm of the spirit through the technology of altars. We must also learn how to legalize and criminalize altars, and how to furnish our altars with blood. We must not be ignorant of the impact of family altars and the altars through which we are attacked as the Body of Christ. We must align our heart altar with heaven's altar to bring heaven's power to the earth as only the power of God can do the work of God. In this book, I will share with you many deep secrets, many of which will be new to you. I advise you to take time to meditate and research for yourself. The Lord has trusted me with so much revelation for our day, and not only have I taught these, I have seen the results and testimonies abound. This is why in the appendix of this book, I have shared testimonies from some of the people who have practiced the revelation published in this book because the results cannot lie. I pray for you that as you read, you will receive insights by the power of the Holy Ghost. God bless you!
The never seen coronavirus pandemic has brought every nation to its knees and seeks to further cause fear, panic and great losses. Many claim the virus was from an experiment, others say it was planned by China while even propaganda in China says it is from the US. Could this pandemic be a harbinger of worst things to come? Could it be signaling the new era of chaos? When will it end and can the world recover from its effect? In September of 2019, I had a vision and in that vision I saw a pale horse and a rider. The rider was pink in body and apparel, the horse was also light pink in colour. Then I heard, 'The pale horse has been released', which is the spirit of death and hell with a mission to bring mass death on the earth so that many may die before they come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and thereby end up in hell. (I will elaborate more on this in the first chapter of this book). Before this time, based on my theology, the four horses spoken about in Revelations chapter 6 are to ride after the rapture.